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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
49 Bug Resolved Normal Login with admin-->Anvandare-->go with coach and user's profile-->click on mail Icon-->system takes to gmail page-->now return back without sent-->user did not sent any email still system throw a message that "mail sent successful" sweta Gupta 07/27/2021 01:03 PM Actions
48 Bug New Normal Admin login-->News-->put youtube link-->save-->Go with home page-->can see that YouTube content with image and link-->now close app-->again open app-->At this time another YouTube link does open sweta Gupta 07/24/2021 07:49 PM Actions
44 Bug Resolved High Admin-->anvanadre-->select any coach or user-->go with profile-->Click on message icon-->type message-->send-->according to client requirement, All pop-up text shall be with the ok button but in this case, pop up text like send successfully is displaying sweta Gupta 07/24/2021 06:38 PM Actions
43 Bug Resolved High Login with admin-->Skriv meddelande-->Click on skriv namn-->system will take admin to next page where admin can search and select the user, but as admin ticks on Valj alla then nothing has displayed over here sweta Gupta 07/24/2021 06:37 PM Actions
42 Bug Resolved High Login with coach-->Calendar-->click on event-->For a few seconds, the row a row is displayed at the coach end, while this section should not be Display over here. sweta Gupta 07/24/2021 06:36 PM Actions
41 Bug Resolved High Admin login-->Created Event-->write event name, place and description-->go with Tranare-->click on any tranare-->Admin is not able to select any tranare sweta Gupta 07/24/2021 06:36 PM Actions
4 Bug Resolved High Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document. 07/16/2021 12:42 PM Actions
3 Bug New Normal Admin-->create event->do not select any grupper and Tranare-->SKAPA-->Can it create event to all without selecting anyone? If YES..! then why no one gets the event? 07/15/2021 05:26 PM Actions
2 Bug Resolved Normal Go with Uppdatera information-->Dokument-->valji dikument-->Select document-->when user attached document then, sometimes there are two attached on attaching one, Duplicate created. sweta Gupta 07/24/2021 06:39 PM Actions
1 Bug Resolved High Admin login-->Go with anvandaren-->select anvandaren-->click message icon-->send message-->The user to whom admin has seen the message, that user does not get that message. sweta Gupta 07/24/2021 10:53 AM Actions

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