



From 12/06/2021 to 12/15/2021


07:47 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #883 (In Progress): License type-->ERSP-->Relationship tab-->Start date, end date-->End Date can't fall before Start Date.
Himanshu Singh
07:47 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #882 (In Progress): License type-->ERSP/NRSP-->Relationship tab-->shareholder %-->ShareHolder % can't more than 100%
Himanshu Singh
06:37 PM Report of surrendered, active, Inactive, revoked, De-registered licensees by sector Change Request #887 (Closed): Report-->Internal Report-->License status-->select any status-->click on view-->1. Need to correct the time (2). Need to add a column with heading "Changed By" or "Added By" in pass the value "Super admin" for this column.
1. Need to correct the time
2. Need to add a column with the heading "Changed By" or "Added By" in passing the v...
arti saraswat
05:46 PM Trust and company managers Change Request #886 (Closed): Report-->Trust and company managers-->Report of Service type-->select ALL/Company manager/ service type trust-->-->select company name-->the page is just loading
Report-->Trust and company managers-->Report of Service type-->select ALL/Company manager/ service type trust-->selec... arti saraswat
04:43 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #885 (Closed): License type-->NRSP-->Registration date-->Incorporation date-->alter registration date-->As soon as the user updates the registration date then Date of Incorporation is getting disappear.
As soon as the user updates the registration date then Date of Incorporation is getting disappear.
Step to reprodu...
arti saraswat
03:59 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #841 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->NPO register-->Why is today's date showing in the "De-Register" date column even after status is "Active"

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:59 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #838 (Closed): License type-->ERSP-->create entity-->then go with that entity-->Go with LICENSES/REGISTRATION tab-->then why does this by default row appear?
DONE arti saraswat
12:40 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #838 (Resolved): License type-->ERSP-->create entity-->then go with that entity-->Go with LICENSES/REGISTRATION tab-->then why does this by default row appear?
Information provided why we have this blank row. Himanshu Singh
03:58 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #852 (Closed): License type-->NPO-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:58 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #880 (Closed): ERSP/NRSP/NPO-->there should be an address heading along with address so, that user can identify which one is address 1 and address2 or address 3.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:37 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #880 (Resolved): ERSP/NRSP/NPO-->there should be an address heading along with address so, that user can identify which one is address 1 and address2 or address 3.
Himanshu Singh
03:57 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #851 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "18, 20 etc" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digits while creating the company?

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:57 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #850 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:00 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #884 (Closed): NPO/NRSP/ERSP Change status to De-Registered-->Report-->Internal report-->NPO, ERSP and NRSP-->the date of Deregistration is not shown on the report end.
the date of Deregistration is not shown on the report end.
Step to reproduce:
License type
arti saraswat
01:44 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #849 (Closed): License type-->NPO-->Go with Npo profile section-->provide value-->save information-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO-->Values do not reflect for "PURPOSE", "OBJECTIVES" and " ACTIVITIES" column.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
01:19 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #840 (Closed): License type-->NPO-->NPO Profile section-->put values in Purpose, Objective and activities-->save information-->as soon as the user saves the information the given value disappears from these 3 fields.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:50 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #881 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP Register-->contact name should be in single line.
Himanshu Singh


