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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3502 Bug New Normal MSB Report end-->Form 4--> Search field should be static, means search field should not move along with below table. sunil gupta 08/03/2022 02:49 PM Actions
3498 Bug New Normal MSB Report end-->All Forms-->Need to remove this 00 after decimal point for normal value, means normal value does never holds 00 followed by decimal point. sunil gupta 08/03/2022 12:35 PM Actions
3495 Bug New Normal MSB Report end-->Generate PDF-->in Pdf long value is breaking in next line after decimal point sunil gupta 08/03/2022 12:15 PM Actions
3494 Bug New Normal MSB Report end-->Form 4--> previous and next button should be one time and that too end of the each form at report end. sunil gupta 08/03/2022 12:07 PM Actions
3493 Bug New Normal MSB Report end-->Form 4-->Heading structure should be same as LFSC as well as client excel format. sunil gupta 08/03/2022 11:32 AM Actions
3491 Bug New Normal MSB Report-->Form 3-->last section-->table layout should be in decent manner, it would be good if it it will look like lfsc panel. sunil gupta 08/03/2022 11:22 AM Actions
3490 Bug New Urgent MSB Report end-->Form 4-->10 Largest Receiving Transactions & 10 Largest Sending Transactions-->Order should be in descending order as per lfsc panel (Issue: Right now value is coming in ascending order at report end) sunil gupta 08/03/2022 11:17 AM Actions
3469 Bug New Urgent MSB Report-->Form 3 & Form 4-->add row by clicking on + icon-->put value-->validate-->approve from admin end-->Values under other is not reflecting at report end. sunil gupta 08/02/2022 02:40 PM Actions
3454 Bug New High MCB-->Report-->CR-->money services-->select quarter-->even after changing value from dropdown list the value of next dropdown list is not getting reset. sunil gupta 08/03/2022 11:52 AM Actions
3442 Bug New Immediate MSB-->CR-->Form 4-->This Pdf an excel generate option should be one time and that too on top only, so that admin can download the pdf in single go. sunil gupta 08/01/2022 12:49 PM Actions
3439 Bug New Immediate MSB-->LFSC Panel-->manage return-->click on the link under document id -->on clicking over link system takes "A Database Error" screen. sunil gupta 08/01/2022 06:03 PM Actions
3435 Bug Resolved Normal Consolidated report-->Company Management-->Qus.28-->Consolidate % value should also not more than 100% (Still I have Query: Is it OK that consolidate report will allow more than 100%, So Dharmanshu please ask with Dharamveer and do the needful) Dharmanshu Gupta 08/17/2022 12:36 PM Actions
3430 Bug Resolved Urgent lfsc-->Financial Statements-->put value-->net value are in negative-->validate-->approve-->report-->At the report end positive value comes instead of negative.[-20016+(-2)]= -20018 Dharmanshu Gupta 08/17/2022 03:53 PM Actions
3424 Bug Resolved Normal LFSC-->put value-->validate-->go with super admin-->return management-->view-->select sector-->Now click on any button "Request for resubmission" & "Approve"-->on clicking on any button system shows a white screen with some text for couple of second. Dharmanshu Gupta 08/17/2022 12:38 PM Actions
3423 Bug New High Trust-->LFSC PANEL-->Trust Business-->Qus.23-->Why does entered value in "Total Number of Discretionary Accounts" comes at left side? Dharmanshu Gupta 07/28/2022 01:58 PM Actions
3414 Bug Resolved Urgent Report end-->Financial Statements-->Please remove this 00 after decimal point, from report end This was the client concern at lfsc panel in starting, so that will be normal value over here like (1000 not 1000.00) Dharmanshu Gupta 08/17/2022 12:38 PM Actions
3368 Bug New Normal Admin panel-->management-->view-->click on request for resubmission form-->then for a mili second a white screen with some text blinks Dharamveer S 07/26/2022 03:45 PM Actions
3367 Bug New Immediate MF-->Lfsc-->validate-->admin-->resubmission-->lfsc-->there is no reupload option is displayed on lfsc in case of TBR Dharamveer S 07/26/2022 03:45 PM Actions
3195 Bug New Normal Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business -->excel--> After point 4 number is coming in consolidated report but in excel and pdf instead of 4 digits one and zero digit is coming somewhere in excel and pdf Dharmanshu Gupta 07/15/2022 01:11 PM Actions
3165 Bug Resolved Immediate Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business & company management-->Why does this "previous & Next" buttons appears multiple of types (While it should be once in the bottom right of form) Dharmanshu Gupta 08/17/2022 03:53 PM Actions
3163 Bug Resolved Immediate Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business tab-->Why does this "PDF & Excel" generate option is for every question (Means pdf & excel generate option should be at once only at the top of form) Dharmanshu Gupta 08/17/2022 12:47 PM Actions
2955 Bug New High Consolidated report --> insurance --> Opening the quarterly report of insurance, page is getting load only. sunil gupta 06/27/2022 11:44 AM Actions
2702 Bug New High MF-> download excel sheet taking some places "point" value in round off, (consolidated Report value same reflect on excel sheet ) sunil gupta 06/17/2022 11:51 AM Actions
2693 Bug New High MF--> (J.) Total Assets (Of Which Assets Denominated In EC Dollars) should be in single line as per lfsc panel ( Need to remove extra "Total Assets" field) Dharmanshu Gupta 06/16/2022 10:07 AM Actions
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