



From 10/28/2024 to 11/06/2024


12:22 PM Bug #11376 (Resolved): Appointments history page > click on view button to see particular appointment > On Appointment detail page - Invalid date appeared for a moment on Calendar date field check attached screenshot.
priyanka Sharma
12:18 PM Bug #11375 (New): Appointments > Appointment history page > Search patients, appointments ... not working with anything
priyanka Sharma
12:15 PM Bug #11374 (Resolved): Appointment details page > Notes > After saving any note success message appearing wrong . need to correct the grammer of the sentence Appointment note update successfully.
Change it to "Appointment notes saved successfully"
priyanka Sharma
12:11 PM Bug #11373 (Resolved): On the Appointment Details page, after filling in the cancellation reason and attempting to cancel an appointment, the Submit button isn’t working.
priyanka Sharma
12:06 PM Bug #11372 (Resolved): Doctor started video call of any appointment but it throws network error issue with blank popup. please check once
priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Bug #11371 (New): Appointments detail page > change the title Appointments details to "Appointments Details"
Using "Appointment" in the singular form makes it clear that you’re viewing infor...
priyanka Sharma
12:02 PM Bug #11370 (New): Appointment details page > A the time of booking i have selected options Yes for all questions but here it shows No for every appointment. please make it dynamic
priyanka Sharma
12:00 PM Bug #11369 (Resolved): Appointments history page > Latest accepted appointment should shown at top.
priyanka Sharma
11:57 AM Bug #11368 (Resolved): Home> Upcoming request > after accepting any request it shows Network error issue. check ss attached
priyanka Sharma
11:57 AM Bug #11367 (New): Home > Upcoming Request > change it to "Upcoming Requests"
priyanka Sharma
11:48 AM Bug #11365 (New): Home > View All link for Upcoming Request & Upcoming Appointments - both are navigating to Appointment history page . Should have separate pages where we can see all upcoming request and appointments. please discuss with sir once.
priyanka Sharma
11:40 AM Bug #11364 (New): Home > Visit for Today, New Patients, Old Patients count seems wrong. Need to discuss how we can show it. currently after accepting any request it updates the count.
priyanka Sharma
11:35 AM Bug #11363 (New): Home > Upcoming requests > Users with all symptoms are appearing under my upcoming requests. It should only display requests relevant to my specialization.
As a dentist, I should only see upcoming requests from users with dental-related symptoms. Currently, users with all ... priyanka Sharma
11:28 AM Bug #11362 (New): Home page > Upcoming request >"The booking is showing the wrong time. Since this is an instant booking, no specific time was selected. On what basis is this time being displayed?
priyanka Sharma


05:28 PM Bug #11347 (Resolved): After login > Success message appears on dashboard user loggedin succesfully. We can change it to "Login successful!"
priyanka Sharma
05:22 PM Bug #11346 (New): Sign in page > When attempting to fill in any field, only half of the field is selected instead of the entire field. The entire field should be selected automatically .
priyanka Sharma
05:22 PM Bug #11345 (New): Login page > two validation messages appear when an incorrect password or email is entered. To maintain consistency throughout the website, choose a single approach for displaying validation messages. Either show them below the field or in a popup.
This message is correct - "Invalid email or...
priyanka Sharma
05:17 PM Bug #11344 (New): Sign In Page > Field titles shown with the field name . Currently displaying title in placeholder .
priyanka Sharma
04:55 PM Bug #11343 (New): Create profile page >The Add Qualification and Certification modules are not functioning correctly. There is no validation applied, and attempts to save do not work. .
Please ensure proper validation and functionality for saving these details
priyanka Sharma
04:52 PM Bug #11342 (New): Doctor create profile page > Licence field > It should allow to take document file as well. Currently only taking image files. please discuss this with Bharat sir
priyanka Sharma
04:48 PM Bug #11341 (New): Doctor create profile page > Qualitfication spelling mistake. Please correct to "Qualification"
priyanka Sharma
04:42 PM Bug #11339 (Resolved): verify Account page - Resent OTP not working . It says OTP does not match. I am stucked here. Not able to proceed now.
priyanka Sharma
04:39 PM Bug #11337 (Resolved): In the Account Verification email, the Username should always be automatically capitalized for consistency.
priyanka Sharma
04:34 PM Bug #11336 (New): The account does not log out immediately when selecting "Logout." It only logs out after refreshing the page.
Ideally, the account should log out immediately without needing a refresh. priyanka Sharma
04:32 PM Bug #11335 (Resolved): After creating a profile, the success message currently says "Data saved successfully." For clarity we can change it to "Profile created."
priyanka Sharma
04:29 PM Bug #11334 (New): Create profile page > Weight field > In the Weight field, please specify the unit with it .
priyanka Sharma
04:25 PM Bug #11333 (New): Create Profile page > show asterisk mark (*) with every mandatory field
priyanka Sharma
04:21 PM Bug #11331 (New): Account verification email & resend code verification email - Here it says This OTP is valid for the next 15 minutes. But it gets expire in 30 seconds
priyanka Sharma
04:16 PM Bug #11330 (New): Verify Account page > OTP sent success message popup - design issue - close icon is not aligned with the message . check screenshot below
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM Bug #11329 (New): Currently, every success message includes the word "successfully" at the end (e.g., "OTP sent successfully"). This may not always be necessary, as the action itself implies success. Discuss with Bharat Sir if you want to.
priyanka Sharma
04:08 PM Bug #11328 (New): Verify Account page > check issue below
On the Verify Account page, the text currently says, "Enter the 4-digit code we have sent to your mobile number and e... priyanka Sharma
04:03 PM Bug #11327 (New): Doctor Registration form > Show the field titles next to the fields instead of as placeholders. Right now, the titles disappear once you start typing, making it hard to see what each field is for after it’s filled.
priyanka Sharma
04:00 PM Bug #11326 (New): Doctor registration form > Asterisk mark (*) should shown with each required field
priyanka Sharma
03:57 PM Bug #11325 (New): Doctor registration form >When attempting to fill in any field, only half of the field is selected instead of the entire field. The entire field should be selected automatically . check attached screenshot below
priyanka Sharma
03:50 PM Bug #11324 (New): Doctor Registration form > Sign up Button issue > Keep the "U" capital in Sign Up button name.
priyanka Sharma

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