



From 08/09/2022 to 08/18/2022


03:37 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3753 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Form heading should be visible on Excel & pdf file .---> Excel & Pdf file --->CU7-PEARLS Rating Form heading should be visible on Excel & pdf file
step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU7-PEARLS Rating -->...
Mohd Irfan
03:28 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3751 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios.---> Excel & Pdf file ---> Last Period's Amount in EC $ value is not showing on excel sheet
Step to reproduce the bug:
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
02:55 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3749 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity.---> Excel & Pdf file ---> why 736.00 Is showing Generated pdf file and Report panel
step to reproduce the bug:
Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Econo...
Mohd Irfan
02:38 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3747 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU1-Supp D Invest Con.---> PDF file ---> Full column name "Investment Concentration vs Reg. Capital" is not visible in Generated pdf file
Step to reproduce The bug:
Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU1-Supp D Invest...
Mohd Irfan
12:48 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3745 (Closed): Demo server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.-->In " DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING %" column Total is not coming as per the formula its showing 2 instead of 2201.08
Step to reproduce bug:
Demo server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU4-Asset Quality & Req...
Mohd Irfan
12:29 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3744 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> Change background color of "SPECIFIC/GENERAL % BALANCE OF 90+DAYS ARREARS" Rows as per lfsc
step to reproduce the bug:
Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for...
Mohd Irfan
11:48 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3621 (Closed): Check Percentage of Companies - in report it shows inf%
priyanka Sharma
11:12 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3625 (Closed): In report some questions are in header & some are without header table ...question format should be same throughout the app
priyanka Sharma
11:12 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3620 (Closed): In lfsc panel net income for the year is in minus -454,671 & in report it is 454671 . It should be same .
priyanka Sharma
11:07 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3739 (Closed): Report - Ques 19 & 26 missing in the report & ques 20 is shifted in the right
priyanka Sharma


05:52 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3733 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss--> Table width out of the screen please need to fixed this issue
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Lo...
Mohd Irfan
04:52 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3729 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration --> Part A 2nd table --> Total value is not appearing "% of Total Deposits" column.
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentra...
Mohd Irfan
04:39 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3728 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios--> why "361" is appearing on "Percentage of each economic sector to the Total" column in consolidated report
step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios--> ...
Mohd Irfan
04:33 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3625 (Resolved): In report some questions are in header & some are without header table ...question format should be same throughout the app
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:54 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3621 (Resolved): Check Percentage of Companies - in report it shows inf%
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:53 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3620 (Resolved): In lfsc panel net income for the year is in minus -454,671 & in report it is 454671 . It should be same .
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:53 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3165 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business & company management-->Why does this "previous & Next" buttons appears multiple of types (While it should be once in the bottom right of form)
It is working fine,dicussed with Dharmanshu Gupta
03:53 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3430 (Resolved): lfsc-->Financial Statements-->put value-->net value are in negative-->validate-->approve-->report-->At the report end positive value comes instead of negative.[-20016+(-2)]= -20018
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:53 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3718 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.--> 10 BORROWING ---> why is showing "0" and in the credit unions consolidated report.
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & C...
Mohd Irfan
12:47 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3445 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> why is showing "0.00 and nan" in the credit unions consolidated report.

