



From 07/08/2024 to 07/17/2024


06:48 PM Bug #10246 (New): After downloading the field service report, error message is coming
1. Create a complaint
2. Assign a technician
3. Mark that job to any state and add pic or pdf
4. Find that particu...
krishnakant Singh
06:48 PM Bug #10245 (New): Spare receiving quantity column should add in spare details
1. Create a complaint
2. Pending that complaint
3. Dispatch parts
4. Received that part from mobile app and increa...
krishnakant Singh
06:47 PM Bug #10244 (New): Popup should get closed after adding notes in the complaint from web app
1. Open dashboard
2. Click on new
3. Add notes
krishnakant Singh
06:32 PM Bug #10234 (New): Search filter is not working properly on technician job page
1. Navigate to the technician job page
2. Search the technician job
krishnakant Singh
06:31 PM Bug #10233 (New): If technician turns on back to home feature then it is not reflecting in the web app
1. Login to the mobile app
2. Turn on the back to the home slider
3. Match this technician status in web app
krishnakant Singh
06:31 PM Bug #10232 (New): In mobile app, if technician turns on the back to home then availability should be turned off automatically and vice versa
1. Login to the mobile app
2. Turn on the back to the home slider
3. Availability should turned off automatically
krishnakant Singh
06:29 PM Bug #10231 (New): Back to home slider is not working properly
1. Click on the dashboard of the app
2. Click on technician job hyperlink
3. Not able to turn on any technician bac...
krishnakant Singh
06:24 PM Bug #10229 (New): Confirmation Popup message should be there in breakdown type if i have selected dispenser no. first without selecting the category of breakdown
1. Navigate to complaint registration page
2. Select breakdown type
3. Select dispenser no. first
krishnakant Singh
06:24 PM Bug #10228 (New): Sound and notification in mobile app is not coming when job is coming after getting rejected
1. Create a new complaint
2. Assign that complaint to technician
3. Reject that complaint as a technician
4. Unapp...
krishnakant Singh
06:23 PM Bug #10227 (New): "Date and time format should be same in the whole app DD-MM-YY, H-M-S 12hr format and the calculation of time is also not correct in excel report like exception report, down time, etc"
1. Go to complaint details page
2. Click on date for search
3. Observe there are two different date format is coming
krishnakant Singh
06:22 PM Bug #10226 (New): Yellow color should be there at spare requirements if spare is partially received
1. Create a complaint
2. Request 3 spare parts
3. Dispatch only 1 part
krishnakant Singh
06:22 PM Bug #10225 (New): In completed job after uploading pdf popup in service details is not getting closed
1. Create a new complaint
2. Complete job and upload pdf
3. Click on service details of that particular job in comp...
krishnakant Singh
06:21 PM Bug #10224 (New): while registering a complaint select this dispenser no. "19E-14795201-25" you will be able to create job without entering mandatory fields
1. Open the complaint register page
2. Enter this dispenser number "19E-14795201-25"
3. Click on Submit
krishnakant Singh
06:21 PM Bug #10223 (New): Search functionality is not working on complaint details page
1. Open the complaint details page
2. Search by complaint number
krishnakant Singh
06:20 PM Bug #10222 (New): In complete status uploaded file should be visible
1. Complete one job
2. Open service details
krishnakant Singh
06:18 PM Bug #10221 (New): Excel file in report taking too much time than expected to get download
1. Open the complaint details page
2. Select any date and search
3. Download excel file
krishnakant Singh
06:17 PM Bug #10220 (New): If I have selected the same date two time to search then it is taking the date i have selected and today's date for search
1. Open the complaint details page
2. On search by a date field select any date two times but not today's date
3. S...
krishnakant Singh
06:13 PM Bug #10219 (New): While selecting date in search in any page when calendar down there is a different date format and after selection there is a different date format
1. Open any page
2. Click on search button
krishnakant Singh
06:12 PM Bug #10218 (New): In dispatch reports after entering dates search functionality is not working properly
1. Open dispatch report
2. Select any dates
3. Click on search
krishnakant Singh
06:12 PM Bug #10217 (New): Time is taking same after assigning 1st technician again after rejecting two technician(See test step for scenario)
1. Register a complaint
2. Assign a technician
3. Reject job by technician
4. Assign different technician
5. Re...
krishnakant Singh
06:11 PM Bug #10216 (New): Complaint forward date and time is not coming in excel report of exception report
krishnakant Singh
06:11 PM Bug #10215 (New): On the complaint details page date format is mismatching while selecting the dates for searching the complaint
1. Open the complaint details page
2. Click on the complaint requested on the field
3. Observe selected date and v...
krishnakant Singh
06:06 PM Bug #10214 (New): In Editing report mandatory icon is missing
1. Open exception report or any other report
2. Click on Edit remark
krishnakant Singh
06:06 PM Bug #10213 (New): In update item status in pending job alignment of All, Returnable, Consumable, Replaced is not aligned properly and text is also cutting in All & in Consumable
1. Open Pending job
2. Select any job
3. Open Update item status
krishnakant Singh
06:05 PM Bug #10212 (New): Without adding any dispatch items, in spare details when i'm adding dispatch details then Update button is coming instead of save button
1. Click on Spare details from any complaint
2. Click on Next button
3. Check the checkbox of Dispatch details
4. ...
