



From 11/15/2023 to 11/24/2023


03:16 PM Bug #6318 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> Recently Viewed -->Below "Recently viewed product" profile images are not showing
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:15 PM Bug #6260 (Closed): Home page --> Login with user/partner --> Suggestion: Show users/partners' full names on the header ( first & Last name)
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:15 PM Bug #6255 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> My collection --> Suggestion: As per the client's comment Need to work on the UI as there is a lot of blank space in the seller info section and other sections as well.
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:15 PM Bug #6253 (Closed): Home page --> Jewelleries --> Drop-down should be a little bit left side means inside the box
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:15 PM Bug #6248 (Closed): Home --> Login with user --> Auction Items --> Applicant should not be able to place a bid less than the current amount
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:14 PM Bug #6247 (Closed): Home page --> Login ---> Seller Information --> As per discussed with dharamveer sir Need to show his Name "phone" and "email" with an icon.
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:14 PM Bug #6246 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> banner --> if users swipe and move the banner left then users get a blank banner
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:14 PM Bug #5990 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> TODAY'S BID --> Heart icon should be in a corner of the product instead of out of the product image
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:14 PM Bug #5986 (Closed): Home page --> login --> Latest products --> The "Latest products" list not showing on the home page.
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:13 PM Bug #5975 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> My collection --> Select posted product --> All images should be the same size
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:13 PM Bug #5974 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> My collection --> Add product --> why this sub-category field is showing on the Product list page there is no option for a sub-category when users add a product. need to hide this sub-category option
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:13 PM Bug #5970 (Closed): Home --> Login --> contact history -->when users click on "back to account" then users are getting "404" page.
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:13 PM Bug #5622 (Closed): Home page --> need to put a link in the terms & condition Hyperlink
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:12 PM Bug #5616 (Closed): Home page --> Today's bid --> if users put bidding with more than 10 characters then the bidding price is getting disappears.
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:12 PM Bug #5612 (Closed): Home page --> sign in --> my account --> bid history --> Need to change "YOUR CONTACT HISTORY" to "YOUR BID HISTORY"
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:12 PM Bug #5605 (Closed): Home page --> Today's bids --> view all products --> in 100% resolution page is not fit to screen
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:11 PM Bug #5604 (Closed): Home page --> sign in --> my account --> collection --> add products --> bidding status should be active and inactive but it's not happening
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:11 PM Bug #6339 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> View all --> The favorite icon should be shown on all products Right now inside the view all section favorite icon is missing.
Fixed Mohd Irfan
03:11 PM Bug #6340 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> add --> Auction --> place bid --> very 1st time, after the product went in the bid then bid should not take the same price which is mentioned on bid
Mohd Irfan
03:09 PM Bug #6286 (Closed): Home page -->Login with partner --> my collection --> add product --> If the user/partner adds a product then the user/partner getting the database error page
Fixed Mohd Irfan

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