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ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3589: AFSC-->Administration-->Rol... Bug #3589: AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->there are 4 check box (View, ADD, Edit & Delete), but if user ticked to any checkbox except VIEW, then by default View checkbox gets ticked, So is it requirement from client end?

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3588: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3588: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->view-->Why does Updated name displayed at the top?

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3587: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3587: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Edit-->As admin is able to change the first and last name But "Username" does not change, So if it is the requirement (Username will not be update in case of Edit) Then system should not allow to edit these fields.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3586: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3586: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->go with EDIT-->(1). label for First Name, Middle Name & Last Name should not appear in case of edit. (2).Asterisk mark should not there as this middle name field is not mandatory

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3583: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3583: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Add user-->provide value-->click on user list button-->On switching User list & Add user button then provided value is not getting reset.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3582: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3582: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->fill out all mandatory field-->put invalid email-->click on Submit button-->on submitting with invalid email then, values from ROLE, PASSWORD & GENDER is getting reset.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3581: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3581: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->DOB-->after providing the value in DOB, this red mark line should remove automatically.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3580: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3580: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Fill mandatory field till gender-->Click on "Submit" Button -->On clicking submit button, why does calendar gets open? (On clicking submit button system should ask for DOB field instead of opening calendar)

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3579: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3579: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Phone number input field should not accept alphabets and special characters.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3578: AFSC-->Administration-->Man... Bug #3578: AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Layout issue, need correct the design.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3577: AFSC-->Administration-->Rol... Bug #3577: AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->"Role permission setting"-->"P" of "profile" should be in upper case.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3573: AFSC-->Administration-->Rol... Bug #3573: AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->Role permission setting"-->Click or not in the checkbox-->Click "Update Role Permission"-->On doing the same system takes to error screen..(For Demo link)

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3570: AFSC-->Administration-->Rol... Bug #3570: AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->In this screen " ROLE" & " ROLE PERMISSION" both buttons displayed same content table. So what is the concept behind to put two separate button over here?

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3568: AFSC-->Administration-->Use... Bug #3568: AFSC-->Administration-->User Role-->Add user-->go with added user--go with Edit-->On editing why does "Add user" field gets active? Is it requirement from client end?

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3567: AFSC-->Administration-->Use... Bug #3567: AFSC-->Administration-->User Role-->Add user-->Role Name and note accepts unlimited characters.

Status: New
Start date: 08/05/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal






ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3631: AFSC-->Login with user "rt1... Bug #3631: AFSC-->Login with user "" pass-123456--->Return management-->View Return-->Click on return History-->system doesn't shows any chart or history on clicking view , means screen gets stuck only.(This issue is at super admin panel as well)

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3630: AFSC-->Reset User Password-... Bug #3630: AFSC-->Reset User Password-->update password-->Already login user should logout by itself if admin has updated the password of that particular user. Right now for login with new password there is need to logout that user for that time.

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3629: AFSC-->Reset User Email-->r... Bug #3629: AFSC-->Reset User Email-->reset the email-->Already login user (With former email) should logout by itself if admin has updated the email address of that particular user. this time email is getting updated (On user login panel) by itself instead of logout

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3624: AFSC-->Role permission-->Ar... Bug #3624: AFSC-->Role permission-->Arti #Testing -->give permission for "Company Management"-->update information-->Login with user ""-->even after check only "Company Management" field, why does all tab gets active at that user end?

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3622: AFSC-->Role permission-->Ar... Bug #3622: AFSC-->Role permission-->Arti #Testing -->give permission for "Administrator »"(Tick all check box for Administrator »)-->update information-->Login with user ""-->Even after permission given that "Administrator" tab is not getting active.

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3617: AFSC-->Manage User-->Design... Bug #3617: AFSC-->Manage User-->Design issue with Role field

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3616: AFSC-->Login with user "rt@... Bug #3616: AFSC-->Login with user "" pass-Arti@123--->give the permission only for view (For the setting tab)-->Still this user "" is able to edit the value in setting....Is it ok or having a issue?

