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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
11140 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New High In data upload if i click on kebab menu and hover on user profile then two popups are coming at same time Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 01:01 PM Actions
11139 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New Normal In beneficiary details page, after performing search by account number, the message is not getting reset if i'm performing search by any other field Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 01:00 PM Actions
11138 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New Low Show entries search functionality should be same in the whole app Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:59 PM Actions
11137 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New Normal "Cancel" button needs to be same in whole application Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:58 PM Actions
11136 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New High Sorting is not working properly in beneficiary details page Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:57 PM Actions
11135 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New High In beneficiary details, if i'm applying account status "Not validated" then search is not working Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:56 PM Actions
11134 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New High In manage beneficiaries, in data upload download is not working Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:56 PM Actions
11133 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New Normal In report, in payment history, nothing is showing on the page and if I click on "search query" without entering anything then the place of "Age" field is getting shifted Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:55 PM Actions
11132 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New Normal If there is nothing in search results then we should not be able to go to second, third, etc pages and there should be zero message on indexing, not total numbers Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:54 PM Actions
11131 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New High In excel of beneficiary details, in remarks/reason "<br/>" is showing Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:53 PM Actions
11130 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New Low On dashboard page, text data and circles are getting outside of the box Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:53 PM Actions
11129 Social Welfare Pension System Bug New Low On login page fields are getting closed and opened two times, this needs to be only one time Himanshu Singh 11/05/2024 12:51 PM Actions
11070 Wasco Frontend Issues Bug New Normal Home --> subscribe mail --> Not working Abhimanyu jha 10/29/2024 06:31 PM Actions
11018 Quikrbox Web Store Bug New Normal Store --> Login --> Add product --> attribute --> if the attribute option is not there then no need to show input field Irfan Varis 10/25/2024 04:57 PM Actions
11011 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved High Admin --> Login --> Dashboard -->Clients --> Properties' Add --> There is no option any properties name, need to add one more field property name and also add action missing text Rashi K 10/25/2024 01:54 PM Actions
11010 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved High Admin --> Login Page --> I am not able to login on the mozilla Firefox browser Shubham Modanwal 10/28/2024 04:08 PM Actions
11009 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved Urgent Admin --> Login --> Paste link to another browser --> Directly access the Admin dashboard --> Check issue below Shubham Modanwal 10/28/2024 04:08 PM Actions
11008 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard -->Loyalty card --> showing no record on loyalty page (if no record then you need to remove the blank record because, I am able to generate a loyalty card ) Rashi K 10/25/2024 04:44 PM Actions
11006 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> User Management --> New User --> Mail --> Check issue below Shubham Modanwal 10/28/2024 04:12 PM Actions
11005 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> User Management --> designing issue ( mail content should be same as like I have attached reference screenshot ) Shubham Modanwal 10/28/2024 04:16 PM Actions
11004 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> User Management --> Check issue below Shubham Modanwal 10/28/2024 04:09 PM Actions
10999 Skilled Trades - Android Bug Resolved Urgent User are able to see old messages in a team chat when added after Admin accepted the follow requested. Iram Hamdani 10/25/2024 06:38 PM Actions
10993 Bahrain Harbour IOS Issues Bug New Normal Login --> Clients --> Getting a white screen when I click on client button Ayush Sengar 10/22/2024 02:18 PM Actions
10988 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> User Management --> Put Success message if the admin deletes any client from clients list page Rashi K 10/25/2024 05:01 PM Actions
10984 Bahrain Harbour Admin Issue Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> User Management --> put success message if admin deletes any users from the user list ( user deleted successfully) Shubham Modanwal 10/25/2024 04:46 PM Actions
(726-750/3670) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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