krishnakant Singh
06:04 PM Bug #10211 (New): An extra comma is coming in service details page on RO details field
check "INCN01458" for reference krishnakant Singh
06:04 PM Bug #10210 (New): If the technician rejects the job then the state of the complaint should change automatically
1. Register a new complaint
2. Assign a technician
3. Reject the job by technician
krishnakant Singh
06:02 PM Bug #10209 (New): After completing the job we should not be able to assign the technician again
krishnakant Singh
06:02 PM Bug #10208 (New): In the Dispatch report page after filling the details like date, result will be blank
1. Open dispatch report page
2. Input dates
3. Click on search button
krishnakant Singh
06:00 PM Bug #10207 (New): After adding details in dispatch returnable items details blank image/ image icon is coming in status without adding any image
1. Click on Spare details from any complaint
2. Click on Next button
3. Check the checkbox of Dispatch returnable i...
krishnakant Singh
05:33 PM Bug #10206 (New): The camera is not opening while completing the job in phone
krishnakant Singh
05:32 PM Bug #10205 (New): Blank field should not be submitted while doing reject because it is a mandatory field
krishnakant Singh
05:32 PM Bug #10204 (New): In returnable page we can freeze the submit button
krishnakant Singh
05:32 PM Bug #10203 (New): Search icon is missing in Returnable page
krishnakant Singh
05:32 PM Bug #10202 (New): In returnable page we are able to click on back on whole title bar
krishnakant Singh
05:31 PM Bug #10201 (New): We are not able to click on Close button of docker number popup in spare details
krishnakant Singh
05:27 PM Bug #10200 (New): After clicking on cancel functionality i am not able to select options from Spare sent by field on First click, i need to click on the option two time
1. Click on Spare requirement from any complaint
2. Click on Next button
3. Check the checkbox of Dispatch details
krishnakant Singh
05:22 PM Bug #10199 (New): "In complete but observation page of technician fields, mandatory icon is missing from mandatory fields this is in reject reason screen also "
krishnakant Singh
05:22 PM Bug #10198 (New): While registering a complaint we should not be able to select future dates
krishnakant Singh
05:22 PM Bug #10197 (New): While registering a complaint, cancel feature resets all the fields except "Description" & "Nature of complaint"
1. Open Complaint details page
2. Click on Complaint Registration
3. Select any type
4. Input all the fields
5. ...
krishnakant Singh
05:21 PM Bug #10196 (New): After selection RO on other type of complaint registration black box is coming in dropdown
1. Open Complaint details page
2. Click on Complaint Registration
3. Click on Others
4. Click on RO details field
krishnakant Singh
05:17 PM Bug #10195 (New): On spare requirement page while adding quantity there should be a input field validation like other validations after inputting ZERO
1. Click on Spare requirement from any complaint
2. Click on Next button
3. Input ZERO on quantity field
krishnakant Singh
05:17 PM Bug #10194 (New): Customer name text is overlapping the search icon on the input field on the Others page of complaint registration type
1. Open Complaint details page
2. Click on Complaint Registration
3. Click on Others
4. Search "C" or "H" on the C...
krishnakant Singh
05:16 PM Bug #10193 (New): In edit mode of technician details "Search your address" field is not working properly and the map is also not coming on the page
1. Open technician details page
2. Click on Edit button on any technician
3. Observe No Map is coming & "Search yo...
krishnakant Singh
05:15 PM Bug #10192 (New): We are able to add or edit the technician without inputting employee code
