



From 03/27/2023 to 04/05/2023


04:20 PM Bug #6323 (New): Home page --> Jewellery --> Product view page --> Zoom functionality is not working properly if the user uses Zoom functionality then one image should not be repeated again
Step to reproduce the bug:
Zoom functionality is not working properly if the user uses Zoom functionality then one...
Mohd Irfan
03:44 PM Bug #6322 (New): Home page --> Jewellery --> Sort by -->Sort by - Low to high is not working properly
Step to reproduce the bug:
Sort by Low to high is not working properly
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


10:32 AM Bug #6319 (New): Home page --> Login --> Select any product --> If the admin selects any product but the Below "related products" are coming static and the same product is showing again on every product
Step to reproduce the bug:
If the admin selects any product but the Below "related products" are coming static and...
Mohd Irfan
10:08 AM Bug #6318 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> Recently Viewed -->Below "Recently viewed product" profile images are not showing
Step to reproduce the bug:
Below "Recently viewed product" profile images are not showing
See attached screens...
Mohd Irfan
09:47 AM Bug #6317 (New): Admin --> Login --> CMS Management --> Header content --> If admin put any word in the input field then the first word takes only capital letters but it should also take small and capital.
Step to reproduce the bug:
If admin put any word in the input field then the first word takes only capital letters...
Mohd Irfan


12:44 PM Bug #6314 (New): Home page --> Login --> My collection --> The value your contact history is coming static needs to make dynamic
Step to reproduce the bug:
The value your contact history is coming static needs to make dynamic
See attached ...
Mohd Irfan
09:37 AM Bug #6313 (New): Home page --> Login --> Select Product --> As per the client's comment zooming functionality is not implemented yet (Not implemented)
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client's comment zooming functionality is not implemented yet (Not implement...
Mohd Irfan


05:11 PM Bug #6291 (New): Home page --> Login --> my collection --> add product --> view product --> Starting and minimum prices are coming wrong
Step to reproduce the bug:
Starting and minimum prices are coming wrong
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
04:49 PM Bug #6290 (New): Home page --> Login user/ partner --> Product details page --> without clicking on the sell button product will not show on the Latest product/our partner section
Step to reproduce the bug:
without clicking on the sell button product will not show on the Latest product/our par...
Mohd Irfan


02:06 PM Bug #6287 (New): Home page --> if user profile is entered then profile should be visible on profile icon
Step to reproduce the bug:
if user profile is entered then profile pic should be visible on the profile icon
Mohd Irfan
10:21 AM Bug #6286 (Closed): Home page -->Login with partner --> my collection --> add product --> If the user/partner adds a product then the user/partner getting the database error page
Step to reproduce the bug:
If the user/partner adds a product then the user/partner getting the database error pag...
Mohd Irfan
09:46 AM Bug #6285 (New): Home page --> Login --> My collection --> add product --> All Boxes should be the same size and in alignment
Step to reproduce the bug:
All Boxes should be the same size and in alignment
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
09:35 AM Bug #6284 (New): Home page --> Designing issue ( Pens option should be in alignment )
Step to reproduce the bug:
Designing issue ( Pens option should be in alignment )
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


10:01 AM Bug #6262 (New): Home page --> Login --> Register --> Registration mail didn't goes to provided email id. (SMTP)
Step to reproduce the bug
Registration mail didn't goes to provided email id. (SMTP)
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan

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