Mohd Irfan
12:47 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3163 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business tab-->Why does this "PDF & Excel" generate option is for every question (Means pdf & excel generate option should be at once only at the top of form)
It is working fine, discussed with dharamveer sir and also checked by the client Dharmanshu Gupta
12:39 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3413 (Feedback): Trust-->report end-->"Trust Business" & "Company Management"-->hide this number of company column for last two tab "Trust Business" & "Company Management" at report end, There will be a % column only..
It is working fine,dicussed with dharmveer sir and also checked by the client. Dharmanshu Gupta
12:38 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3414 (Resolved): Report end-->Financial Statements-->Please remove this 00 after decimal point, from report end This was the client concern at lfsc panel in starting, so that will be normal value over here like (1000 not 1000.00)
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:38 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3424 (Resolved): LFSC-->put value-->validate-->go with super admin-->return management-->view-->select sector-->Now click on any button "Request for resubmission" & "Approve"-->on clicking on any button system shows a white screen with some text for couple of second.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:37 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3425 (Feedback): Report end-->Trust business-->put B and b-->I suppose this "B" and "b" should add because name should not be case sensitive.
It is working fine already discussed with Dharamveer sir also the client had checked the same. Dharmanshu Gupta
12:36 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3435 (Resolved): Consolidated report-->Company Management-->Qus.28-->Consolidate % value should also not more than 100% (Still I have Query: Is it OK that consolidate report will allow more than 100%, So Dharmanshu please ask with Dharamveer and do the needful)
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:13 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3449 (Feedback): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> "Form name" and "Quarter Ended(Month-Year)" should be visible on consolidated Report panel as per the client document.
As discussed with Dharamveer sir it will remain the same Mohd Irfan
11:10 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3651 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field calculation is not working correctly as per lfsc & provided formula
Mohd Irfan
11:10 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3652 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field calculation is not working correctly as per lfsc & provided formula.
Mohd Irfan
11:09 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3661 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> According to Rating Pearls Rating is showing wrong on consolidated report .
Mohd Irfan
11:09 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3675 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> Last validated company "Name of institution" & "Country of investment" name showing in consolidated Report
Mohd Irfan
11:08 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3677 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> INVESTMENT CONCENTRATION VS REG. CAPITAL--> As per the formula percentage is not working correctly
Mohd Irfan
11:08 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3712 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> "Savings Deposits/Total Assets"  Row As per the formula pearl rating is not showing correct.
Mohd Irfan
11:07 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3712 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> "Savings Deposits/Total Assets"  Row As per the formula pearl rating is not showing correct.
Dharmanshu Gupta
10:31 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3712 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> "Savings Deposits/Total Assets"  Row As per the formula pearl rating is not showing correct.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> "Savings Deposits/Total Assets"  Row ...
Mohd Irfan


07:32 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3674 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp C-Investments --> why is it showing 0.00 here it is not even an input field.
Mohd Irfan
01:06 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3674 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp C-Investments --> why is it showing 0.00 here it is not even an input field.
Dharmanshu Gupta
07:32 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3676 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU2-Credit by Economic Activity. --> As per the Excel formula Grand total Row is not working properly
Mohd Irfan
06:28 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3676 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU2-Credit by Economic Activity. --> As per the Excel formula Grand total Row is not working properly
Dharmanshu Gupta
07:31 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3659 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Provided value does not appear in consolidated Report
Mohd Irfan
07:31 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3653 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field value is showing opposite & last Row column 3rd calculation is not working correctly as per formula & lfsc
Mohd Irfan
07:31 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3649 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> These Two Rows "Liquid Investments/Total Assets" & Financial Investments /Total Assets 3rd column calculation is not working correct as per lfsc
Mohd Irfan
07:31 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3648 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios--> These two fields calculation is not working correct as per lfsc and provided formula.
Mohd Irfan
07:15 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3646 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> BALANCE OUTSTANDING Column Total Row is not working properly AND 2. SPECIFIC/GENERAL % BALANCE OF OUTSTANDING column Total Row calculation is not working properly.
Mohd Irfan
07:03 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3615 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp C-Investments--> given negative value on lfsc panel does not showing on consolidated report
Mohd Irfan
07:02 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3342 (Closed): REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Field value should be bold as per the client given document
Mohd Irfan
01:02 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3342 (Resolved): REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Field value should be bold as per the client given document
Dharmanshu Gupta
05:33 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3677 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> INVESTMENT CONCENTRATION VS REG. CAPITAL--> As per the formula percentage is not working correctly
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:18 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3677 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> INVESTMENT CONCENTRATION VS REG. CAPITAL--> As per the formula percentage is not working correctly
Step to the reproduce bug:
Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> INVESTMENT CONCENT...
Mohd Irfan
05:32 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3675 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> Last validated company "Name of institution" & "Country of investment" name showing in consolidated Report
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:10 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3639 (Closed): Report--> consolidate report--> credit unions --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> Total delinquent > 90 value As per the formula provided value does not showing on "CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss" balance outstanding 2n column 1 st Row.
Mohd Irfan
02:10 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3626 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> --> As per the provided formula "DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING % " is not working properly.
Mohd Irfan
11:38 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3619 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration.-->As per formula and lfsc panel calculation is not working properly "% Outstanding vs. Total Loans and "% of Total Deposits " field.
Mohd Irfan
11:36 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3445 (Resolved): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> why is showing "0.00 and nan" in the credit unions consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:11 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3597 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Need to remove this Question in consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan


03:09 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3676 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU2-Credit by Economic Activity. --> As per the Excel formula Grand total Row is not working properly
Step to reproduce:
Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU2-Credit by Economic Activity. --> As per the Excel...
Mohd Irfan
01:30 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3675 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> Last validated company "Name of institution" & "Country of investment" name showing in consolidated Report
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp D Invest Con. --> Last validated com...
Mohd Irfan
12:24 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3674 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp C-Investments --> why is it showing 0.00 here it is not even an input field.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> Consolidated Report --> Cu --> CU1-Supp C-Investments --> why is it showing ...
Mohd Irfan


06:50 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3659 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Provided value does not appear in consolidated Report
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:09 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3659 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Provided value does not appear in consolidated Report
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Provided v...
Mohd Irfan
06:14 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3661 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> According to Rating Pearls Rating is showing wrong on consolidated report .
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:57 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3661 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> According to Rating Pearls Rating is showing wrong on consolidated report .
Step to reproduce bug:
According to Rating Pearls Rating is showing wrong on consolidated report
See attached ...
Mohd Irfan
05:48 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3607 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.--> When applicant save form without "enter the ledger name" field value should be reset instead of 0.2--> provided ledger name does not showing on consolidated report panel
Mohd Irfan
11:53 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3607 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.--> When applicant save form without "enter the ledger name" field value should be reset instead of 0.2--> provided ledger name does not showing on consolidated report panel
I have made this row hidden because it is not defined in the client excel for the Credit Union Dharmanshu Gupta
05:29 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3603 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Need to add missing content as per the client consolidated document.
Mohd Irfan
05:28 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3604 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 showing one report only ( filtration is not working properly )
Mohd Irfan
05:27 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3601 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> As per the client document & lfsc return panel need to add missing heading.
Mohd Irfan
05:26 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3596 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration --> After point why extra 5 digit is appearing on total field.
Mohd Irfan
05:26 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3594 (Closed): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> As per the client document need to move "PEARLS RATIOS" next column.
Mohd Irfan
05:25 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3584 (Closed): Validate & Submit footer button not working while saving the cu return
Mohd Irfan
04:25 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3651 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field calculation is not working correctly as per lfsc & provided formula
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:28 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3651 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field calculation is not working correctly as per lfsc & provided formula
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (...
Mohd Irfan
03:49 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3652 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field calculation is not working correctly as per lfsc & provided formula.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:31 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3652 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field calculation is not working correctly as per lfsc & provided formula.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (...
Mohd Irfan
03:41 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3653 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field value is showing opposite & last Row column 3rd calculation is not working correctly as per formula & lfsc
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:35 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3653 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (Annualized) --> These Red marked field value is showing opposite & last Row column 3rd calculation is not working correctly as per formula & lfsc
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Signs of Growth (...
Mohd Irfan
01:31 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3649 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> These Two Rows "Liquid Investments/Total Assets" & Financial Investments /Total Assets 3rd column calculation is not working correct as per lfsc
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:12 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3649 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> These Two Rows "Liquid Investments/Total Assets" & Financial Investments /Total Assets 3rd column calculation is not working correct as per lfsc
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> These Two Rows "Liquid Investment...
Mohd Irfan
01:02 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3648 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios--> These two fields calculation is not working correct as per lfsc and provided formula.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:01 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3648 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios--> These two fields calculation is not working correct as per lfsc and provided formula.
Step to reproduce bug;
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> These two fiel...
Mohd Irfan
11:49 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3639 (Resolved): Report--> consolidate report--> credit unions --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> Total delinquent > 90 value As per the formula provided value does not showing on "CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss" balance outstanding 2n column 1 st Row.
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:48 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3646 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> BALANCE OUTSTANDING Column Total Row is not working properly AND 2. SPECIFIC/GENERAL % BALANCE OF OUTSTANDING column Total Row calculation is not working properly.
Dharmanshu Gupta
10:52 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3646 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> BALANCE OUTSTANDING Column Total Row is not working properly AND 2. SPECIFIC/GENERAL % BALANCE OF OUTSTANDING column Total Row calculation is not working properly.
Step to preproduce:
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> BALANCE ...
Mohd Irfan
10:40 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3595 (Feedback): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions -->As per the client document & Lfsc panel Form heading content should be center of the entire form
Discussed with Dharamveer sir, and it will be checked later. Dharmanshu Gupta
10:34 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3627 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss.--> "BALANCE OUTSTANDING" same field value reflected on "AMOUNT OF RESERVES' field .
Mohd Irfan