06:04 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #883 (Closed): License type-->ERSP-->Relationship tab-->Start date, end date-->End Date can't fall before Start Date.
License type-->ERSP-->Relationship tab-->Start date, end date-->End Date can't fall before Start Date.
See attache...
arti saraswat
05:31 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #842 (Reopened ): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Register Date--->date format should be same for Register Date under License type and Ersp report.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that this issue is not fixed yet.
Note: Make sure the date f...
arti saraswat
05:27 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #843 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "96" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digit(96) while creating the company?
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
05:27 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #845 (Reopened ): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-Register) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that this issue is not fixed yet.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
05:25 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #848 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->pdf-->Not all column are showing in pdf file.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
05:23 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #833 (Reopened ): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->word is splitting, there should be a scroll bar for that data table so that a single word can appear for the same line, instead of word split.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that this issue is not fixed yet.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
05:02 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #882 (Closed): License type-->ERSP/NRSP-->Relationship tab-->shareholder %-->ShareHolder % can't more than 100%
License type-->ERSP/NRSP-->Relationship tab-->shareholder %-->ShareHolder % can't more than 100%
NOTE:Same issue w...
arti saraswat
04:57 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #847 (Closed): License type-->ERSP-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->ersp register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column
This issue has been verified,
found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
04:47 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #846 (In Progress): License type-->ERSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Value from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" is not getting fetched in "TYPE OF LICENSE" column at report end.
Himanshu Singh
04:47 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #838 (In Progress): License type-->ERSP-->create entity-->then go with that entity-->Go with LICENSES/REGISTRATION tab-->then why does this by default row appear?
Himanshu Singh
04:47 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #856 (In Progress): License type-->NRSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->Values from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" do not reflect in "TYPE OF BUSINESS" column at report end.
Himanshu Singh
04:32 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #855 (Reopened ): Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
This issue has been verified, found that the issue has not been fixed yet
See attached screenshot:
arti saraswat
03:38 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #881 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP Register-->contact name should be in single line.
Report-->Internal report-->ERSP Register-->contact name should be in single line.
See attached screenshot:
arti saraswat
03:35 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #857 (Closed): Report-->NRSP-->Contact person-->should space between first and middle name.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:24 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #880 (Closed): ERSP/NRSP/NPO-->there should be an address heading along with address so, that user can identify which one is address 1 and address2 or address 3.
ERSP/NRSP/NPO-->there should be an address heading along with address so, that the user can identify which one is add... arti saraswat
02:45 PM Credit Unions Register Change Request #828 (Reopened ): User should be able to create companies with the same entity name in different sectors.
This issue has been verified,
found that the issue has been not fixed yet, as right now same data is coming in all ...
arti saraswat
12:23 PM Credit Unions Register Change Request #819 (Closed): Report-->Credit Union register-->Search bar and previous, next button should not move with the scroll bar(Design issue)
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:23 PM Credit Unions Register Change Request #826 (Closed): Relationship-->Email address-->email address can't be case sensitive.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
11:24 AM Credit Unions Register Bug #879 (Closed): Relationship-->Add relationship-->Start date-->End date-->End Date can't fall before start date.
Start date-->End date-->End Date can't fall before the start date.
Step to reproduce:
Go with the License type
arti saraswat


04:36 PM Credit Unions Register Change Request #858 (Closed): Licensee type-->Credit unions-->fill mandatory field-->Click on Save information button-->User is unable to create company.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:19 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #839 (In Progress): License type-->NPO-->Design issue(NPO profile section), need to increase the width of that section.
Himanshu Singh
10:06 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #855 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Himanshu Singh
10:06 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #850 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Himanshu Singh
10:06 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #845 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-Register) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Himanshu Singh


06:34 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #762 (Resolved): Second Form-->Middle name-->Middle name should be mandatory-->Previous name-->Previous name should not mandatory
Himanshu Singh
02:52 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #761 (In Progress): Money services-->Form First-->Go with Point-3 and Point-8-->Red marked area should not allow special characters-->Point-5 & 6-->Should not allows unlimited characters-->Point-17-->telephone num field should not allow alphabets and specials characters
Himanshu Singh
02:52 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #790 (In Progress): International Banks-->first form-->Point-3, 8, 14, 20(a), 20(b), 28-->allows special characters and percentage can't more than 100, Age can't be negative, age can't be unlimited
Himanshu Singh
01:23 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #790 (Resolved): International Banks-->first form-->Point-3, 8, 14, 20(a), 20(b), 28-->allows special characters and percentage can't more than 100, Age can't be negative, age can't be unlimited
Have tested the form. Himanshu Singh


