



From 07/28/2022 to 08/06/2022


06:04 PM Bug #3589 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->there are 4 check box (View, ADD, Edit & Delete), but if user ticked to any checkbox except VIEW, then by default View checkbox gets ticked, So is it requirement from client end?
AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->there are 4 check box (View, ADD, Edit & Delete), but if user ticked to any... arti saraswat
05:30 PM Bug #3588 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->view-->Why does Updated name displayed at the top?
*AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->view-->Why does Updated name displayed at the top?*
arti saraswat
05:02 PM Bug #3587 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Edit-->As admin is able to change the first and last name But "Username" does not change, So if it is the requirement (Username will not be update in case of Edit) Then system should not allow to edit these fields.
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Edit-->As admin is able to change the first and last name But "Username" does ... arti saraswat
04:51 PM Bug #3586 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->go with EDIT-->(1). label for First Name, Middle Name & Last Name should not appear in case of edit. (2).Asterisk mark should not there as this middle name field is not mandatory
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->go with EDIT-->
Point 1:
label for First Name, Middle Name & Last Name shoul...
arti saraswat
04:16 PM Bug #3583 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Add user-->provide value-->click on user list button-->On switching User list & Add user button then provided value is not getting reset.
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Add user-->provide value-->click on user list button-->On switching User list ... arti saraswat
04:11 PM Bug #3582 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->fill out all mandatory field-->put invalid email-->click on Submit button-->on submitting with invalid email then, values from ROLE, PASSWORD & GENDER is getting reset.
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->fill out all mandatory field-->put invalid email-->click on Submit button-->on... arti saraswat
03:39 PM Bug #3581 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->DOB-->after providing the value in DOB, this red mark line should remove automatically.
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->DOB-->after providing the value in DOB, this red mark line should remove autom... arti saraswat
03:35 PM Bug #3580 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Fill mandatory field till gender-->Click on "Submit" Button -->On clicking submit button, why does calendar gets open? (On clicking submit button system should ask for DOB field instead of opening calendar)
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Fill mandatory field till gender-->Click on "Submit" Button -->On clicking sub... arti saraswat
03:18 PM Bug #3579 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Phone number input field should not accept alphabets and special characters.
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Phone number input field should not accept alphabets and special characters.
arti saraswat
02:55 PM Bug #3578 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Layout issue, need correct the design.
AFSC-->Administration-->Manage Users-->Layout issue, need correct the design.
arti saraswat
02:46 PM Bug #3577 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->"Role permission setting"-->"P" of "profile" should be in upper case.
AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->"Role permission setting"-->"P" of "profile" should be in upper case.
arti saraswat
01:09 PM Bug #3573 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->Role permission setting"-->Click or not in the checkbox-->Click "Update Role Permission"-->On doing the same system takes to error screen..(For Demo link)
AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->"Role permission setting"-->Click the checkbox-->Click "Update Role Permiss... arti saraswat
12:48 PM Bug #3570 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->In this screen " ROLE" & " ROLE PERMISSION" both buttons displayed same content table. So what is the concept behind to put two separate button over here?
AFSC-->Administration-->Role Permission-->In this screen " ROLE" & " ROLE PERMISSION" both buttons displayed same co... arti saraswat
12:20 PM Bug #3568 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->User Role-->Add user-->go with added user--go with Edit-->On editing why does "Add user" field gets active? Is it requirement from client end?
AFSC-->Administration-->User Role-->Add user-->go with added user--go with Edit-->On editing why does "Add user" fiel... arti saraswat
12:15 PM Bug #3567 (New): AFSC-->Administration-->User Role-->Add user-->Role Name and note accepts unlimited characters.
*AFSC-->Administration-->User Role-->Add user-->Role Name and note accepts unlimited characters.*
arti saraswat

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