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3610: AFSC-->Reset User Email-->P... Bug #3610: AFSC-->Reset User Email-->Put invalid email id-->remove invalid email id-->put valid email id-->1. Even after putting valid email why does alert message displayed under email add field. 2.why does both alert message (Blank, invalid) displayed for blank

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3609: AFSC-->Reset User Email-->I... Bug #3609: AFSC-->Reset User Email-->Initially there are 4 fields-->select value form very first field "reset Type*"-->As soon as user selects value from dropdown list of Reset type field then why does 2nd field " Class" gets hide? Is it requirement from client end?

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3606: AFSC-->Reset User password-... Bug #3606: AFSC-->Reset User password-->provide value along with password-->update-->On clicking "Update" button, system does not displayed any confirmation for "Successfully update Password" message

Status: New
Start date: 08/09/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3644: AFSC-->Manage User-->Export... Bug #3644: AFSC-->Manage User-->Export PDF & Excel-->There should not be column for "PHOTO" field in both the file (PDF &Excel), if yes then "Photo" should display inside the sheet with the respective column.

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3643: AFSC-->Manage User-->Edit--... Bug #3643: AFSC-->Manage User-->Edit-->Role-->select more than one role to single employee (Let suppose 2 role)-->Update-->system throws confirmation message "update successfully", but system doesn't accept both the role(Means only single role appears for that time)

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3641: AFSC-->Role permission-->Co... Bug #3641: AFSC-->Role permission-->Column "Created" does not exist in PDF & Excel generate.

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3640: AFSC-->User Role, Role Perm... Bug #3640: AFSC-->User Role, Role Permission-->Generate Pdf-->There should not be "ACTION" column in exported Pdf and excel.

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3638: AFSC--Login with user "rt1@... Bug #3638: AFSC--Login with user ""-->Reset Password-->submit-->after submit user moves to the Profile screen instead of logout (Is it requirement from client end?) (2). There is not confirmation message for password reset.

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3637: AFSC--Login with user "rt1@... Bug #3637: AFSC--Login with user ""-->Reset Password-->provide password as per recommendation "Arti@1234"-->Still system throws alert message against password field with suggestion (Like: upper case, special char, at least 8 char, lower case)

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3636: AFSC-->Role permission-->Ro... Bug #3636: AFSC-->Role permission-->Role permission setting-->Profile-->Don't permit for "Reset Password"-->Login with that particular user-->Profile-->Reset password tab-->Even after no permission from admin to this user still "Reset pass" tab is active to user

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3635: AFSC-->Manage User-->View--... Bug #3635: AFSC-->Manage User-->View-->developer Instruction-->add-->Put value-->save-->On clicking SAVE system throws a message "Error posting feed." -->Again go with View-->Add-->The earlier provided value does not reset even comment did not saved.

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3634: AFSC-->Manage User-->View--... Bug #3634: AFSC-->Manage User-->View-->developer Instruction-->add-->Put value-->save-->On clicking SAVE system throws a message "Error posting feed."

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3633: AFSC-->Manage User-->Photo-... Bug #3633: AFSC-->Manage User-->Photo-->upload photo-->update-->again come to manage user-->edit-->photo-->There is no option to remove the employee photo, here admin can only change the photo...Query: Is is requirement from client end?

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3632: AFSC--.User role-->I add a ... Bug #3632: AFSC--.User role-->I add a user role "Arti #Testing"-->But don't know why created user role gets delete today.

Status: New
Start date: 08/10/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal



ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3672: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... Bug #3672: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage User-->Add user-->put required value then password generated by itself-->save-->go with Admin URL-->login with that provided Email id and pass- 123456-->System allow to login this user with 123456 password, while pass is diff

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3670: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... Bug #3670: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage User-->put value in First, Middle, Last name-->save-->View-->In View table "Middle Name" is going to Merge with "First Name".

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3669: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... Bug #3669: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage User-->add user-->View-->In view table Heading for "First Name" & "Last Name" is missing (If it is requirement then its fine, otherwise there should be heading against first and last name

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3668: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... Bug #3668: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage User-->add user/Edit-->photo-->attach incorrect format file-->update-->System throws a different "alert message" for incorrect file format at the time of save (Means below the photo file format suggestion is different).

