From 07/24/2022 to 08/02/2022
- 02:40 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3469 (New): MSB Report-->Form 3 & Form 4-->add row by clicking on + icon-->put value-->validate-->approve from admin end-->Values under other is not reflecting at report end.
- MSB Report-->Form 3 & Form 4-->add row by clicking on + icon-->put value-->validate-->approve from admin end-->Values...
- 12:02 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3204 (Reopened ): Form 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Column titles should be in title case ..means 1st letter in upper rest in lower case…In reports all are in uppercase
- Not fixed yet,
Still complete word is in upper case at report end.
- 11:58 AM Sector- Money Services Bug #3205 (Closed): Download excel & pdf in any form – always shows Money Services Consolidated Report in Title … Will be good if you show report name according to Form name Title’s.
- 11:57 AM Sector- Money Services Bug #3203 (Reopened ): Throughout the report -- amount columns ---> amount value should separate with commas as in web user panel
- Not fixed yet
- 11:52 AM Sector- Money Services Bug #3135 (Closed): Report-->consolidate report-->Money services-->drop down box is not in alignment, drop down box should be in same line.
- 11:51 AM Sector- Money Services Bug #2949 (Closed): Consolidated Report --> MSB--> Below the page show how many entries there. ( as same previous insurance consolidated report )
- 11:50 AM Sector- Money Services Bug #2948 (Closed): Consolidated Report --> MSB--> Search box should be visible on consolidated report panel. ( search box is missing on consolidated report section)
- 11:05 AM Sector- Money Services Bug #2917 (Closed): Consolidated Report-->msb--> Pdf & excel generate button is missing
- 06:41 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3457 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Need to remove "Protection" extra row on cu consolidated report. Below the form need to add the content as per the cu consolidated Report
- Step to reproduce bug:
1. Need to re... - 06:20 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3455 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios --> Need to add missing heading as per credit unions consolidated report document:
- Step to reproduce bug:
1. Need to add ... - 06:03 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3454 (New): MCB-->Report-->CR-->money services-->select quarter-->even after changing value from dropdown list the value of next dropdown list is not getting reset.
- MCB-->Report-->CR-->money services-->select quarter-->even after changing value from dropdown list the value of next ...
- 05:48 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3453 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU5B-Reconcile ALL and Equity --> "STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY" heading is missing on the cu consolidated Report as per the client requirement need to add as it is mention in document.
- Step to reproduce bug:
1. ... - 05:26 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3452 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.-->REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> Text is getting out of the cell ( overlapping issue).
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> Text ... - 05:20 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3451 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> "Provision - Less Available Deposits" Start with below the 35% and End with below the 100% Need to move as per cu consolidated report document
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> "Prov... - 05:04 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3450 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> As per the client document Need to add one extra Row below the DELINQUENT LOANS AND INVESTMENTS and mention the dollar and percentage sing in this Row as it is lfsc
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> As pe... - 04:43 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3449 (Feedback): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> "Form name" and "Quarter Ended(Month-Year)" should be visible on consolidated Report panel as per the client document.
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Form name and Quarter Ended(Month-Year... - 03:51 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3447 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU1-Supp B-Loans--> Please complete the missing content as per the client consolidated Report
- Step:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU1-Supp B-Loans--> Please complete the missing content... - 03:20 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3445 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> why is showing "0.00 and nan" in the credit unions consolidated report.
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> why is showing "0.00, inf and nan" in t... - 12:49 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3442 (New): MSB-->CR-->Form 4-->This Pdf an excel generate option should be one time and that too on top only, so that admin can download the pdf in single go.
- MSB-->CR-->Form 4-->This Pdf an excel generate option should be one time and that too on top only, so that admin can ...
- 06:53 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3439 (New): MSB-->LFSC Panel-->manage return-->click on the link under document id -->on clicking over link system takes "A Database Error" screen.
- MSB-->LFSC Panel-->manage return-->click on the link under document id -->om clicking over link system takes "A Datab...
- 04:20 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3435 (Resolved): Consolidated report-->Company Management-->Qus.28-->Consolidate % value should also not more than 100% (Still I have Query: Is it OK that consolidate report will allow more than 100%, So Dharmanshu please ask with Dharamveer and do the needful)
- Consolidated report-->Company Management-->Qus.28-->This field doesn't allow more than 100% in single field-->
Now u... - 12:12 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3430 (Resolved): lfsc-->Financial Statements-->put value-->net value are in negative-->validate-->approve-->report-->At the report end positive value comes instead of negative.[-20016+(-2)]= -20018
- lfsc-->Financial Statements-->put value-->net value are in negative-->validate-->approve-->report-->At the report end...
- 05:02 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3425 (Feedback): Report end-->Trust business-->put B and b-->I suppose this "B" and "b" should add because name should not be case sensitive.
