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months from Apply Clear

Bug #6460: Admin --> Return management --> View return --> Validate & Approve & Request For Resubmission --> after validate & approve system throws an error message " message could not be sent " need to fix this issue in the entire Sector.
Bug #6470: Credit Unions -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> CU1-Supp A-Deposits --> Need to remove this extra 222 characters.
Bug #6471: Admin --> View Return --> Credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration -->As per the client document & AFSC Return panel Need to show this missing heading content in the "view return" Inside CU1-Supp F- Concentration .
Bug #6472: Credit Unions -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> Need to change the heading content as per the document given by the client
Bug #6473: Admin --> Return management --> view return --> Return History -->Suggestion --> check issue below
Bug #6474: Credit Unions -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> Credit unions -->It shows the status "Val" against the record which is requested to TBR. The status will be as it is in the form without admin doing trb.
Bug #6475: Credit Unions -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel ---> Credited & updated by name should be shown on both panels
Bug #6476: Admin --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU2-Credit by Economic Activity --> Some heading content is missing (which means all heading content is not showing on the consolidated report)
Bug #6477: Admin --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity--> when scrolling the page then admin gets text overlapping issue.
Bug #6478: Admin --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions -->CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.--> when scrolling the page then admin gets text overlapping issue.
Bug #6479: Admin --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov. --> The last two column values are different on the consolidated report
Bug #6480: Admin --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> Provided values through Afsc return panel are Showing differently on the consolidated report instead of same for one company.
Bug #6481: Admin --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios -->Check issue below
Bug #6484: Admin --> Login --> Licensee Type --> Credit unions -->Both searches options should be in alignment of the pdf and Excel
Bug #6485: Admin --> Login --> Licensee Type --> Credit unions --> CU list --> Sort by functionality is not working in S.NO
Bug #6490: Admin -->License type-->Credit union --> Add company-->Email address input field--> Check Issue below
Bug #6491: Admin --> Login --> Licensee Type --> Credit unions --> Add company --> City input field -->Need to extend the character length of the city-input field
Bug #6492: Admin --> Login --> Licensee Type --> Credit unions --> Add company --> Licensed/Registered Information --> Check issue below
Bug #6493: Admin --> Login --> Licensee Type --> Credit unions --> Add company --> Check issue below
Bug #6494: Admin --> Login --> Licensee Type --> Credit unions --> Company name --> Licensed/Registered Information --> Allow Exemption to Submit Return -->After saving Selected date gets reset to 1970.
Bug #6500: Admin-->License type-->Credit Unions-->Generate PDF-->There should be an "ACTION" column in exported PDF file.
Bug #6517: Admin-->Login -->License Type-->Relationship Tab--> Attach resume docx file-->Click on Update information-->Document name does not show after "update information"
Bug #6519: Credit Unions -->AFSC --> Return Upload --> admin --> Return management --> view Return --> Issue found by sunil sir
Bug #6520: Credit Unions -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss" --> Check issue below
Bug #6522: Admin --> License Type --> add company --> background information --> web user --> Check issue below
Bug #6527: Admin --> Licensee Type --> Credit unions --> Background information --> check issue below
Bug #6528: Admin --> Licence Type --> Company --> Relationship Tab --> Start & end date --> If I have selected a bigger start date from the end date, from the date picker of the previous month then no validI
Bug #6529: Admin --> License Type --> Credit unions --> Add company --> Relationship Tab --> Fax Number --> values should not be in -ve
Bug #6530: Admin --> License Type --> Credit unions --> Company --> Relationship Tab --> Service provided by --> check issue below
Bug #6531: Admin -->> license type -->> Credit unions & All sectors --> Check issue below
Bug #6532: Admin --> License Type --> Credit unions --> Select "Test compani" --> Background tab --> check issue below
Bug #6533: Admin-->License Type-->Relationship Tab--> Add relationship--> Go with PDF & EXCEL generate --> check issue below
Bug #6534: Admin --> License Type --> Credit unions & All rest sectors --> Licenses/Registration --> sub-sector and Category --> Check issue below
Bug #6535: Admin --> License Type --> Credit unions --> Licenses/Registration --> check Issue below
Bug #6537: Admin --> License Type --> Credit unions --> Enforcement -->Add enforcement->click on "SAVE" without filling any input field--> Check issue below
Bug #6538: Admin --> License Type --> Select company --> Enforcement Tab --> Check issue below
Bug #6540: Admin --> License Type ---> Selects Company -->Enforcement Tab --> Add Enforcement --> After saving date format getting changed.
Bug #6541: Admin-->Licensee Type->Enforcement->Add enforcement->click on "SAVE"-->edit-->why does this Date Format "0000 00 00" appears for the blank field?