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3667: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... Bug #3667: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage User-->Role Dropdown field-->one extra field appears behind the actual role field, so need to correct this overlapping of box boundary.

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3666: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... Bug #3666: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage User-->In address input field "Address" should not repeat two time, means Address should be single in address heading.

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3665: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... Bug #3665: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage User-->Add user-->Role-->dropdown list-->Although role name is bit lengthy, still checkbox and name of role should be in same line in the list of dropdown list.

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3663: AFSC-->copy URL-->go with d... Bug #3663: AFSC-->copy URL-->go with different window-->paste that URL-->system redirects user to the same page instead of LOGIN screen. (Means on pasting any URL path to different tab then system should ask for LOGIN first in security perspective)

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3662: AFSC-->Administrator-->SMS ... Bug #3662: AFSC-->Administrator-->SMS Template-->there is no data in SMS template.

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3658: AFSC-->Email Template-->Fir... Bug #3658: AFSC-->Email Template-->First letter of "forgot password" and "reminders for return due" should be in upper case.

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - QUERY #3654: AFSC-->Administrator-->Mana... QUERY #3654: AFSC-->Administrator-->Manage Sector-->I am not getting about the scope of "Manage Sector" Tab under Administrator module as there is neither a way to add sector nor to link the sectors with User. So Please guide me about this "Manage Sector" Tab.

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3650: (Demo link) AFSC-->Financia... Bug #3650: (Demo link) AFSC-->Financial year-->Instruction line is overlapping to entities.

Status: New
Start date: 08/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal






License Type -Tab - Bug #3711: AFSC-->License type-->selec... Bug #3711: AFSC-->License type-->select any sector-->Click on PDF button-->the name of pdf file is always "Insurance Business Act", even user select any sector (Credit, IB, MF, MSB, Insurance, Trust)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3710: AFSC-->License type-->Credi... Bug #3710: AFSC-->License type-->Credit Unions-->Click on EXCEL button-->there should not "DELETE" column in exported excel

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3709: AFSC-->License type-->Credi... Bug #3709: AFSC-->License type-->Credit Unions-->Generate PDF-->There should be "ACTION" column in exported PDF file.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3708: AFSC-->License type-->selec... Bug #3708: AFSC-->License type-->select Credit unions-->Dropdown List-->There is no need to keep this "Choose subsector" option in the list, if it is not required by Client

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3706: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3706: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->company information-->Name-->Provide maximum length name i.e.400-->save/Update-->After SAVE value get saved with 255 character only, means after 255 character provided characters get disappear.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3705: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3705: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->Company Incorporation/Registration Date-->Select date-->save-->After Save/Update DATE format gets change

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3703: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3703: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->Date Licensed/Registered-->Select date-->save-->After Save/Update DATE format gets change

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3701: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3701: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->put value-->save-->entity list-->go with added company-->change the value/add value in new field(Ex: lic.No.)-->Update-->On clicking update admin remains on the same page and updated Lic.No does not update in heading.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3696: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3696: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->put value in "FSC License/Registration Number"-->update-->Why does this "1970" date gets active by itself in "Allow Exemption to Submit Return" date field. even admin doesn't select any date in this field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3695: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3695: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->for every task website is getting load and load for a long time.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3694: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3694: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->Date Licensed/Registered-->Why does this Date format "0000-00-00" appears for blank field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3693: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3693: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->State/Province-->Need to extend the character length

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3692: AFSC->License type->Add com... Bug #3692: AFSC->License type->Add company->provide mandatory information->Click on Save Information-->On clicking save, data saved after a long time, and if user clicks 2nd time on save button then on save 2 confirmation message do appears out which one are blank.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3690: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3690: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->City-->Need to extend the character length

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3686: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3686: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->Email address input field-->put email without domain (test@yopmail)-->then system throws alert message that "Please match the requested format", So concern is this which format?, so need to change the alert message.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3685: AFSC->License type->Add com... Bug #3685: AFSC->License type->Add company->Main contact Information->Provide First Name->Click on Save information->On clicking save information system throws alert message(This field is mandatory!) against "Phone number" input field instead of "Last Name" field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3680: AFSC-->License type-->Add c... Bug #3680: AFSC-->License type-->Add company-->Provide Name-->Click outside this Name input field-->Again click inside "Name" input field-->On clicking inside "Name" Input field after providing the value inside "Name" input field, the provided value gets disappear.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


