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Super Admin Panel - Bug #4049: Demo server --> Super admin... Bug #4049: Demo server --> Super admin --> Company logo does not appear on the super admin panel.

Project: Super Admin Panel
Status: New
Start date: 09/02/2022
Due date:
Assignee: sunil gupta
Priority: High








Licensee Panel - Bug #4142: LFSC-->Insurance Login-->Up... Bug #4142: LFSC-->Insurance Login-->Upload return-->click on "SAVE"-->After clicking on "SAVE" system takes to error screen.

Project: Licensee Panel
Status: New
Start date: 09/08/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Immediate






Licensee Panel - Bug #4187: Super Admin-->Return manage... Bug #4187: Super Admin-->Return management -->View Return --> IB --> 2023 --> To be request --> go with Lfsc--> Offshore banking (IB) --> Form status is showing TBR but update form option is not available in the Return panel

Project: Licensee Panel
Status: New
Start date: 09/12/2022
Due date:
Assignee: sunil gupta
Priority: Urgent



Licensee Panel - Bug #4229: LESC-->License Type-->Go wi... Bug #4229: LESC-->License Type-->Go with Relationship tab-->Go with " ShareHolder %-->This input field should not allow more than one decimal point.

Project: Licensee Panel
Status: New
Start date: 09/14/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


Licensee Panel - Bug #4254: LFSC-->Login-->Profile & ma... Bug #4254: LFSC-->Login-->Profile & material-icons should at right side (Design issue)....See in attached screenshot.

Project: Licensee Panel
Status: New
Start date: 09/15/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


Return Upload-->Credit Unions - Bug #4309: LFSC-->Dashboard-->Click on... Bug #4309: LFSC-->Dashboard-->Click on "Material icons"-->Click on downward arrow-->there are only MUTUAL FUND sector is displaying while this webuser exist with all companies.(Means there should be all sector name in the list)

Project: Return Upload-->Credit Unions
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4308: LFSC-->Login with Credit Un... Bug #4308: LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->How does this calculation for "Current Balance" gets calculated?

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Credit Unions - Bug #4307: LFSC-->Login with Credit Un... Bug #4307: LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Return Upload-->open company-->Click over "RETURN HISTORY"-->The value under "TBR Requested" & "TBR Requested By" does not updated.

Project: Return Upload-->Credit Unions
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Credit Unions - Bug #4301: LFSC-->Return Upload-->CU1-... Bug #4301: LFSC-->Return Upload-->CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.-->Go with 13-->go with (vi)-->Enter value should come at left side like other fields .(Right now value coming at right side)

Project: Return Upload-->Credit Unions
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4300: LFSC-->Return Upload-->vali... Bug #4300: LFSC-->Return Upload-->validate form-->go with AFSC panel-->Approved-->Notification count at notification bell comes after refresh that Dashboard page, while count should update automatically as soon as action taken by admin.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4271: LFSC-->Login with Credit Un... Bug #4271: LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Click on "Development Instructions"-->Nothing gets displayed on clicking over "Development Instructions".

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4269: LFSC-->Login with Credit Un... Bug #4269: LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Count of SUBMIT return does not displayed in the submit section.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4265: LFSC-->Login with Credit Un... Bug #4265: LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return upload of International Banks's return upload displayed while this is the login of Credit Unions.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/16/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High





Administration - Bug #4340: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4340: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Administration-->Manage Payment-->There is no details appear under "Manage Payment" tab so need to fetch or put the payment details as per client requirement.

Project: Administration
Status: New
Start date: 09/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Administration - Bug #4332: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4332: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Administration-->Manage License-->On clicking "Manage License" system takes to next page where the three header menu "DASHBOARD", "ADMINISTRATION" & "RETURN UPLOAD" do not displayed.

Project: Administration
Status: New
Start date: 09/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
Administration - Bug #4331: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4331: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Administration-->Manage License-->There is no License appears under "Manage License" tab.

Project: Administration
Status: New
Start date: 09/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
Administration - Bug #4328: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4328: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Administration-->Manage Web Users-->There is no webuser appears under "Manage Web Users" tab.

Project: Administration
Status: New
Start date: 09/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
Return Upload-->Credit Unions - Bug #4320: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4320: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Return Upload-->Go with Form-->save & validate-->Nam of " Updated by :-" does not appears.