1. Open technician page
2. Click on Add button
3. Add every field except employee code
4. Add space in Employee co...
krishnakant Singh
05:15 PM Bug #10191 (New): Hand cursor can be there while using the cursor on edit and view details icons of the technician page
krishnakant Singh
05:14 PM Bug #10190 (New): In technician details "s" of status is in small letters
krishnakant Singh
04:24 PM Bug #10189 (New): After adding a dispenser with ga null and in the customer tried to delete it the error is coming
krishnakant Singh
04:23 PM Bug #10188 (New): While adding the dispenser in GA details mandatory icon is missing
krishnakant Singh
04:23 PM Bug #10187 (New): While adding a dispenser GA details should be mandatory
krishnakant Singh
04:23 PM Bug #10186 (New): While making customer GA and RO no spacebar allowed
krishnakant Singh
04:22 PM Bug #10185 (New): I'm able to make customers without filing address
krishnakant Singh
04:22 PM Bug #10184 (New): Increase the popup message timings in the app
krishnakant Singh
04:21 PM Bug #10183 (New): I'm not able to delete the dispenser
krishnakant Singh
04:20 PM Bug #10182 (New): Open any customer, by default, it will be in edit mode > move the maps> then click on update. location is not updated
krishnakant Singh
04:20 PM Bug #10181 (New): If I'm changing my location in customer details then it should reflect in the dispenser also, if the dispenser is allotted to that location
krishnakant Singh
04:19 PM Bug #10180 (New): I have created one customer and then deleted the customer but still I'm able to login to the app with their credentials
krishnakant Singh
04:13 PM Bug #10179 (New): If there is one field left while making the customer then after filling it I'm unable to make the customer
krishnakant Singh
04:13 PM Bug #10178 (New): In changing the password we should not be able to add the same password as the old password
krishnakant Singh
04:12 PM Bug #10177 (New): In the customer portal if I have entered an invalid email then it should show the relevant message
krishnakant Singh
04:12 PM Bug #10176 (New): Customer should not get deleted if the dispenser is allotted to that customer
krishnakant Singh
04:08 PM Bug #10175 (New): In customer details on the password change page if both passwords do not match then we should show the relevant message to that
krishnakant Singh
04:07 PM Bug #10174 (New): After updating one dispenser and deleting the previous location, the new location is not coming in auto search
krishnakant Singh
04:07 PM Bug #10173 (New): In edit if I edit one dispenser then if I delete that previous location then the location is created Automatically
krishnakant Singh
04:05 PM Bug #10172 (New): Able to make dispenser on the same number for multiple customers
krishnakant Singh
04:04 PM Bug #10171 (New): If I'm deleting the allotted location then two error messages are coming
krishnakant Singh
04:04 PM Bug #10170 (New): In edit dispenser mode if I click on back then the same searched page should open not the default page
krishnakant Singh
04:04 PM Bug #10169 (New): While adding the location map is not moving
krishnakant Singh
04:01 PM Bug #10168 (New): While creating the user in the confirm password I should not be able to see saved passwords
krishnakant Singh
04:01 PM Bug #10167 (New): After creating a user from security I should be redirected to the security page not somewhere else
krishnakant Singh
04:01 PM Bug #10166 (New): After changing the password in customer details I should be redirected to the customer details
krishnakant Singh
04:00 PM Bug #10165 (New): If I have deleted one dispenser but still I'm able to create a complaint with that dispenser
krishnakant Singh
03:59 PM Bug #10164 (New): If the email is changed then I'm not able to log in with the new email
krishnakant Singh
03:59 PM Bug #10163 (New): If I have deleted the location then still I'm able to make the dispenser on that location
krishnakant Singh
03:58 PM Bug #10162 (New): In change password if the password does not match then something went wrong message is coming
krishnakant Singh
03:58 PM Bug #10161 (New): If the user is inactive then we should give a message relevant to inactive
krishnakant Singh
03:56 PM Bug #10160 (New): Customer portal message should be relevant like incorrect password or incorrect email
krishnakant Singh
03:55 PM Bug #10159 (New): Customer portal > complaint registration > enter dispenser no. > click save> fill all details >observe nature of complaint is not removing
krishnakant Singh
03:54 PM Bug #10158 (New): While adding a customer in confirm new password suggestion should be removed
krishnakant Singh
03:53 PM Bug #10157 (New): After allocating, the dispenser page should close
krishnakant Singh
03:53 PM Bug #10156 (New): Time in the customer portal is not showing properly
krishnakant Singh
03:52 PM Bug #10155 (New): Close (x) icon UI is not proper on add customer details page
krishnakant Singh
03:51 PM Bug #10154 (New): On customer details in the location I'm not able to move the map icon
krishnakant Singh
03:51 PM Bug #10153 (New): Notification of 1:30 sample should hide
krishnakant Singh
03:51 PM Bug #10152 (New): In the edit dispenser company name is not getting auto-picked
krishnakant Singh
03:47 PM Bug #10151 (New): In the edit dispenser company name is coming up twice
krishnakant Singh
03:47 PM Bug #10150 (New): On the edit dispenser if I'm editing one dispenser then another one is creating an error message coming
krishnakant Singh
03:46 PM Bug #10149 (New): On the edit dispenser, the company name is not coming by auto search
krishnakant Singh
03:46 PM Bug #10148 (New): Auto search is not working properly in the edit dispenser
krishnakant Singh
03:45 PM Bug #10147 (New): In the edit dispenser I'm not able to update the GA, RO details or dispenser
krishnakant Singh
03:44 PM Bug #10146 (New): Eye icon in exception report is not working properly
krishnakant Singh
03:43 PM Bug #10145 (New): Deactivate/reset password / Change password/ Activate is not working properly
krishnakant Singh
03:43 PM Bug #10144 (New): On edit details of the customer nothing is changing by map
krishnakant Singh
03:42 PM Bug #10143 (New): Confirmation popup while deleting the location
krishnakant Singh
03:42 PM Bug #10142 (New): Loader on searching dispenser
krishnakant Singh
03:41 PM Bug #10141 (New): GA, RO details is not working properly
krishnakant Singh
03:40 PM Bug #10140 (New): New customer should show in recent in customer details page
krishnakant Singh
03:40 PM Bug #10139 (New): Profile info is not working properly
krishnakant Singh

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