03:08 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #850 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Himanshu Singh
03:07 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #792 (Resolved): International Banks-->First Form-->Put required details-->save-->In case of edit entered data get disappear
All the form data is now getting updated from the panel and also getting displayed. For verification, we would requir... Himanshu Singh


05:10 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #789 (Resolved): International Banks-->First Form-->Point no-10, 13, 17, 20, 21-->Click on + icon-->As user clicks on +icon for adding row then on single click 2 rows getting active.
Himanshu Singh
05:01 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #791 (Resolved): International Banks-->First Form-->Point no-21(b)-->Date field-->when the user clicks on the Date field then, the calendar does not open.
Now the date is being displayed after clicking on the date field. Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #765 (Resolved): Form 2-->Point no-6, 7-->Even after done with the payment admin is still able to edit in these two field
Himanshu Singh
03:40 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #766 (Resolved): Form MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point no-5, 6-->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Complete sentence does not reflect at admin end
The page has been updated and tested from my end. I have also designed the box to show all of the data. Himanshu Singh
03:28 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #764 (Resolved): FORM 2-->Point 1, 2, 3,4, 8, 9, 10, 11 -->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Post Licensee request-->complete sentence is not displayed at the admin end.
The page has been updated and tested from my(Himanshu Singh's) end. I have also designed the box to show all of the d... Himanshu Singh
10:08 AM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #763 (Resolved): FORM 2-->Put date of birth-->validate and submit-->Date of birth is getting disappear after validate and submit or after payment
Working properly on my end. Himanshu Singh


05:59 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #762 (In Progress): Second Form-->Middle name-->Middle name should be mandatory-->Previous name-->Previous name should not mandatory
Himanshu Singh
04:17 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #855 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Himanshu Singh
03:58 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #845 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-Register) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Himanshu Singh


06:43 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #856 (New): License type-->NRSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->Values from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" do not reflect in "TYPE OF BUSINESS" column at report end.
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #856 (In Progress): License type-->NRSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->Values from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" do not reflect in "TYPE OF BUSINESS" column at report end.
Himanshu Singh
06:43 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #838 (New): License type-->ERSP-->create entity-->then go with that entity-->Go with LICENSES/REGISTRATION tab-->then why does this by default row appear?
Himanshu Singh
06:43 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #846 (New): License type-->ERSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Value from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" is not getting fetched in "TYPE OF LICENSE" column at report end.
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #846 (In Progress): License type-->ERSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Value from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" is not getting fetched in "TYPE OF LICENSE" column at report end.
Himanshu Singh
06:16 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #852 (Resolved): License type-->NPO-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #852 (In Progress): License type-->NPO-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column
Himanshu Singh
06:16 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #851 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "18, 20 etc" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digits while creating the company?
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #851 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "18, 20 etc" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digits while creating the company?