Project: Return Upload-->Credit Unions
Status: New
Start date: 09/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Credit Unions - Bug #4315: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4315: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Return Upload-->Return Period-->Need to expend the calendar year in one go (Client Requirement)

Project: Return Upload-->Credit Unions
Status: New
Start date: 09/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4311: Dashboard-->Go with "Last 1... Bug #4311: Dashboard-->Go with "Last 10 Returns Status"-->Admin gives request of return 2019 "TBR" after return upload of 2026, so 2019 should display over 2026.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/19/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


Administration - Bug #4367: LFSC-->Login with Insurance... Bug #4367: LFSC-->Login with Insurance-->Administration-->Go with Post License Application-->new application->save->fill the form->save--.submit-->offline payment-->For offline payment there is no details for amount and cheque & no any save or update button present.

Project: Administration
Status: New
Start date: 09/20/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
Administration - Bug #4364: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4364: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Administration-->Post License Application-->New Application-->Select sector-> "Service*" dropdown->Select value-->again click on downward arrow-->On doing this system expend "1" in large area outside dropdown field

Project: Administration
Status: New
Start date: 09/20/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Administration - Bug #4359: LFSC-->Login with any secto... Bug #4359: LFSC-->Login with any sector-->Administration-->Manage Web Users-->Click on "ADD NEW WEB USER"-->fill value-->Click on SAVE-->Webuser save successfully but only email_id reflects in the table.

Project: Administration
Status: New
Start date: 09/20/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4354: LFSC-->Login with Insurance... Bug #4354: LFSC-->Login with Insurance-->Dashboard-->Click on "Development Instructions"-->On clicking it nothing displayed, means only blank window appears.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/20/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4350: LFSC-->Login with Insurance... Bug #4350: LFSC-->Login with Insurance-->Dashboard-->How does this calculation for "Current Balance" gets calculated?

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/20/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4347: LFSC-->Login with Insurance... Bug #4347: LFSC-->Login with Insurance-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return upload of International Banks and Credit Union's return upload displayed while this is the login of Insurance

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/20/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High


Return Upload-->Trust and company managers - Bug #4408: LFSC-->Login with Trust and... Bug #4408: LFSC-->Login with Trust and company managers-->return upload-->go with form-->submit-->Nothing displayed in "Updated by :-" even return has been submit.

Project: Return Upload-->Trust and company managers
Status: New
Start date: 09/21/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Trust and company managers - Bug #4402: LFSC-->Login with Trust and... Bug #4402: LFSC-->Login with Trust and company managers-->return upload-->go with form-->calendar input field (in entire forms)-->Need to extend the calendar year length for one go. (This is the client requirement).

Project: Return Upload-->Trust and company managers
Status: New
Start date: 09/21/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
Return Upload-->Trust and company managers - Bug #4396: LFSC-->Login with Trust and... Bug #4396: LFSC-->Login with Trust and company managers-->Dashboard-->Go with "Upcoming Return"-->From where or which kind of data record comes under "Upcoming Return" section at dashboard.

Project: Return Upload-->Trust and company managers
Status: New
Start date: 09/21/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Trust and company managers - Bug #4384: LFSC-->Login with Trust and... Bug #4384: LFSC-->Login with Trust and company managers-->Go with Trust Business-->Qus.23-->Total Number of Discretionary Accounts-->The value in "Total Number of Discretionary Accounts" should at very right side.

Project: Return Upload-->Trust and company managers
Status: New
Start date: 09/21/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4379: LFSC-->Login with Trust and... Bug #4379: LFSC-->Login with Trust and company managers-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return upload of International Banks and Credit Union's return upload displayed while this is the login of Trust and company managers

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/21/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High


Return Upload-->International Banks - Bug #4450: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Go w... Bug #4450: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Go with Administration-->Post License Application-->new application--->Select value from dropdown-->Click on submit-->Need to to replace "you" By "Your" in this "You request has been submitted" confirmation message. "

Project: Return Upload-->International Banks
Status: New
Start date: 09/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->International Banks - Bug #4446: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Go w... Bug #4446: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Go with Administration-->Post License Application-->new application--->As the work on this tab doesn't implemented yet so need to add functionality after suggestion with client only.

Project: Return Upload-->International Banks
Status: New
Start date: 09/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4439: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Dash... Bug #4439: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Dashboard-->go with profile icon (top right side)-->LOCK-->lock is not working means no any difference is betting reflect on clicking over lock., need to ask with client about the meaning of "LOCK" over here.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4434: LFSC-->Login with IB-->top ... Bug #4434: LFSC-->Login with IB-->top left corner-->Logo of Anguilla-->Why does this logo and area before Dashboard menu is clickable?

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4429: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Dash... Bug #4429: LFSC-->Login with IB-->Dashboard-->How does this calculation for "Current Balance" gets calculated?