License Type -Tab - Bug #3736: AFSC-->License Type-->LICEN... Bug #3736: AFSC-->License Type-->LICENSES/REGISTRATION Tab-->pdf-->there should be column for "RETURN EXEMPTION" in the pdf file.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3734: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3734: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->Excel button-->There should not be "Action" column in the exported excel.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3731: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3731: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->add relationship-->Go with PDF generate-->there is no column for "Start Date", "End Date", "Relationship Status" & "Comment" in exported pdf

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3727: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3727: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->attach resume docx, pdf file-->Click on Update information-->First of all user is hardly unable to update the information, if it does the same still resume did not updated (means attached resume gets disappear)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3726: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3726: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->attach resume docx file-->Click on Update information-->user is hardly unable to update the information.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3724: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3724: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->add relationship--.Select Start Date<End Date-->save-->Edit-->Now Select Start Date>End Date-->If user does the same then system allow to update the information with Greater start date than End.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3723: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3723: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->If Shareholder Amount, date, phone, email are not mandatory(As they all are without asterisk mark), then why does "SAVE" button not get active if user leave these field as blank.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3722: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3722: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->Start Date-->select Date from calendar-->on selecting date from date picker, system throws alert message that " Start Date Should Always Be Smaller Than End Date" even user did not select any past date in End Date.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3720: AFSC-->License Type-->Relat... Bug #3720: AFSC-->License Type-->Relationship Tab-->Fax Number-->Fax number input field should not allow alphabets..

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3716: AFSC-->License Type-->add c... Bug #3716: AFSC-->License Type-->add company-->Main Contact information-->Position/Role-->it should allow numeric value as well.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3715: AFSC-->License Type-->Butto... Bug #3715: AFSC-->License Type-->Button ( CREDIT UNIONS LIST) above excel and pdf is not working. This issue is for all sectors.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3714: AFSC-->Dashboard-->ARIAS Lo... Bug #3714: AFSC-->Dashboard-->ARIAS Logo at the top left side does not appears

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/17/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent


License Type -Tab - Bug #3766: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Insp... Bug #3766: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Inspection-->Add inspection-->Inspection Name-->provide maximum character length value in Name input field-->Input field should extend as per the character value.(Right now value comes in single line only)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3765: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Webu... Bug #3765: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Webuser-->Excel-->No need to put the column of "ACTION" in exported excel sheet

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3764: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Webus... Bug #3764: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Webuser-->PDF-->Column of "Status" is missing in generated PDF file for webusers list.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3763: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Webu... Bug #3763: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Webuser-->add webuser-->Provide value in First Name, Last Name & Mid name-->save-->Mid Name does not reflect in the data grid under the name column after save.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3759: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Webu... Bug #3759: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Webuser-->select "Miss" in First Name-->Save-->Go with Edit-->prefix get changed to "MR." by itself.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3754: AFSC-->Licensee Type--> RIS... Bug #3754: AFSC-->Licensee Type--> RISK RATINGS-->Generate PDF-->two column UPDATE BY & UPDATE DATE does not reflects in the exported pdf.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3752: AFSC-->Licensee Type->RISK ... Bug #3752: AFSC-->Licensee Type->RISK RATINGS-->save-->go with edit-->No any item has selected in the dropdown list of Rated by still "SuperAdmin" reflects in the data grid for "Rated By" column

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3748: AFSC->Licensee Type->RISK R... Bug #3748: AFSC->Licensee Type->RISK RATINGS->Add RISK RATING-->Risk Rating Justification *-->Provide maximum character value in "Risk Rating Justification" input field->save->The complete provide inside "value of Risk Rating Justification" does not reflect in list

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3746: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Enfo... Bug #3746: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Enforcement-->Add enforcement-->click on "SAVE"-->pdf generate-->In generated PDF Date is getting break by year to the new line, while Date should be in single same line.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3743: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Enfor... Bug #3743: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Enforcement->Add enforcement->click on "SAVE"-->edit-->why does this Date Format "0000 00 00" appears for blank field?

