From 09/22/2022 to 10/01/2022
- 07:17 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4631 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU5B-RECONCILE ALL AND EQUITY"--> PDF & EXCEL generate button should be at one time and on top too for single form, while here every section having different different pdf button.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU5B-RECONCILE ALL AND EQUITY"--> PDF & EXCEL generate bu...
- 07:03 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4630 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->form "CU4-ASSET QUALITY & REQ. PROV."-->go below to the form-->scroll the scroll bar from left-right-->on scroll scroll bar from left-right the column 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th overlapping to the very 1st column.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->form "CU4-ASSET QUALITY & REQ. PROV."-->go below to the form-->scroll t...
- 06:56 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4629 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU4-ASSET QUALITY & REQ. PROV."-->go below to form-->scroll the scroll bar left to right-->on scrolling scroll bar left to right the last two rows is also getting move left to right.
Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU4-ASSET QUALITY & REQ. PROV."-->go below to form-->sc...- 05:23 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4625 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU2-CREDIT BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY"-->Heading for all column is missing. Find the attached screenshot of LFSC form for reference.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU2-CREDIT BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY"-->Heading for all column...
- 03:53 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4620 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-SUPP F- CONCENTRAT"--> PDF & EXCEL generate button should be at one time and on top too for single form, while here every section having different different pdf button.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-SUPP F- CONCENTRAT"--> PDF & EXCEL generate button sh...
- 03:19 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4619 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-SUPP D INVEST CON."--> The column for "SHARES AND EQUITY " should be merged and centered the heading,SECURITIES OTHER THAN SHARES/EQUITIES should be merged and centered the heading as lfsc .
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-SUPP D INVEST CON."--> The column for "SHARES AND EQU...
- 01:02 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4614 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-SUPP C-INVESTMENTS"--> The column of very first row should be merged and centered the heading as lfsc.( see attached screenshot for reference)
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-SUPP C-INVESTMENTS"--> The column of very first row s...
- 11:55 AM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4612 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-ASSETS, LIAB. & CAP."--> the heading " ASSETS All Amounts in Eastern Caribbean Dollars" should be in center as like LFSC panel.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-ASSETS, LIAB. & CAP."--> the heading " ASSETS All Am...
- 07:27 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4600 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "CU2-CREDIT BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY"-->go below to table-->scroll the scroll bar to right side-->on scrolling the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th column overlapping the very 1st column.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "CU2-CREDIT BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY"-->go below to table-->sc...
- 05:51 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4595 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "CU3-Income Statement"-->"INCOME STATEMENT" should below to the "Credit unions" in the heading of this form at report end. (Find attached screenshot)
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "CU3-Income Statement"-->"INCOME STATEMENT" should below t...
- 05:47 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4593 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "all form"-->Heading for each form should be in decent manner like lfsc.
Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "all form"-->Heading for each form should be in decent m...- 05:41 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4590 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->"Search bar" should not move with scroll bar, right now means search bar is moving with scroll bar(Horizontally)
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->"Search bar" should not move with scroll bar, right now means search ba...
- 04:53 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4585 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "CU1-SUPP A-DEPOSITS"-->Heading for each column is missing in this form (SEE attached screenshot )
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->go with form "CU1-SUPP A-DEPOSITS"-->Heading for each column is missing...
- 04:45 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4584 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->open all the form-->No need to print the name of form at top right side (See attached screenshot)
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->open all the form-->No need to print the name of form at top right side...
- 03:38 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4582 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-ASSETS, LIAB. & CAP."--> the heading "LIABILITIES & EQUITY All Amounts in Eastern Caribbean Dollars" should be in center as like LFSC panel.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU1-ASSETS, LIAB. & CAP."--> the heading "LIABILITIES & E...
- 03:15 PM CONSOLIDATE REPORT Bug #4581 (New): Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->on changing value of dropdown the value is not getting reset for other next dropdown.
- Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->on changing value of dropdown the value is not getting reset for other ...
- 03:30 PM Payment List Bug #4566 (New): AFSC-->Payment list-->Unable to test it as I don't have any idea about payment list, need to implement this section as per client need.
- AFSC-->Payment list-->Unable to test it as I don't have any idea about payment list, need to implement this section a...
- 01:21 PM ADMINISTRATION Module Bug #4558 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Email Template-->Click over the link "Manage Email Template"(At top of list)-->As soon as user clicks on "Manage Email Template" then system takes to the "MONEY SERVICES" entity list.
- AFSC-->Administration-->Email Template-->Click over the link "Manage Email Template"(At top of list)-->As soon as use...
- 12:28 PM Notifications Bug #4554 (New): Notification-->Temp user entity submit-->Why does no any notification appears in this section for temp user's submitted entity.?
- Notification-->Temp user entity submit-->Why does no any notification appears in this section for temp user's submitt...
- 12:26 PM Notifications Bug #4553 (New): Notification-->Temp user entity submit-->Click on the link "Temp user entity submit" (link at top)-->As soon as user click over the link "Temp user entity submit" then system takes to "MONEY SERVICES" entity list.
- Notification-->Temp user entity submit-->Click on the link "Temp user entity submit" (link at top)-->As soon as user ...
