From 10/17/2021 to 10/26/2021
- 01:18 PM Public_User_panel:Report of new registration applications Bug #797 (New): Public user panel-->Register with Insurance sector-->login-->Go with First Form "Schedule 5"-->Inside that form the name of the form is "SCHEDULE 2"-->Rename the form of "Schedule 5" to "SCHEDULE 2" on the home screen.
- Public user panel-->Register with Insurance sector-->login-->Go with First Form "Schedule 5"-->Inside that form the n...
- 01:11 PM Public_User_panel:Report of new registration applications Bug #796 (New): Public user panel-->Register with Insurance sector-->login-->fill all required Form-->save-->submit-->payment-->Go with license panel-->click for view the form-->As user click to view the form the system takes to exception screen.
- Public user panel-->Register with Insurance sector-->login-->fill all required Form-->save-->submit-->payment-->Go wi...
- 01:06 PM Public_User_panel:Report of new registration applications Bug #795 (Closed): Public user panel-->Register with Insurance sector-->login-->fill all required Form-->save-->submit-->payment-->admin-->License Request-->Pre License-->Approve application-->Report-->other Report--->Even after approve applicant does not reflect in report
- Public user panel-->Register with Insurance sector-->login-->fill all required Form-->save-->submit-->payment-->admin...
- 12:31 PM Public_User_panel:Report of new registration applications Bug #794 (New): Public user panel-->Register with Mutual Fund sector-->login-->There is no form appears for this sector
- Public user panel-->Register with Mutual Fund sector-->login-->There is no form appears for this sector
See attach... - 11:48 AM Public_User_panel:Report of new registration applications Bug #793 (New): Public user panel-->Register with Money services sector-->login-->Form SCHEDULE 2-->fill all required detail-->Click on save & validate-->user is unable to save that form
Public user pane...
- 12:15 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #753 (Resolved): Put normal value(without decimal value)-->verify and approve-->Report-->why do this .00 appear at the end of every inputted value at report end.
- 04:01 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #792 (Resolved): International Banks-->First Form-->Put required details-->save-->In case of edit entered data get disappear
- International Banks-->First Form-->Put required details-->save-->In case of edit entered data get disappear
See at... - 03:12 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #791 (Resolved): International Banks-->First Form-->Point no-21(b)-->Date field-->when the user clicks on the Date field then, the calendar does not open.
- International Banks-->First Form-->Point no-21(b)-->Date field-->when the user clicks on the Date field then, the cal...
- 02:52 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #790 (In Progress): International Banks-->first form-->Point-3, 8, 14, 20(a), 20(b), 28-->allows special characters and percentage can't more than 100, Age can't be negative, age can't be unlimited
- International Banks-->first form-->Point-3, 8, 14, 20(a) 20(b), 28-->allows special characters.
Point-3:- Should n... - 02:22 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #789 (Resolved): International Banks-->First Form-->Point no-10, 13, 17, 20, 21-->Click on + icon-->As user clicks on +icon for adding row then on single click 2 rows getting active.
- International Banks-->First Form-->Point no-10, 13, 17, 20, 21-->Click on + icon-->As user clicks on +icon for adding...
- 01:02 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #748 (Reopened ): Insurance-->Fill form-->submit-->approve-->Reports-->Consolidated Reports-->Insurance-->Form "B5-Sec 8(13) Solvency"-->Total of "first limitation" column should be hided at report end.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has not been fixed yet because right now NaN a...- 01:00 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #751 (Closed): Form C15-->Data table should cover complete screen.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.- 01:00 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #752 (Closed): Fill form C-15-->Go with Report-->Look at row no-4, and column name 2021-->why does this < sign appear before 2000?
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.- 12:58 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #749 (Closed): Comma in thousand value is missing at report end for all the form
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.- 12:31 AM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #749 (Resolved): Comma in thousand value is missing at report end for all the form
- 12:49 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #788 (Closed): Quarterly-->Q8-Major Shareholders-->add rows put value-->verify and approve-->Go with report-->Entered data is not reflecting at report end.
- Quarterly-->Q8-Major Shareholders-->add rows put value-->verify and approve-->Go with the report-->Entered data is no...
