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Hours: 8.00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
07/21/2022 Ajit R Development Bug #2879: API Issue - Three times showing same time slot when patient going to book an appointment according to the doctor it will be manage by doctor they enter his time slot according to them 0.00 Actions
07/20/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2785: Documents > upload document >check issues below It gives error "Appointment id field is required" please check this 1.00 Actions
07/20/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2782: when patient select prescription and lab on side menu tab, below the screen menu bar is not moving to prescription & lab working fine for prescription but not working for Lab still 1.00 Actions
07/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2730: Needs to change subject of notifications Check design of postpone popup & booking request notification not coming to doctor 1.00 Actions
07/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2740: After cancelling appointment check spelling of "Cancelled" . & Confirmation popup Cancel &booking text should be in title case 2nd point not message appearing after cancelling booking appointment.. 1.00 Actions
07/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2815: Delete any lab report - after deleting showing wrong lab id getting deleted Stil showing wrong id deleted...working fine after refreshing screen 1.00 Actions
07/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2825: Sidebar menu > Email > Email field is blank by default...just go to select patient but not select any patient & come back...check appeared on email field...wher it comes from? issue still showing if we come back from phone's back button 1.00 Actions
07/15/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2824: Sidebar menu > Email > Check issues below 4th point not fixed - API end 1.00 Actions
07/05/2022 priyanka Sharma Development Bug #2754: After sign up Create profile screen issues - check below 1.00 Actions

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