Bug #6542: Admin --> License Type --> Select company --> Enforcement Tab --> Add enforcement --> Date Resolved (Not showing future date)
Bug #6543: Admin-->License Type-->LICENSES/REGISTRATION Tab-->pdf--> There should be a column for "RETURN EXEMPTION" in the pdf file.
Bug #6544: Admin --> License Type --> Selects company --> Enforcement Tab -->No need to show the action column in Generated Excel & PDF file
Bug #6545: Admin -->License Type --> Selects company --> Risk Rating --> Entity Name--> Check Issue below
Bug #6546: AFSC->Licensee Type->RISK RATINGS->Add RISK RATING-->Risk Rating Justification --> Check issue below
Bug #6548: Admin-->Licensee Type--> RISK RATINGS-->Generate PDF-->two columns UPDATE BY & UPDATE DATE does not reflect in the exported pdf.
Bug #6549: Admin --> License Type --> Risk Rating --> Add Risk Rating --> Check Issue below
Bug #6550: Admin-->Licensee Type-->Webuser--> Select "Miss" in First Name-->Save-->Go with Edit-->prefix gets changed to "MR." by itself.
Bug #6551: Admin --> License Type --> Webuser --> Add web user --> Check Issue below
Bug #6552: Admin-->Licensee Type->Webuser-->PDF and Excel --> Check issue below
Bug #6553: Admin --> License Type --> Company --> Web user --> Add Primary web user --> save --> Add secondary web user --> Click on "Make primary" --> Check Issue below
Bug #6554: Admin --> License Type --> Select company --> Risk Rating Tab --> Check Issue below
Bug #6555: Admin --> License Type --> CU & Other sector --> Web User Tab --> "Sort by" functionality is not working on the web user tab
Bug #6556: Admin-->License Type-->Inspection-->Add inspection --> Check Issue below
Bug #6557: Admin -->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection Start Date --> Check Issue below
Bug #6558: Admin --> License Type --> CU & Other sector --> Inspection at --> "ASTRICK" mark should close to the "Inspection at"
Bug #6559: Admin-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection-> Check issue below
Bug #6560: Admin --> License Type --> Inspection --> Add Inspection --> Attach Pdf --> Click on Link --> Check Issue below
Bug #6561: Admin-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection Start Date * --> Check issue below
QUERY #6562: Admin --> License Type --> Inspection Tab --> Add Inspection -->Save --> If I click on this button then the IB pdf file is open, is it a client requirement
Bug #6563: Admin-->Licensee Type->All License Entity --> AaBharat Pvt. Ltd. --> REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE--> Spelling of "Participation" is wrong in "Percentage Partcipation"
Bug #6564: Admin-->Licensee Type->Insurance -->Domestic insurance --> REINSURANCE-->REINSURANCE--> Provide value in entire fields get disappear after save.
Bug #6565: Admin-->Licensee Type->Insurance --> Domestic insurance com.--> Reinsurance-->add Reinsurance--> Provide date in "Period From" & "Period To"-->Date in "Period To" can't fall before date "Period From" field.
Bug #6566: Admin-->Licensee Type->Insurance --> Domestic insurance com. --> REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE-->Click on "Save information"-->Value is getting added without filling any detail in any field.
Bug #6567: Admin --> License Type --> Insurance --> Domestic insurance comp.--> Reinsurance -->Add Reinsurance --> Check issue below
Bug #6568: Admin --> License Type --> Insurance --> Background information --> Save information --> Edit --> Why email field validation is coming on the city field after clicking on the save button?
Bug #6569: Admin --> License Type --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Reinsurance Tab -->Update information--> Check Issue below
Bug #6570: Admin --> License Type --> Insurance --> Domestic insurance comp. --> Reinsurance --> Cancel --> check issue below
Bug #6571: Admin --> License Type --> Non-Licensed Entity --> Add Non-Licensed Entity company --> Need to extend character length of First name input field
Bug #6572: Admin-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->Even I working on the Admin panel, still system throws a pop-up for stay login or logout (Means session out message)
Bug #6573: Admin-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity--> Address-->City-->(1). Need to extend the character length. (2). City should be alphanumeric.
Bug #6574: Admin --> License Type --> Non-License Entity -->"Start with" button and "type to search" input field is not clickable. It should be clickable inside the box .
Bug #6575: Admin --> License Type --> Non-License Entity --> Add Non-License Entity --> Go with added Non-License Entity --> Click on Update Information --> Check issue below
Bug #6576: Admin --> License Type --> Non-License Entity --> Add Non-License Entity --> Save Information --> Go with added company --> Update Information --> Check issue below
Bug #6577: Admin-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->add company-->go with entity list-->open that added company--> Check issue below
Bug #6578: Admin --> License Type --> Add Company --> Email field --> Put Email without domain --> Go with next tab --> Click on save --> check issue below
Bug #6579: Admin --> License Type --> Credit unions --> Webuser --> Add webuser --> Login at AFSC --> Create Return --> Check Issue Below
Bug #6580: Admin-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->dropdown list-->Choose SubSector--> Why does this "Choose SubSector" appears in the dropdown list.