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3742: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Enfor... Bug #3742: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Enforcement->Add enforcement->provide value in mandatory fields only-->as user clicks on SAVE/Update button then by default system accept "Unresolved" from the dropdown list even user didn't select any value in status field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3741: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Enfo... Bug #3741: AFSC-->Licensee Type-->Enforcement-->Add Enforcement-->Provide value-->click on SAVE-->As user clicks on SAVE button then system throws incorrect confirmation message "Data successfully updated" (message should be for "Added data" not for update data)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3740: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Enfor... Bug #3740: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Enforcement->Add enforcement->click on "SAVE" without filling any input field-->as user clicks on SAVE button, Date picker gets open along with the alert message that "Please fill out this field", while this calendar should not open

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/18/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


License Type -Tab - Bug #3784: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Reins... Bug #3784: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Reinsurance-->add Reinsurance-->provide date in "Period From" & "Period To"-->Date in "Period To" can't fall before date "Period From" field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3783: AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINS... Bug #3783: AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE-->REINSURANCE-->provide value in entire fields get disappear after save

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3782: AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINS... Bug #3782: AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE-->Spelling of "Participation" is wrong in "Percentage Partcipation"

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3781: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> REIN... Bug #3781: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> REINSURANCE-->design issue (Save information & Cancel button gets hide) NOTE: This layout issue in on "DEMO" link only.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3779: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspe... Bug #3779: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Go with "Action Plan"-->attach file-->Click on Update information-->Not able to update the information with attached file in Action Plan field (Button is not clickable)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3778: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspe... Bug #3778: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->attach Pdf-->Click on link-->User does not able to to preview pdf file.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3777: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspe... Bug #3777: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->click on "SAVE"-->0000 00 00 Date format appears for the blank date field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3774: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspe... Bug #3774: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->PDF-->End Date, Issued Report, status & Action plan column does not reflects in exported PDF.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3771: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspe... Bug #3771: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection at*-->"ASTRICK" mark should close to the "Inspection at"

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3770: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspe... Bug #3770: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection Start Date *-->System allows to select date of inspection in past, Is is incorrect or requirement from client end? (Please look over this concern once)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3769: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspe... Bug #3769: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->click on "SAVE" without filling any input field-->as user clicks on SAVE button, Date picker gets open along with the alert message that "Please fill out this field", while this calendar should not open

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal





License Type -Tab - Bug #3835: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-L... Bug #3835: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->Company Information Section-->Name-->Put maximum character length name (400)-->save-->After save system accepts only 255 initial character (Means value after 255th character gets disappear)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3834: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-... Bug #3834: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->add company-->go with entity list-->open that added company-->In start Date field in "Allow Exemption to Submit Return" are blank, but as user clicks on Update button then bye default "01-01-1970" date appears.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3833: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-L... Bug #3833: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->Address-->City-->(1). Need to extend the character length. (2). City should be alphanumeric.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3831: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-L... Bug #3831: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->even I am working on AFSC panel, still system throws pop-up for stay login or logout (Means session out message)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3829: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-L... Bug #3829: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->First Name-->Select "Miss" prefix for first name-->save-->After save prefix value gets convert into "Mr." instead of "Miss"

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3828: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-L... Bug #3828: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->First Name-->Need to extend character length.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3808: AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINS... Bug #3808: AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE-->Click on "Save information"-->Value is getting add without filling any detail in any field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


License Type -Tab - Bug #3846: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-L... Bug #3846: AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->"Non-Licensed Entity list" Button is not clickable.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/23/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3844: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-... Bug #3844: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->Add company-->Provide value till "Phone 1"-->click on SAVE-->Put Red Asterisk mark on "Email" as it is the mandatory input field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/23/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3843: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-... Bug #3843: AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->Add company-->Provide value till "First Name"-->click on SAVE-->Put Red Asterisk mark on "Phone 1" as it is the mandatory input field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/23/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal



License Type -Tab - Bug #3921: AFSC-->License Type-->Non P... Bug #3921: AFSC-->License Type-->Non Profit Organization-->go with section "NPO PROFILE"-->Design issue (Section boundary should be as per upper section)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3914: AFSC-->License Type-->All L... Bug #3914: AFSC-->License Type-->All Licensed Entities-->Value in "Sub Sector" column does not reflect.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3909: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-L... Bug #3909: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->ALL LICENSED ENTITIES LIST-->this button is not clickable

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3887: AFSC-->License Type-->All L... Bug #3887: AFSC-->License Type-->All Licensed Entities-->very first 4 rows are blank (Means without any saved data)

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Type -Tab - Bug #3886: AFSC-->Administrator-->Fee ... Bug #3886: AFSC-->Administrator-->Fee structure-->Annual Fee-->Add annual fee-->year of "Fees Period Ends to Month/Year*" can't fall before "Fees Period Starts from Month/Year*"

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3885: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-L... Bug #3885: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->add relationship-->resume-->attach resume-->save-->after save attached resume gets disappear from the resume field.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3880: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-L... Bug #3880: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->add relationship-->Go with Service Provided By *-->System doesn't provide the suggestion for existing entity.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Type -Tab - Bug #3876: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-L... Bug #3876: AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->dropdown list-->Choose SubSector-->why does this "Choose SubSector" appears in the dropdown list.

Project: License Type -Tab
Status: New
Start date: 08/25/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


Bug #3950: AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile... Bug #3950: AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Reset Password-->Input field should not allow unlimited characters.

Project: ARIAS Panel
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Bug #3949: AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile... Bug #3949: AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Reset Password-->Redmark icon in below attached screenshot is not clickable and there is no any word or name of this button.

Project: ARIAS Panel
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
PROFILE - Bug #3948: AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile... Bug #3948: AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Update-->Design issue

Project: PROFILE
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Requests - Bug #3945: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3945: AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->open company-->In some applications "SUBMISSION" button is absent.

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Requests - Bug #3944: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3944: AFSC-->License Requests-->Pos-License Request-->Excel-->generate excel-->"Action" column should not present in excel file.

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
ADMINISTRATION Module - Bug #3938: AFSC-->Administrator-->Acti... Bug #3938: AFSC-->Administrator-->Activity log-->there is no activity appears for any other user role, only superadmin's activity logs displayed in the data grid.

Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Requests - Bug #3936: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3936: AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->PDF-->"APPLICATION STATUS" column is missing in exported pdf file.

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Requests - Bug #3935: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3935: AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->ALL ENTITIES LICENSE REQUESTS LIST-->this button is not clickable.

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
License Requests - Bug #3933: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3933: AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->Excel-->generate excel-->"Action" column should not present in excel file.

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Requests - Bug #3932: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3932: AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->SUBMISSION-->Click any button (Verify & approve, Request for Resubmission, Reject)-->on clicking on any button, for a couple of second a message displayed over the white screen (See attached screenshot)

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Requests - Bug #3930: AFSC->License Requests->Pre... Bug #3930: AFSC->License Requests->Pre License Request->select application->open it->Submission->Request for resubmission->again click on company name link-->even after resubmission, Verify & approve and Request for resubmission button should hide

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
License Requests - Bug #3929: AFSC->License Requests->Pre... Bug #3929: AFSC->License Requests->Pre-License Request->select submitted application->open it->Submission button->verify & Approve->again click on company name link-->even after approved, Verify & approve button does still appears on the screen, while it should hide

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
License Requests - Bug #3925: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3925: AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->PDF-->"APPLICATION STATUS" column is missing in exported pdf file.

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
License Requests - Bug #3924: AFSC-->License Requests-->P... Bug #3924: AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->ALL ENTITIES LICENSE REQUESTS LIST-->this button is not clickable.

Project: License Requests
Status: New
Start date: 08/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal





RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3987: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3987: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Returns-->Go with any company-->click on "Request for Resubmission", "Validate & Approve"-->On clicking on any button, for a couple of second a text message displayed over white screen (see attached screenshot)

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3980: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3980: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Returns-->select company name-->click on View-->for that return value in "Created by :-" & "Updated by :-" field does not displayed.