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4425: LFSC-->Login with Internati... Bug #4425: LFSC-->Login with International Banks-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return upload of International Banks and Credit Union's return upload displayed while this is the login of International Banks.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/22/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High


Return Upload-->Mutual Fund - Bug #4481: LFSC-->Login with MF-->Go w... Bug #4481: LFSC-->Login with MF-->Go with Administration-->Post License Application-->new application--->As the work on this tab doesn't implemented yet so need to add functionality after suggestion with client only.

Project: Return Upload-->Mutual Fund
Status: New
Start date: 09/23/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Mutual Fund - Bug #4476: LFSC-->Login with Mutual Fu... Bug #4476: LFSC-->Login with Mutual Fund-->Return upload-->Submit-->Go with admin panel-->Request for Resubmission-->go with license panel-->There is not "REUPLOAD" option gets active for TBR case.

Project: Return Upload-->Mutual Fund
Status: New
Start date: 09/23/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Urgent
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4474: LFSC-->Dashboard-->"Upcomin... Bug #4474: LFSC-->Dashboard-->"Upcoming Return" section-->Why does this "Upcoming Return" year is always 2019 and from where the data in "Upcoming Return" get fetched?

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/23/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4454: LFSC-->Login with Mutual Fu... Bug #4454: LFSC-->Login with Mutual Fund-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return upload of International Banks and Credit Union's return upload displayed while this is the login of Mutual Fund.

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/23/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High





Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4518: LFSC-->Login with Money Ser... Bug #4518: LFSC-->Login with Money Services-->Return upload-->the "CANCEL" button is missing in below of form. (See attached screenshot of other sector for reference)

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4517: LFSC-->Login with Money Ser... Bug #4517: LFSC-->Login with Money Services-->Return upload-->the button "SAVE" & "VALIDATE AND SUBMIT" should ne right side as other sector. (See screenshot of other sector for reference)

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4506: LFSC-->Login with Money Ser... Bug #4506: LFSC-->Login with Money Services-->return upload-->submit-->Validate & approved by Admin end-->come back to lfsc-->The status is still " Not Submitted" even user have been submitted the license.

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4497: LFSC-->Login with Money Ser... Bug #4497: LFSC-->Login with Money Services-->Return upload-->Save & Validate the form-->the value in "Updated by :-" does not updated even user has been submitted the form.

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4489: LFSC-->Login with Money Ser... Bug #4489: LFSC-->Login with Money Services-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return upload of International Banks and Credit Union's return upload displayed while this is the login of Money Services

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/26/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4528: LFSC-->Login with MSB-->Go ... Bug #4528: LFSC-->Login with MSB-->Go with Administration-->Post License Application-->new application--->As the work on this tab doesn't implemented yet so need to add functionality after suggestion with client only.

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/27/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
LFSC-Dashboard - Bug #4524: LFSC-->Login with Money Ser... Bug #4524: LFSC-->Login with Money Services-->Dashboard-->How does this calculation for "Current Balance" gets calculated?

Project: LFSC-Dashboard
Status: New
Start date: 09/27/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4571: LFSC-->Money services-->Adm... Bug #4571: LFSC-->Money services-->Administration-->Post License Application-->new-->application-->submit-->click on "cross" to delete application-->Even after clicking on delete button application didn't deleted.(see attached screenshot).

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/28/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: High
Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4570: LFSC-->Money services-->Man... Bug #4570: LFSC-->Money services-->Manage return-->go with return table-->click over "UP" & "DOWN" arrow for flapping the sequence of return-->Sequence is not getting change on clicking over "UP" and "DOWN" arrow (See attached screenshot)

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/28/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4568: LFSC-->Money services-->Not... Bug #4568: LFSC-->Money services-->Notification bell icon-->go with table-->click over the "UP" & "DOWN" arrow for flapping the sequence-->on clicking over arrow incorrect sequence gets displayed.

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/28/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal
Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4567: LFSC-->Money services-->Not... Bug #4567: LFSC-->Money services-->Notification bell icon-->In the data table the "Detailed Information" of License Create Related does not appears.

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/28/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal


Return Upload-->Money Services - Bug #4577: LFSC-->Money services-->ret... Bug #4577: LFSC-->Money services-->return upload-->return year-->Calendar year need to extend (Right no only 2012-2032 displayed in one frame) (Need to fix it as it is the client requirement)

Project: Return Upload-->Money Services
Status: New
Start date: 09/29/2022
Due date:
Assignee: rohit wadhwa
Priority: Normal



issue beginning this day issue ending this day issue beginning and ending this day