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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
565 Field orbit-ios Bug Resolved Normal open app-->click inside email-->FIieldOrbit is cutting (Screen should not be at that much up) chirag wadhwa 10/04/2021 12:06 PM Actions
564 Field orbit-ios Change Request Resolved Normal Menu-->it should be "Customer Asset" instead of Customer Equipment. 10/04/2021 12:03 PM Actions
563 Field orbit-ios Bug Resolved High Menu-->Notes-->text should be on the upper side and alignment of text should be in a decent manner. chirag wadhwa 10/04/2021 12:00 PM Actions
562 Field orbit-ios Bug New Normal Menu-->lead/estimate/job/invoice/Customer assets/Payment/-->text should come in mid of text input box chirag wadhwa 09/21/2021 04:17 PM Actions
561 Field orbit-ios Bug New Urgent Menu-->lead-->add new-->create lead-->change status of lead from new to contract-->go with estimate-->add new-->Files-->Add files-->attach 10 file-->save-->after loading system comes to lead estimate page and attached file do not appear in files section. chirag wadhwa 09/21/2021 03:21 PM Actions
556 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->The applicant has made payment by submitting only 3 applications on 15/09/2021, then why these 4 are showing on the admin panel? Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:06 AM Actions
555 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->done with payment-->go with admin-->License Request-->Pre-License request-->Click on company name-->application has been submitted for 20/09/2021, why are the values of 17/09/2021 appearing in the form? Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:03 AM Actions
523 Kanzo customer Bug Resolved High Navigation drawer -> Track order -> recently ordered items displays an individual not in a single order amir r 10/11/2021 08:36 PM Actions
517 Kanzo customer Bug Resolved Normal In the bellow screenshots, there are two different restaurants with the same dining page, both tables are not available for booking still it shows different amir r 10/14/2021 11:00 AM Actions
514 Kanzo_Restaurants Bug Resolved High Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant application the time is different shows in application amir r 10/09/2021 05:18 PM Actions
501 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal Fill form-->go with off line payment-->why does this confirmation message "You have been successfully updated the payment." not go away from the screen. Manessh p 09/17/2021 11:58 AM Actions
487 Kanzo_delivery boy Bug New Normal While sign up on first page fill all information, click on next it says please enter valid account number amir r 09/16/2021 04:16 PM Actions
475 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->for all the address fields, make sure these address fields should not be editable at the admin end. Manessh p 09/15/2021 07:10 PM Actions
474 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-13, 14, 15-->title heading of these field should top to that field(see lfsc for reference) Manessh p 09/15/2021 07:07 PM Actions
473 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-9, 10, 11, 12-->attached file should associate with that own row, means attached file should be in too below to that field. Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:21 AM Actions
472 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-3-->"Address" heading should be on top of address field Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:20 AM Actions
471 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low admin panel-->License request-->pre-license request-->point no.7--->Delete icon should not be reflect at admin end Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:21 AM Actions
455 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request Resolved High submit application-->payment-->online payment-->as user select on line payment then system takes to "ERROR" screen sunil gupta 10/07/2021 03:23 PM Actions
453 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal lfsc-->fill form-->point no-19-->add three row-->submit-->payment-->rows sequence should be 1, 2, 3 instead of 1,1, 1 Manessh p 10/01/2021 07:27 PM Actions
451 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low admin panel-->License request-->pre-license request-->point no-3-->this address field should not be editable. Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:23 AM Actions
450 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-3-->"Address" heading should be on top of address field Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:23 AM Actions
449 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Low fill form from lfsc-->done payment-->go with admin-->License Request-->pre license request-->value of "Principal Office" does not reflect at admin end Manessh p 10/06/2021 11:23 AM Actions
427 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal fill form-->all possible field allows unlimited characters Manessh p 09/11/2021 07:31 PM Actions
426 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal Public user-->first form-->add multiple rows-->delete any row-->then add row-->In this process sequence of rows getting disturbed. Manessh p 09/27/2021 10:43 AM Actions
418 Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements New Normal Home -> store -> menu -> click on menu any item it should clickable according to category amir r 09/11/2021 04:32 PM Actions
(3501-3525/3614) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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