- Report end-->Trust business-->put B and b-->I suppose this "B" and "b" should add because name should not be case sen...
- 03:27 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3424 (Resolved): LFSC-->put value-->validate-->go with super admin-->return management-->view-->select sector-->Now click on any button "Request for resubmission" & "Approve"-->on clicking on any button system shows a white screen with some text for couple of second.
- LFSC-->put value-->validate-->go with super admin-->return management-->view-->select sector-->Now click on any butto...
- 01:58 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3423 (New): Trust-->LFSC PANEL-->Trust Business-->Qus.23-->Why does entered value in "Total Number of Discretionary Accounts" comes at left side?
- Trust-->LFSC PANEL-->Trust Business-->Qus.23-->Why does entered value in "Total Number of Discretionary Accounts" com...
- 01:07 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3165 (New): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business & company management-->Why does this "previous & Next" buttons appears multiple of types (While it should be once in the bottom right of form)
- 01:07 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3163 (New): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business tab-->Why does this "PDF & Excel" generate option is for every question (Means pdf & excel generate option should be at once only at the top of form)
- 06:21 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3414 (Resolved): Report end-->Financial Statements-->Please remove this 00 after decimal point, from report end This was the client concern at lfsc panel in starting, so that will be normal value over here like (1000 not 1000.00)
Report end-->Financial Statements-->Please remove this 00 after decimal point, from report end This was the client ...- 06:19 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3413 (Feedback): Trust-->report end-->"Trust Business" & "Company Management"-->hide this number of company column for last two tab "Trust Business" & "Company Management" at report end, There will be a % column only..
- Trust-->report end-->"Trust Business" & "Company Management"-->hide this number of company column for last two tab "T...
- 03:45 PM Sector- Mutual Fund Bug #3368 (New): Admin panel-->management-->view-->click on request for resubmission form-->then for a mili second a white screen with some text blinks
- Admin panel-->management-->view-->click on request for resubmission form-->then for a mili second a white screen with...
- 03:45 PM Sector- Mutual Fund Bug #3367 (New): MF-->Lfsc-->validate-->admin-->resubmission-->lfsc-->there is no reupload option is displayed on lfsc in case of TBR
- MF-->Lfsc-->validate-->admin-->resubmission-->lfsc-->there is no reupload option is displayed on lfsc in case of TBR....
- 01:30 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3360 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration--> Need to add missing form heading content as per the client requirement:
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Need to add missing form heading conte... - 01:16 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3359 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Need to put "form heading name" all credit unions consolidated report form as per the client document.
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Need to put form name all credit unions... - 01:02 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3358 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->CU1-Supp C-Investments --> Need to replace the sign Grater than ">" to less than "<" as per Lfsc and document:
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->CU1-Supp C-Investments --> Need to repla... - 12:48 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3357 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->CU1-Supp F- Concentration --> After the client call this Yes No option should not visible in consolidated report
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->CU1-Supp F- Concentration --> After the ... - 12:33 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3355 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->CU1-Supp D Invest Con.--> Grand total is not working properly.
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->CU1-Supp D Invest Con.--> Grand total is... - 11:36 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3352 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Why "CU1-Supp E-Interest Rates" is showing consolidated report As per the client document need to remove it on consolidated report.
- Step to reproduce bug:
Why " *CU1-Supp E-Interest Rates* " is showing consolidated report As per the client docume... - 11:27 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3350 (Closed): REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> when applicant select tab "CU1-Assets, Liab." after that select "CU1-Supp A-Deposits" and again select "CU1-Assets, Liab." form value does not change
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT--> CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> when applicant select tab "CU1-Assets, ...
- 07:13 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3344 (Closed): REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Need to remove under the dropdown yearly text on credit unions consolidated report.
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Need to remove under the drop down yea... - 06:59 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3343 (Closed): Report--> consolidated report --> credit unions --> Dropdown button is not working after select once
- Step to reproduce bug:
Report--> consolidated report --> credit unions --> Drop down button is not working after ... - 06:53 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3342 (Closed): REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Field value should be bold as per the client given document
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->Mention field value should be bold as pe... - 06:29 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3340 (Closed): REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> As per the lfsc & client requirement need to add dropdown to fecth quaterly report in credit unions
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> As per the lfsc & client requirement ne... - 06:03 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3337 (Closed): REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Need to add Generate "Pdf & Excel" and searche option on cu consolidated report.
- Step to reproduce bug:
REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS --> Need to add Generate "Pdf & Excel" and... - 05:57 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3335 (Closed): REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->Need to reduce text field width.
- Step to reproduce:
REPORT -->CONSOLIDATED REPORT --> CREDIT UNIONS -->Need to reduce text field width.
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