Bug #6581: Admin-->License Type-->All Licensed Entities-->very first 4 rows are blank (Means without any saved data)
Bug #6582: Admin --> All License Entity --> Values in the Sub-sector column Does not reflect on the all license entity page
Bug #6583: Admin --> License Type --> Non-Profits organisation --> Add NPO -->(Designing Issue) Section boundary should be as per the upper section
Bug #6584: Admin-->License Type-->Select any sector--> Go with Inspection--> check Issue Below
Bug #6585: Admin --> License Type --> Select any sectors of company --> check issue below
Bug #6390: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> Insurance -->A form --> A2-Major Shareholders and A3-Board of Directors --> After saving provided values on the address field are getting disappear.
Bug #6400: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> C form --> C2-Government Sec & Comp Bonds--> Designing issue
Bug #6401: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> if I have to change the tab Form A to Form B, C, and D then the first sub-tab should be active. (Form whose subform is selected both should be active )
Bug #6418: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel -->Quartey Report --> Q8-Major Shareholders --> After saving Provided values getting disappear on these field.
Bug #6419: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel -->Quartey Report -->Q8-Major Shareholders -->status icon should be shown in middle and updated name is also should be shown when applicant save & update form.
Bug #6421: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel -->A3-Board of Directors and A4-Board Committees -->applicant is not able to select "date of appointment expiration" in future is it correct ?
Bug #6422: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel -->Annual Return--> D6-Reinsurance Details -->After saving form then I am getting designing issue on "date of rating" input field. when applicant do zoom in and zoom out screen
Bug #6430: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> sub &validate --> Admin --> Return view --> Select Return --> Created & Updated name should be shown in view Return panel
QUERY #6431: Insurance -->AFSC --> Return Upload Panel -->Quartey Report --> Query --> after validate the "return" Form, will the submitted "on time "status appear or not on Return list panel
Bug #6458: Admin --> Return management --> View Returns -->Insurance --> After validating & update any return request it navigates to the All Sector page. While it should not reset the sector dropdown.
Bug #6463: Admin --> return management --> view return --> Insurance --> still "validated" form status is showing "Not submitted" on the view return panel.
Bug #6393: AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> Login --> After the first time login if the applicant creates a return with "Return period end" then after creating the return the year is showing 1970 instead of the selected date.
Bug #6424: International Banking --> AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> Admin -->Return view --> IB -->When Admin clicking on history return button then Grey screen is appeared and amin is unable to do nothing.
QUERY #6427: International Banking --> AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> Sub --> Validate --> after validate the "return" form will the submitted status appear or not on view return list panel
Bug #6467: International Banking --> AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> Submit --> TBR request --> Need to correct the successes message spelling ( subitted to submitted )
Bug #6468: International Banking --> AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> form Sup. F --> Percentage of total Loans --> Provided values are not showing on the "Percentage of total Loans" column in a consolidated report
Bug #6469: International Banking --> AFSC --> Return Upload Panel --> IB 6 --> values are given afsc are showing different in the consolidated report.
Bug #8229: Lfsc --> Login with Money services --> Return upload --> Manage /Upload Returns -->
Bug #6405: I have created new web user & new return upload of today's date but in history it is showing 2 more records of 2020 year with TBR resubmit comments. why?
Bug #6406: Return Detail Informations form > data not getting saved after filling all fields. No validation error appeared even on click of Save Button
Bug #6408: Return Detail Informations > Status Drafted ...we can align it to left below the Return name
Bug #6432: Trust & Company Managers ---> AFSC ---> Return Upload Panel -->Input field should take value on left side, as running all form
Bug #6449: Trust & Company Managers ---> AFSC ---> Return Upload Panel --> Background -->Qus 6 -->After saving provided values getting not updated properly. Zeros are getting disappear after saving.
Bug #6450: Trust & Company Managers ---> AFSC ---> Return Upload Panel --> Status icon should be shown in the middle and "updated by" should be shown after save.
Bug #6451: Trust & Company Managers ---> AFSC ---> Return Upload Panel --> Return History --> I have created a new return upload of today's date but in "Return history" it is showing one more record of the 2020 year. It should not show.
Bug #6452: Admin --> Return Management --> View Return --> Return history --> If I click on the return button then the screen grey out instead of showing the return history.
Bug #6453: Admin --> Return management --> View Return --> Trust & company management -->Action --> View --> Control Issues and Company Management --> Radio button should not active on the view return panel.
Created with Raphaël 2.3.0

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