- 04:58 PM BILLING Bug #4540 (New): AFSC-->Billing-->Pre License Applications/ Post License Applications/ Penalties-->How does this tab will work for billing method/purpose.
- AFSC-->Billing-->Pre License Applications/ Post License Applications/ Penalties-->How does this tab will work for bil...
- 03:46 PM License Requests Bug #4536 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->Click over "All Entities License Requests"-->on clicking over it system takes to screen where no any entity list displayed.
- AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->Click over "All Entities License Requests"-->on clicking over it sys...
- 03:16 PM Notifications Bug #4535 (New): AFSC->Notification->Validate Entity->Do the "Validate & approved"(By admin) license will not reflect in this "validate entity" notification.(right now the entity approved from "PRE REUEST" tab is getting display here) . need to confirm with client once.
- AFSC->Notification->Validate Entity->Do the "Validate & approved"(By admin) license will not reflect in this "validat...
- 04:25 PM ADMINISTRATION Module Bug #4503 (New): AFSC-->Administrator-->Activity Log-->PDF-->"IP" column does not present in generated PDF.
- AFSC-->Administrator-->Activity Log-->PDF-->"IP" column does not present in generated PDF.
!clipboard-202209261624... - 03:37 PM ADMINISTRATION Module Bug #4500 (New): AFSC-->Administrator-->Activity Log-->Select User type-->name-->find-->No any Activity does appears for this user. (Only activity of superadmin's get displayed over here.)
- AFSC-->Administrator-->Activity Log-->Select User type-->name-->find-->No any Activity does appears for this user. (O...
- 01:15 PM ADMINISTRATION Module Bug #4492 (New): AFSC-->Administrator-->Post License form-->Spelling of FROMS in "Manage Post-Licensing Froms" should be "FORMS" (Incorrect spelling of FORMS)
- AFSC-->Administrator-->Post License form-->Spelling of FROMS in "Manage Post-Licensing Froms" should be "FORMS" (Inco...
- 01:13 PM ADMINISTRATION Module Bug #4491 (New): AFSC-->Administrator-->Post License form-->Click over the link "Manage Post-Licensing Froms"-->On clicking over it system takes to "MONEY SERVICDES" Entity list.
- AFSC-->Administrator-->Post License form-->Click over the link "Manage Post-Licensing Froms"-->On clicking over it sy...
- 12:59 PM ADMINISTRATION Module Bug #4490 (New): AFSC-->Administrator-->Post License form-->Why do these are form added over here, means where will the admin used these added forms? (As Post license form are at license panel in Administration tab) Need to have discuss it with client once.
- AFSC-->Administrator-->Post License form-->Why do these are form added over here, means where will the admin used the...
- 05:39 PM Notifications Bug #4475 (New): AFSC-->Notification-->PDF-->Name of generate "PDF" is always "Manage Activity Log" while this pdf is the part of notification, so Need to correct the naming of exported PDF.
- AFSC-->Notification-->PDF-->Name of generate "PDF" is always "Manage Activity Log" while this pdf is the part of noti...
- 04:03 PM Notifications Bug #4473 (New): AFSC-->Notification-->All notification-->Click over the link "All Notifications List" (link on top left)-->On clicking over the link "All Notifications List " system takes to ERSP license list.
- AFSC-->Notification-->All notification-->Click over the link "All Notifications List" (link on top left)-->On clickin...
- 03:58 PM Notifications Bug #4472 (New): AFSC-->Notification-->All notification-->Notification word is only "Update Return" even webuser perform two action for return upload "SAVE" & "VALIDATE AND SUBMIT"(Query: Is it client requirement? If YES then its is not an issue otherwise need to fix it)
- AFSC-->Notification-->All notification-->Notification word is only "Update Return" even webuser perform two action f...
- 03:18 PM License Type -Tab Bug #4469 (New): AFSC-->License type-->ERSP-->add company-->Fill out information and leave "Last Name *" blank even this field is mandatory(Red Asterisk)-->After leaving mandatory field blank, still admin able to save the information.
- AFSC-->License type-->ERSP-->add company-->Fill out information and leave "Last Name *" blank even this field is mand...
- 01:24 PM License Type -Tab Bug #4467 (New): AFSC-->License type-->ERSP-->Developer instruction-->add->save-->go with "Development Instructions"-->now click on "Close"-->Again click on "Development Instructions "-->If user does the same then the system shows duplicate value.
- AFSC-->License type-->ERSP-->Developer instruction-->add->save-->go with "Development Instructions"-->now click on "C...
- 03:31 PM Message Bug #4437 (New): AFSC-->Message-->Click on "Inbox Message" link (Above Developer instruction)-->As soon as admin clicks on "Inbox Message" link then system takes to "International Banks sector's entity list" instead of "Inbox Message"
- AFSC-->Message-->Click on "Inbox Message" link (Above Developer instruction)-->As soon as admin clicks on "Inbox Mess...
- 02:38 PM Message Bug #4435 (New): AFSC-->Message-->Draft-->take mouse cursor over link of "Receiver name" & "Subject" then on doing so that black color gets change into "WHITE" invisible text. ( see attached screenshot)
- AFSC-->Message-->Draft-->take mouse cursor over link of "Receiver name" & "Subject" then on doing so that black color...
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