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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13335 Bug New Normal Home --> Login --> Dashboard -->CMS --> Setting -->Add/Update --> loading issue, Need to add "client-side" validation in every mandatory field on the entire project Akash Garg 03/21/2025 03:15 PM Actions
13334 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Setting --> The upload option should be on the settings page, but currently, there is no option for uploading the logo and favicon Akash Garg 03/21/2025 03:07 PM Actions
13330 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard--> CMS --> Banner --> Add --> why validation is arriving for the image is required, while the uploaded image is also showing Akash Garg 03/21/2025 02:31 PM Actions
13328 Bug New High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> CMS --> Banner --> in update functionality is not working properly, when the admin updates any banner then New banner adding instead of an updating Akash Garg 03/21/2025 02:21 PM Actions
13327 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> CMS --> Banner --> upload image should come in first then active fields come Akash Garg 03/21/2025 12:50 PM Actions
13326 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> CMS --> Banner --> Image Title and view Icon doesn't need on the banner screen Akash Garg 03/21/2025 12:37 PM Actions
13325 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> dashboard --> Entire module & submodule Akash Garg 03/21/2025 12:31 PM Actions
13303 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Entire Filter Page --> Date Fields Default to "dd-mm-yyyy": No placeholder text or validation error is shown if users enter incorrect formats. Akash Garg 03/19/2025 11:16 AM Actions
13301 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Entire Page --> If there are many entries, the page load may slow down. Consider showing a "Loader" when till data doesn't show Akash Garg 03/17/2025 04:23 PM Actions
13300 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Submitted Survey --> The "Amount" column shows six decimal places (e.g., 10.000000), which is unnecessary. Rounding to two decimal places would improve readability. Akash Garg 03/17/2025 04:28 PM Actions
13275 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Submitted survey --> Status Column --> correct the spelling pendind to Pending Akash Garg 03/17/2025 04:51 PM Actions
13268 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Submitted survey --> image is arriving static need to make dynamic Akash Garg 03/17/2025 04:59 PM Actions
13205 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Brands and surveys --> Need to make text content in camelCase Akash Garg 03/17/2025 05:02 PM Actions
13202 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Menu Icon --> Change the repeated icon to a different icon Akash Garg 03/17/2025 05:31 PM Actions
13182 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Roles --> As per running page the button should be in same also for Roles page Akash Garg 03/17/2025 05:59 PM Actions
13181 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Roles --> Add Roles --> What is the purpose of this menu option inside roles? If the menu option is not being used, remove it. If it is being used, please implement functionality for it. Akash Garg 03/18/2025 05:31 PM Actions
13180 Bug Resolved High Admin Panel -->Roles user --> Login --> Dashboard --> Roles --> When Roles user tries to view the Roles of all applicants then gets a database error Akash Garg 03/17/2025 05:18 PM Actions
13179 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Dashboard --> Submitted survey --> Roles user --> not able to view submitted survey form getting "something went wrong" success message Akash Garg 03/19/2025 03:05 PM Actions
13173 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Entire Page --> Need to add Asterisk mark on mandatory fields Akash Garg 03/19/2025 12:27 PM Actions
13155 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Survey --> Select category --> Admin should not be able to save the survey form with "Select dropdown value" Akash Garg 03/18/2025 10:05 AM Actions
13124 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Dashboard --> submitted surveys --> View --> If admin hovers the cursor on the view icon then the cursor blinks again and again Akash Garg 03/19/2025 12:31 PM Actions
13116 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Surveys --> Check 2 issues below Akash Garg 03/18/2025 04:24 PM Actions
13110 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Surveys --> Designing issues when the Admin add surveys and zone with long name Akash Garg 03/17/2025 06:29 PM Actions
13108 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Surveys --> Commodities-->Add/ Edit -->surveyor list should come in "Assign surveyor" dropdown & input fields Akash Garg 03/18/2025 06:06 PM Actions
13107 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Surveys --> Getting scrolling issue when admin selects "Assign surveyor" Akash Garg 03/18/2025 03:37 PM Actions
(1-25/70) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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