04:12 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3626 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> --> As per the provided formula "DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING % " is not working properly.
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:28 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3626 (Reopened ): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> --> As per the provided formula "DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING % " is not working properly.
This issue is not fixed
please check the formula and implement
Mohd Irfan
11:12 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3626 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> --> As per the provided formula "DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING % " is not working properly.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:31 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3639 (Closed): Report--> consolidate report--> credit unions --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> Total delinquent > 90 value As per the formula provided value does not showing on "CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss" balance outstanding 2n column 1 st Row.
Report--> consolidate report--> credit unions --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> "Total delinquent > 90 v...
Mohd Irfan
01:14 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3601 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> As per the client document & lfsc return panel need to add missing heading.
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:10 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3594 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> As per the client document need to move "PEARLS RATIOS" next column.
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:07 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3597 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Need to remove this Question in consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:01 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3603 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Need to add missing content as per the client consolidated document.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:09 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3584 (Resolved): Validate & Submit footer button not working while saving the cu return
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:26 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3615 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp C-Investments--> given negative value on lfsc panel does not showing on consolidated report
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:13 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3596 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration --> After point why extra 5 digit is appearing on total field.
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:13 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3604 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 showing one report only ( filtration is not working properly )
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:00 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3627 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss.--> "BALANCE OUTSTANDING" same field value reflected on "AMOUNT OF RESERVES' field .
Dharmanshu Gupta


05:45 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3619 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration.-->As per formula and lfsc panel calculation is not working properly "% Outstanding vs. Total Loans and "% of Total Deposits " field.
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:57 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3619 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration.-->As per formula and lfsc panel calculation is not working properly "% Outstanding vs. Total Loans and "% of Total Deposits " field.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration.-->As per f...
Mohd Irfan
05:17 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3627 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss.--> "BALANCE OUTSTANDING" same field value reflected on "AMOUNT OF RESERVES' field .
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss.--> "BALAN...
Mohd Irfan
05:04 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3626 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> --> As per the provided formula "DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING % " is not working properly.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> --> As per the provided formula "DELI...
Mohd Irfan
04:45 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3625 (Closed): In report some questions are in header & some are without header table ...question format should be same throughout the app
priyanka Sharma
04:16 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3621 (Closed): Check Percentage of Companies - in report it shows inf%
priyanka Sharma
04:15 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3620 (Closed): In lfsc panel net income for the year is in minus -454,671 & in report it is 454671 . It should be same .
priyanka Sharma
02:57 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3615 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp C-Investments--> given negative value on lfsc panel does not showing on consolidated report
step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp C-Investments--> given nega...
Mohd Irfan
11:58 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3592 (Closed): Percentage of comapnies - it should not show 0000 after decimal...
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3592 (Resolved): Percentage of comapnies - it should not show 0000 after decimal...
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:57 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3591 (Closed): Trust business & Company management tab > Excel, Pdf & search not displaying
priyanka Sharma
10:55 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3591 (Resolved): Trust business & Company management tab > Excel, Pdf & search not displaying
Dharmanshu Gupta
10:36 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3591: Trust business & Company management tab > Excel, Pdf & search not displaying
priyanka Sharma
11:57 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3593 (Closed): Number of column should say "Number of Companies"
priyanka Sharma
10:55 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3593 (Resolved): Number of column should say "Number of Companies"
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:39 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3607 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.--> When applicant save form without "enter the ledger name" field value should be reset instead of 0.2--> provided ledger name does not showing on consolidated report panel
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.--> When appl...
Mohd Irfan
10:57 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3604 (Closed): Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 showing one report only ( filtration is not working properly )
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 showing one report only ...
Mohd Irfan

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