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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
11953 Skilled Trades iOS Bug New Normal Android & Ios - Subadmin login - New Team created but not showing under My Teams list Amitesh Kumar Rai 12/17/2024 12:06 PM Actions
11947 Skilled Trades iOS Bug Resolved High Home screen > News feed > scroll news > not able to see all news. Check many times i got stucked here..please check this issue properly. chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
11939 Skilled Trades iOS Bug Resolved High User login > kalendar & Event list > check video...i am checking event new....sometimes it is not clickable & from event list if i am checking the same event it is displaying blank screen chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:39 PM Actions
11904 Dashboard & Sidebar Issue Bug Resolved Normal Dashboard --> Sale --> Add customer --> Percentage field should take only numeric please put validation if user try with alphabetical Irfan Varis 12/13/2024 04:35 PM Actions
11903 Dashboard & Sidebar Issue Bug Resolved High Admin --> Dashboard --> Sale --> List customer --> Upload customer --> Download Sample Irfan Varis 12/13/2024 11:11 AM Actions
11902 Dashboard & Sidebar Issue Bug Resolved Normal Dashboard --> Sale --> Add customer --> Percentage should not exceed 100 Irfan Varis 12/13/2024 04:35 PM Actions
11893 Skilled Trades iOS Bug Resolved High Not getting count or push notification (following request accepted) on app name when i am in the background . I was not using any app at that time . chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:39 PM Actions
11892 Skilled Trades iOS Bug Resolved Normal I received a notification about a request being accepted, and when I tapped on it, it took me to the home screen instead of the notification screen. I was using different app in the mobile chirag wadhwa 12/20/2024 01:40 PM Actions
11887 Skilled Trades - Android Bug New High Teamleader login > App got crash on uploading picture. check steps below & attached video for the refernce sulendra k 12/12/2024 02:31 PM Actions
11886 POS ISSUE Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> POS --> Profile --> Change Profile --> Mobile number field should be 8-15 characters Irfan Varis 12/12/2024 02:27 PM Actions
11885 POS ISSUE Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> POS --> Profile --> Change Profile --> add asterisk mark on the mandatory field Irfan Varis 12/12/2024 02:28 PM Actions
11884 Skilled Trades - Android Bug New Normal Teamleader login > chat screen > cick on team profile pic > Teamleader or username is not aligned in center sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:28 PM Actions
11882 Skilled Trades - Android Bug New Normal Teamleader profile > change or update password > when entering current password it does not give hint like Ratt. check ios there it is working fine. sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:19 PM Actions
11881 Skilled Trades - Android Bug New Normal In the Team Leader profile creation, when uploading a profile cover, the image is cropped in a horizontal shape. However, after uploading, it appears on the profile cover in a portrait format. sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:12 PM Actions
11880 Skilled Trades - Android Bug New High App getting crash when creating new teamleader ...first uploading picture from gallery then from camera ...check video attached sulendra k 12/12/2024 01:05 PM Actions
11876 Skilled Trades - Android Bug New Normal Teamlista > Edit team which have no picture uploaded > change background old cover. Do same as in ios sulendra k 12/12/2024 12:22 PM Actions
11872 POS ISSUE Bug Resolved Normal Admin --> POS --> Profile --> Change Profile --> Admin is able to update her email with invalid email ID Irfan Varis 12/12/2024 02:29 PM Actions
11865 Skilled Trades - Android Bug New Normal Kalendar > For some events its showing location & for some its not displaying . please check . should show for all events if location is provided. sulendra k 12/11/2024 06:38 PM Actions
11861 Skilled Trades - Android Bug Resolved High User is able to change team profile cover and able to link other teammembers & teamleader profile . This user is registered from the app from Registera link at login screen. sulendra k 12/11/2024 06:25 PM Actions
11857 Skilled Trades - Android Bug Resolved High The team leader is being notified again for a follow request already sent by the user. This should not happen . Check video & scenario in description sulendra k 12/11/2024 06:25 PM Actions
11852 Skilled Trades - Android Bug Resolved Normal There should be no need to show this text ratt while setting new password after registration. Only show at the time of updating sulendra k 12/11/2024 02:30 PM Actions
11849 WASCO Admin Issues Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Side menu bar --> Check issue below Abhimanyu jha 12/11/2024 12:23 PM Actions
11844 Skilled Trades - Android Bug Resolved Normal Why are we asking users to set a password during login if they have already done so after resetting their password? sulendra k 12/11/2024 06:27 PM Actions
11841 Skilled Trades - Android Bug Resolved Normal Message not showing under sent tab ...i have attached link document and photo from camera sulendra k 12/11/2024 03:10 PM Actions
11840 Skilled Trades - Android Bug Resolved High Admin login > Anvandare list > check user profile for eg. Crew > Check team > Here team name images not appearing . Same issue on android. check video sulendra k 12/11/2024 03:11 PM Actions
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