From 07/10/2021 to 07/19/2021
- 12:42 PM Bug #4 (Resolved): Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
- I have fixed. shared App on 16.07.2021
- 12:33 PM Bug #4: Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
- Step to reproduce:-
Skriv ett inlagg
attached dokument
go with home page
Actual result:-
user is un... - 12:32 PM Bug #4: Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
- Step to reproduce:-
Skriv ett inlagg
attached dokument
go with home page
Actual result:-
user is un... - 12:30 PM Bug #4 (Resolved): Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
- 05:26 PM Bug #3: Admin-->create event->do not select any grupper and Tranare-->SKAPA-->Can it create event to all without selecting anyone? If YES..! then why no one gets the event?
- arti saraswat wrote:
Step to reproduce:-
create event
do not select any grupper and Tranare
QUERY 1... - 04:58 PM Bug #3 (New): Admin-->create event->do not select any grupper and Tranare-->SKAPA-->Can it create event to all without selecting anyone? If YES..! then why no one gets the event?
- Admin
create event
do not select any grupper and TranareSKAPA-->Can it create event to all without selecting anyone... - 04:29 PM Bug #2 (Resolved): Go with Uppdatera information-->Dokument-->valji dikument-->Select document-->when user attached document then, sometimes there are two attached on attaching one, Duplicate created.
- Go with Uppdatera information
valji dikument
Select document when user attached document then, sometimes ... - 11:50 AM Bug #1 (Resolved): Admin login-->Go with anvandaren-->select anvandaren-->click message icon-->send message-->The user to whom admin has seen the message, that user does not get that message.
- Step to reproduce:-
Login with admin
Go with Anvandare
Select Anvandare from list
go with Profil
click on mess...
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