



From 04/26/2024 to 05/05/2024


05:10 PM Bug #9761 (Closed): Supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Task --> Create new task --> Loader is continuously running
Issue Description:
Loader is continuously running
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


10:33 AM Bug #9741 (Closed): Supervisor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workers --> View Details --> If the supervisor clicks on worker "view details" then "No network" error message is arriving
Issue Description:
If the supervisor clicks on worker "view details" then "No network" error message is arriving ...
Mohd Irfan


04:04 PM Bug #9738 (Closed): Super visor --> Login --> Dashboard --> Task --> Loading issue ( Loader is continuously Running )
Issue Description:
Loading issue ( Lodder is continuously Running )
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
02:37 PM Bug #9736 (Closed): Supervisor--> Login page --> Designing issue ( supervisor login page should be properly visible, means icon and top border)
Issue Description:
Designing issue ( supervisor login page should be properly visible, means icon and top border) ...
Mohd Irfan
12:32 PM Bug #9732 (Closed): Compnay --> Login --> Dashboard --> Setting --> Tearms & conditions and Privacy policy need to add link with content
Issue description:
Tearms & conditions and Privacy policy need to add link with content
See attached screensho...
Mohd Irfan
12:08 PM Bug #9731 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workforce --> Add workforce --> inactive workers should not show up in the Assign worker list inside the workforce
Issue Description:
inactive workers should not show up in the Assign worker list inside the workforce
See atta...
Mohd Irfan
11:32 AM Bug #9730 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workforce --> Designing issue (All the details should be shown properly inside the Box)
Issue Description:
Designing issue (All the details should be shown properly inside the Box)
See attached scree...
Mohd Irfan
11:22 AM Bug #9728 (Closed): Company -->Login --> Dashboard --> Request --> View details -->
Issue Description:
1. If the company Reject any worker request then mail should go to the worker
2. Register Emp...
Mohd Irfan
11:12 AM Bug #9725 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Request --> Filter button is not working
Issue Description:
Filter button is not working
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
11:09 AM Bug #9724 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workers --> View --> Edit --> Saved values should arrive on the edit case, and change button name and link "Add" to "update"
Issue Description:
Saved values should arrive on the edit case
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
11:00 AM Bug #9723 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Request-->text content should not break and should be in single-line
Issue Description:
text content should not break and should be in single-line
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
10:54 AM Bug #9722 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Setting --> Notification --> After selecting the notification option then selected the dropdown value gets disappear
Issue Description:
After selecting the notification option then selected the dropdown value gets disappear
See ...
Mohd Irfan

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