





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12371 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Companies --> Getting a loading issue when I created the company with admin Narendra Singh 01/20/2025 01:30 PM Actions
12367 Bug New Normal Landing page --> Bottom of the site --> Copyright --> bottom of the site there should only year arriving instead of data and month Narendra Singh 01/20/2025 12:57 PM Actions
12358 Bug New Normal Admin --> Dashboard --> Companies --> applicant should not be able to create a company with an already-used email ID, the applicant can not create a company with an admin mail id Narendra Singh 01/20/2025 12:08 PM Actions
12354 Bug New High Landing page --> bottom of the site --> Contact us --> Submit --> getting loader issue when I submit the contact-us form Narendra Singh 01/20/2025 11:01 AM Actions
12353 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage CMS --> Link should be valid currently, the admin is able to update and add tutorials with an invalid link Narendra Singh 01/20/2025 10:53 AM Actions
12352 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage CMS --> Blog / Tutorials --> Check 2 issues below Narendra Singh 01/20/2025 10:45 AM Actions
12333 Bug New Normal Landing page --> As per plan selection the mobile app is not working Narendra Singh 01/16/2025 04:37 PM Actions
12332 Bug New Normal Admin --> Setting --> SMTP --> Send test notification is not working Narendra Singh 01/16/2025 04:36 PM Actions
10304 Bug New Normal Admin --> Plans -->Enterprise --> After update success message should be hidden, and without selection any plan company applicant is able to update the plan Narendra Singh 07/29/2024 05:30 PM Actions
10302 Bug Resolved Normal Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Subscription --> the created" date should be shown in date-wise Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 11:08 PM Actions
10301 Bug Resolved Normal Android --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage CMS --> put a confirmation message if the admin deleting any tutorials/blog list Narendra Singh 07/25/2024 10:53 AM Actions
10300 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> login --> Dashboard --> Enterprise --> we have to add one more filter option on the Enterprises plan page Narendra Singh 07/25/2024 12:26 PM Actions
10299 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard ---> Companies --> Need to add more filter options for companies page Narendra Singh 07/23/2024 04:31 PM Actions
10298 Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Companies --> Designing issue Narendra Singh 07/25/2024 07:33 PM Actions
10297 Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Companies --> Search functionality is not working inside companies list page Narendra Singh 07/23/2024 04:18 PM Actions
10296 Bug New Normal Supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Setting --> Facebook login is not working Narendra Singh 07/23/2024 04:13 PM Actions
10295 Bug Resolved Normal Supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Time sheet --> The font should be the same Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 10:58 AM Actions
10294 Bug Resolved Normal supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workers --> Need to add more filter options on worker screen Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 10:51 PM Actions
10293 Bug Resolved Normal Supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Reports --> Need to add more filter option Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 09:41 PM Actions
10292 Bug Resolved Normal Supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Task Report/General Report --> The filter button should be in alignment Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 11:02 AM Actions
10291 Bug Resolved Normal Supervisor/Admin/Company --> suggestion: Need to enhance Notification screen, that is not looks good Narendra Singh 07/29/2024 10:10 AM Actions
10290 Bug Resolved Normal Supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Tasks --> Need to add filter options on Task page Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 01:17 PM Actions
10014 Bug Resolved High Supervisor --> Login --> update profile --> the updated profile should be shown at top Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 10:54 AM Actions
10012 Bug Resolved Normal Supervisor --> Login --> Notification icon --> Put space between notification message Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 10:53 AM Actions
9946 Bug Resolved High Company > Registration > Displaying Internal server error. Narendra Singh 07/24/2024 10:50 AM Actions
(1-25/26) Per page: 25, 50

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