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3975: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3975: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Returns-->why do these two "Development Instructions " appears on single screen

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3973: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3973: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Returns-->Go with any company-->Action column-->Click on "Return History" icon-->On clicking page gets stuck

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3972: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3972: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Returns-->PDF-->Date should not break in two line (Date should be in single line)

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3970: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3970: AFSC-->Return Management-->Manage Scheduling-->There is no any details or data value under this section.

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3967: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3967: AFSC-->Return Management-->Return Group-->There is no any details or data under this section.

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3965: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3965: AFSC-->Return Management-->Manage Validation-->There is no any details or data value under this section.

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3963: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3963: AFSC-->Return Management-->Manage Rules-->There is no any details or data under this section.

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3962: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3962: AFSC-->Return Management-->Manage Structures-->There is no any details or structure under this section.

Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
PROFILE - Bug #3955: AFSC->Profile->reset passwo... Bug #3955: AFSC->Profile->reset password->put 123456 pass in Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password)->On clicking Submit button system throws alert message against "Confirm Password" that Please enter at least 8 characters" even this panel has 123456 password.

Project: PROFILE
Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
PROFILE - Bug #3953: AFSC-->Profile-->reset pass... Bug #3953: AFSC-->Profile-->reset password-->Quick link of "Reset Password" is missing below the lock icon.

Project: PROFILE
Status: New
Start date: 08/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High


Setting - Bug #4019: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4019: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add Schedule-->Why does month gets selected in "Schedule Period Type *"

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4017: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4017: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add Schedule-->Select radio button of "Year Type *"-->As soon as user selects option in "Year Type *" then option for "Schedule Period Type *" get selected by default."

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4015: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4015: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add Schedule-->Select Credit unions in sectors dropdown list-->Return Type *-->In dropdown of "Return Type *" need to remove "Annual" as there are only "MONTHLY" & "QUARTERLY" return upload in credit

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4013: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4013: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->PDF-->"ACTION" column should not appear in the generated Pdf.

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Entity Annual Fees - Bug #4010: AFSC-->Entity Annual Fees--... Bug #4010: AFSC-->Entity Annual Fees-->Click on company name-->Verify & Approve-->If admin approved once then, this verify & approved button should hide from that page.

Project: Entity Annual Fees
Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #4004: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #4004: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Return--> PENDING RETURN REQUEST-->Only "Pending" request application should comes under this section, while in this all status application is appearing

Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3999: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3999: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Return--> TO RESUBMIT REQUEST RETURN LIST-->Only "Resubmit" request application should comes under this section, while in this all status application is appearing

Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
RETURN MANAGEMENT - Bug #3994: AFSC-->Return Management-->... Bug #3994: AFSC-->Return Management-->View Return--> TO RESUBMIT REQUEST RETURN LIST-->select any company-->Click "Return History" icon-->On clicking return history icon then page gets stuck.

Status: New
Start date: 08/30/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High


Setting - Bug #4033: AFSC->Setting->General Sett... Bug #4033: AFSC->Setting->General Setting->Schedule Setting->Add schedule->fill required value-->go with "Schedule limit *" and leave them blank-->Submit-->edit-->Now By default system takes DECEMBER 0, Why so, if its financially cycle then why 0 after December?

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4032: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4032: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Schedule Name *-->this input field should not allow unlimited characters.

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4031: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4031: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Go with "Schedule limit *"-->Need to set some margin above "To:Month & Year :" input field

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4030: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4030: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Go with "Schedule Period(in Months/Weeks) *" & "Cutoff Period(in Months/Weeks) *"-->Need to change the "Placeholder name" i.e. NUMBER OF MONTH for these two input field

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4028: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4028: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Select Trust & company managers-->Return type field-->there should only "Annual & Quarterly" in the dropdown list instead of "Annual & Monthly & Quarterly"

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4027: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4027: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Select Mutual Fund-->Return type field-->there should only "Annual" in the dropdown list instead of "Annual & Monthly & Quarterly"

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4026: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4026: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Select Money Services-->Return type field-->there should only "Quarterly" in the dropdown list instead of "Annual & Monthly & Quarterly"

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4025: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4025: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Select International Bank-->Return type field-->there should only "Annual & Quarterly" in the dropdown list instead of "Annual & Monthly & Quarterly"

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4022: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4022: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->Schedule Setting-->Add schedule-->Select Insurance-->Return type field-->there should only "Annual & Quarterly" in the dropdown list, as Insurance return upload year is only in Annual & Quarterly.