Himanshu Singh
06:16 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #847 (Resolved): License type-->ERSP-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->ersp register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column
Himanshu Singh
06:15 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #857 (Resolved): Report-->NRSP-->Contact person-->should space between first and middle name.
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #857 (In Progress): Report-->NRSP-->Contact person-->should space between first and middle name.
Himanshu Singh
06:07 PM Credit Unions Register Change Request #858 (Resolved): Licensee type-->Credit unions-->fill mandatory field-->Click on Save information button-->User is unable to create company.
sunil gupta
11:22 AM Credit Unions Register Change Request #858 (Closed): Licensee type-->Credit unions-->fill mandatory field-->Click on Save information button-->User is unable to create company.
The user is unable to create the company.
Licensee type-->Credit unions-->fill mandatory field-->Click on...
arti saraswat
12:06 PM Insurance Register Bug #859 (New): Licensee type-->Insurance-->fill mandatory field-->Click on Save information button-->User is unable to create company.
The user is unable to create the company.
Licensee type-->Insurance-->fill mandatory field-->Click on Save informa...
arti saraswat
11:08 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #833 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->word is splitting, there should be a scroll bar for that data table so that a single word can appear for the same line, instead of word split.
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #833 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->word is splitting, there should be a scroll bar for that data table so that a single word can appear for the same line, instead of word split.
Himanshu Singh
11:08 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #840 (Resolved): License type-->NPO-->NPO Profile section-->put values in Purpose, Objective and activities-->save information-->as soon as the user saves the information the given value disappears from these 3 fields.
Himanshu Singh
11:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #842 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Register Date--->date format should be same for Register Date under License type and Ersp report.
Himanshu Singh
11:06 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #843 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "96" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digit(96) while creating the company?
Himanshu Singh
11:05 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #853 (Resolved): License type-->NPO-->add relationship-->executive officer-->no-license entity-->Select service provider-->save information-->report-->internal report-->NPO-->required value does not reflect against that same column "executive officer" at the report end
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #853 (In Progress): License type-->NPO-->add relationship-->executive officer-->no-license entity-->Select service provider-->save information-->report-->internal report-->NPO-->required value does not reflect against that same column "executive officer" at the report end
Himanshu Singh
11:02 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #849 (Resolved): License type-->NPO-->Go with Npo profile section-->provide value-->save information-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO-->Values do not reflect for "PURPOSE", "OBJECTIVES" and " ACTIVITIES" column.
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #849 (In Progress): License type-->NPO-->Go with Npo profile section-->provide value-->save information-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO-->Values do not reflect for "PURPOSE", "OBJECTIVES" and " ACTIVITIES" column.
Himanshu Singh
11:02 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #848 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->pdf-->Not all column are showing in pdf file.
Himanshu Singh
10:56 AM Credit Unions Register Change Request #828 (Resolved): User should be able to create companies with the same entity name in different sectors.
sunil gupta
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #854 (In Progress): Report-->name of companies and count of companies should be same in report section and license type against NRSP sector.
Himanshu Singh
10:07 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #844 (In Progress): License type-->ERSP-->Company Incorporation/Registration Date-->go with ersp again-->edit in any field-->then date getting disappear.
Himanshu Singh


