


Bug #1051

Updated by arti saraswat over 2 years ago

Admin panel, lfsc panel--> 

 Issue 1: 
 delete button, action button, row+ should not display at admin end as well as lfsc panel after payment. 

 Issue 2: 
 Point no.3-->address value do not reflect at admin end.(High priority) 

 Issue 3: 
 Point 4(a), 5, 7, 8, 10, 11-->Design and formatting issue, heading of the field should be either on top or left. 

 Issue 4: 
 Attached form should be same at both the panel, as same attached form is not do not reflects at admin end. 

 Issue 5: 
 Incorrect data does reflect at admin end (instead of director(lfsc) Senior officer is reflecting at admin end) 
 " Name of Applicant" is not reflecting at admin end. 


 See attached screenshot: 

 See attached screenshot for issue 4: 



 See attached screenshot: 