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Setting - Bug #4021: AFSC-->Setting-->General Se... Bug #4021: AFSC-->Setting-->General Setting-->General Setting-->Click on "UPDATE"-->On clicking Update button system takes to error page "application/language/english/sms_lang.php does not appear to have the proper file permissions. Please make the file writeable."

Project: Setting
Status: New
Start date: 08/31/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent


DASHBOARD - Bug #4048: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4048: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Submitted Returns" Section-->click on this section-->These "RETURN LIST" & "TO RESUBMIT REQUEST RETURN LIST" & "PENDING RETURN REQUEST" button should not display on this page.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4047: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4047: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "TBR Returns this month"-->click on this section-->These "RETURN LIST" & "TO RESUBMIT REQUEST RETURN LIST" & "PENDING RETURN REQUEST" button should not display on this page.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4046: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4046: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "TBR Returns this month" Section-->click over this section->system takes to all return list like VAL, TBR, SUB while on this page only "TBR" return should display.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4045: AFSC->Dashboard->"Submitted... Bug #4045: AFSC->Dashboard->"Submitted Returns" Section->click over this section->system takes to all return list like VAL, TBR, SUB while on this page only SUB return should display.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4044: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4044: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Overdue Returns" Section-->On clicking it there should be list of all Late return item list instead of any filter by quarter or year.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4043: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4043: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Total Pending Returns" Section-->On clicking it there should be list of all pending item instead of any filter by quarter or year.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4042: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4042: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Return Schedules this Month"-->click on this section-->on clicking over this link system takes to pending item list.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4041: AFSC->Dashboard->"Return Sc... Bug #4041: AFSC->Dashboard->"Return Schedules this Month" Section->click over this section->system takes to Report List page, where Link for "Pending Returns List" appears beside HOME, which is incorrect because this Pending item list should not display on this page

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4040: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4040: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Upcoming Renewals(Licensees)" Section-->Now click over this section-->system takes to "ALL LICENSED ENTITIES LIST" page again.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4039: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4039: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "New Licensee" Section-->Now click over this section-->system takes to "ALL LICENSED ENTITIES LIST" page again.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4038: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4038: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Total Licensee" Section (On it total count is 3296)-->Now click over this section-->it will takes to "ALL LICENSED ENTITIES LIST" page (Here total count is 2047)--->So On Dashboard Entity count value is incorrect.

Status: New
Start date: 09/01/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High


DASHBOARD - Bug #4066: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4066: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Status of Return category wise"-->Incorrect data displayed in this section.

Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4061: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4061: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Recently added Licensees"-->Why does this only "Credit Unions" displayed in this section.

Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
DASHBOARD - Bug #4058: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4058: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Recent Activities" section-->here at some places "Super Admin" is missing in "BY" column.

Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
DASHBOARD - Bug #4057: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4057: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Active Licensees" section-->As these value depends on "Total Licensees" section and there are things is not running correct, so the data under "Active Licensees" table is incorrect.

Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4056: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4056: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Pending Returns" section-->As these value depends on "Total Pending Returns" section and there are things is not running correct, so the data under "Pending Returns" table is incorrect.

Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
DASHBOARD - Bug #4052: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4052: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Recent Activities" section-->Spelling of Activity id wrong. it should be "Activity" instead of "ACTIVY"

Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
DASHBOARD - Bug #4050: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with ... Bug #4050: AFSC-->Dashboard-->Go with "Late Fees(Licensees)"-->click inside this section-->system takes to incorrect page, where system allows to add the late fee as well.

Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High


issue beginning this day issue ending this day issue beginning and ending this day