06:50 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #857 (Closed): Report-->NRSP-->Contact person-->should space between first and middle name.
Report-->NRSP-->Contact person-->should space between first and middle name.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
06:38 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #856 (Closed): License type-->NRSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->Values from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" do not reflect in "TYPE OF BUSINESS" column at report end.
Values from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" do not reflect in the "TYPE OF BUSINESS" column at the report end.
arti saraswat
06:34 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #855 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->NRSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Why does the Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-regist... arti saraswat
06:14 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #854 (In Progress): Report-->name of companies and count of companies should be same in report section and license type against NRSP sector.
Report-->name of companies and count of companies should be same in report section and license type against NRSP sect... arti saraswat
05:05 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #853 (Closed): License type-->NPO-->add relationship-->executive officer-->no-license entity-->Select service provider-->save information-->report-->internal report-->NPO-->required value does not reflect against that same column "executive officer" at the report end
the required value does not reflect against that same column "executive officer" at the report end
arti saraswat
04:51 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #852 (Closed): License type-->NPO-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column
the mid name does not reflect at the report end for the "CONTACT PERSON" column.
License type-->NPO-->Main...
arti saraswat
04:48 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #851 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "18, 20 etc" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digits while creating the company?
why does this "18, 20, etc" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such d... arti saraswat
04:41 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #850 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->NPO-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-registered) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Why does the Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-regist... arti saraswat
04:22 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #849 (Closed): License type-->NPO-->Go with Npo profile section-->provide value-->save information-->go with report-->internal report-->NPO-->Values do not reflect for "PURPOSE", "OBJECTIVES" and " ACTIVITIES" column.
Values do not reflect for "PURPOSE", "OBJECTIVES" and "ACTIVITIES" column.
License type-->NPO-->Go with Np...
arti saraswat
03:19 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #848 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->pdf-->Not all column are showing in pdf file.
Himanshu Singh
03:04 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #848 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->pdf-->Not all column are showing in pdf file.
Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->pdf-->Not all column are showing in pdf file.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
03:12 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #847 (In Progress): License type-->ERSP-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->ersp register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column
Himanshu Singh
03:00 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #847 (Closed): License type-->ERSP-->Main contact information-->provide first, mid and last name-->go with report-->internal report-->ersp register-->mid name does not reflect at the report end for "CONTACT PERSON" column
the mid name does not reflect at the report end for the "CONTACT PERSON" column.
License type-->ERSP-->Main...
arti saraswat
02:59 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #842 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Register Date--->date format should be same for Register Date under License type and Ersp report.
Himanshu Singh
11:22 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #842 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Register Date--->date format should be same for Register Date under License type and Ersp report.
Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Register Date--->date format should be same for Register Date under License type an... arti saraswat
02:46 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #837 (Closed): LICENSES/REGISTRATION--> Add Licenses/Category-->save information-->Look at column "Added By"-->there should be "SuperAdmin" instead of blank.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
02:45 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #837 (Resolved): LICENSES/REGISTRATION--> Add Licenses/Category-->save information-->Look at column "Added By"-->there should be "SuperAdmin" instead of blank.
Himanshu Singh
02:34 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #843 (In Progress): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "96" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digit(96) while creating the company?
Himanshu Singh
11:32 AM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #843 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->PHYSICAL ADDRESS-->why does this "96" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digit(96) while creating the company?
why does this "96" appear at the last in the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column, when the user has not mentioned such a digit(96... arti saraswat
01:24 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #820 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->Single company is appearing multiple time.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
01:18 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #820 (Resolved): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->Single company is appearing multiple time.
Himanshu Singh
01:14 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #834 (Reopened ): License type-->ERSP-->Why does this banking appear more than one?
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has not been fixed yet.
Still, ERSP'S appear mu...
arti saraswat
01:12 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #831 (Closed): License type-->create ERSP company-->Relationship tab-->select register office-->save-->go with report-->internal report-->ersp-->value for register office column is not fetching from relationship tab
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
01:10 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #846 (Closed): License type-->ERSP--> LICENSES/REGISTRATION-->Select category-->save information-->go with Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->Value from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" is not getting fetched in "TYPE OF LICENSE" column at report end.
Value from "SUBSECTOR CATEGORY" is not getting fetched in the "TYPE OF LICENSE" column at the report end.
In "TYPE...
arti saraswat
12:54 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #836 (Closed): License type-->Ersp-->LICENSES/REGISTRATION--> Add Licenses/Category-->Need to rename the “SUBSECTOR STRUCTURE” to “SUBSECTOR CATEGORY”
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:53 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #830 (Closed): License type-->ERSP-->subsector-->ERSP'S-->Save information-->Subsector name should be "ERSP'S" instead of "Banking" in company list under license type.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:53 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #832 (Closed): LICENSES/REGISTRATION--> Add Licenses/Category--> Sub-Sector Name *-->Select ERSP’S-->Category-->ERSP’S (should be banking instead of ERSP’S)
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:52 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #835 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP register-->Why is today's date showing in the "De-Register" date column even after status is "Active"
This issue has been verified for ersp,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:40 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #845 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->ERSP-->De-Register Date--->Why does Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed status (De-Register) in today's date i.e, 12/06/2021
Why does the Registration date appear in the De-Register date column? whereas the admin has changed date in today's d... arti saraswat
12:33 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #829 (Closed): Report-->name of companies and count of companies should be same in report section and license type against that particular sector.
This issue has been verified for ERSP,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:23 PM ERSP,NRSP,NPO_REGISTER Bug #844 (Closed): License type-->ERSP-->Company Incorporation/Registration Date-->go with ersp again-->edit in any field-->then date getting disappear.
License type-->ERSP-->Company Incorporation/Registration Date-->go with ersp again-->edit in any field-->then date ge... arti saraswat

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