- 12:45 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #787 (Closed): Quarterly-->Form Q5-Sec 8(13) Solvency-->Put value-->After approval-->go with report-->First Limition column-->Total of "First Limition" column should be hided
- Quarterly-->Form Q5-Sec 8(13) Solvency-->Put value-->After approval-->go with report-->
1. First Limition column-->T... - 12:22 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #786 (Closed): Quarterly-->Form Q5-Sec 8(13) Solvency-->Put value-->After approval-->go with report-->Provided value in first three rows does not reflect in the report section.
- Quarterly-->Form Q5-Sec 8(13) Solvency-->Put value-->After approval-->go with the report-->Provided value in first th...
- 11:47 AM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #785 (Reopened ): Form D-->D7-->row no-5-->Put some text in Other (please specify)-->after approval goes with the report-->That entered text below " Other (please specify)" does not reflect at report end.
- Form D-->D7-->row no-5-->Put some text in Other (please specify)-->after approval goes with the report-->That entere...
- 11:19 AM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #784 (Closed): Go with Form D-->Add row and put data in D6, D9, D10-->verify and approve-->Go with report-->Entered data is not reflecting at report end.
- Go with Form D-->Add row and put data in D6, D9, D10-->verify and approve-->Go with the report-->Entered data is not ...
- 10:55 AM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #760 (Closed): Go with License panel-->Login with International Banks-->Administration-->Post License applications-->Click on dropdown arrow of Sector-->Sector name is not displayed in the dropdown list.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
- 11:52 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #760 (Resolved): Go with License panel-->Login with International Banks-->Administration-->Post License applications-->Click on dropdown arrow of Sector-->Sector name is not displayed in the dropdown list.
- 12:18 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #760 (Closed): Go with License panel-->Login with International Banks-->Administration-->Post License applications-->Click on dropdown arrow of Sector-->Sector name is not displayed in the dropdown list.
Go with License panel-->Login with International Banks-->Administration... - 06:51 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #752 (Resolved): Fill form C-15-->Go with Report-->Look at row no-4, and column name 2021-->why does this < sign appear before 2000?
- 06:50 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #751 (Resolved): Form C15-->Data table should cover complete screen.
- 06:48 PM Consolidated Reports-->Insurance Bug #748 (Resolved): Insurance-->Fill form-->submit-->approve-->Reports-->Consolidated Reports-->Insurance-->Form "B5-Sec 8(13) Solvency"-->Total of "first limitation" column should be hided at report end.
- 02:40 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #766 (Resolved): Form MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point no-5, 6-->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Complete sentence does not reflect at admin end
- Form MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point no-5, 6-->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Complete sentence does n...
- 02:37 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #765 (Resolved): Form 2-->Point no-6, 7-->Even after done with the payment admin is still able to edit in these two field
- Form 2-->Point no-6, 7-->Even after done with the payment admin is still able to edit in these two field
See att... - 02:34 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #764 (Resolved): FORM 2-->Point 1, 2, 3,4, 8, 9, 10, 11 -->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Post Licensee request-->complete sentence is not displayed at the admin end.
- FORM 2-->Point 1, 2, 3,4, 8, 9, 10, 11 -->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Post Licensee requ...
- 02:29 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #763 (Resolved): FORM 2-->Put date of birth-->validate and submit-->Date of birth is getting disappear after validate and submit or after payment
- FORM 2-->Put date of birth-->validate and submit-->Date of birth is getting disappear after validate and submit or af...
- 02:20 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #762 (Resolved): Second Form-->Middle name-->Middle name should be mandatory-->Previous name-->Previous name should not mandatory
- Money services
Second Form-->
1. Middle name-->Middle name should be mandatory
2. Previous name-->Previous name ... - 01:45 PM POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug #761 (In Progress): Money services-->Form First-->Go with Point-3 and Point-8-->Red marked area should not allow special characters-->Point-5 & 6-->Should not allows unlimited characters-->Point-17-->telephone num field should not allow alphabets and specials characters
- Money services-->
1. Go with Point-3 and Point-8-->Red marked area should not allow special characters
2. Point-5 &...
- 05:59 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #755 (New): License type-->Credit unions-->Go with Relationship tab-->add relationship-->Press TAB from keyboard-->user is unable to jump on another field after pressing on TAB button(TAB button is not working for this screen)
- License type-->Credit unions-->Go with Relationship tab-->add relationship-->Press TAB from the keyboard-->user is un...
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