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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
778 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New High Home-->Add Activity-->provide required details-->Click on SAVE-->User is neither able to SAVE the activity after clicking on Save button(Top right side) nor going back by clicking on back button Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 05:49 PM Actions
777 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Home-->Click on Done-->Goals screen will open-->click on any goal-->Click on Back Button(Top left side)-->User is unable to go back by clicking on Back Button. Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 05:29 PM Actions
776 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Home-->Click on DONE-->Goal "Mood" is overlapping on the blue header and Daily Goal text in Blue Header is not visible. Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 05:20 PM Actions
775 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Login-->Go with History-->right now screen has no history content-->write anything in search bar-->now switch to any tab-->again come back to History-->text from search bar reset as user switch to another tab Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 05:13 PM Actions
774 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Tools-->Mindfulness-->Click on Back(Top left side)-->user is unable to go back by clicking on Back Button. Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 05:04 PM Actions
773 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Urgent Tools-->Mindfulness-->Select Anxiety-->Where is the music list and other detail for this screen (When user clicks on frame(Top right) then music list get open & when user clicks on footer then screen open where some data displayed with in unorganized way Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 05:00 PM Actions
772 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New High Go with tools-->Mindfulness-->Select any option-->On this screen-->1. Why does this blue color header appear at the bottom of screen?-->2. Why does this frame appear at the top right of this screen?-->3. No content appears on this screen why so? Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 04:20 PM Actions
771 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Home page-->UI issue, Text should align with the logo boundary(See attached Referenced image) Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 04:23 PM Actions
770 Muslim Moodfit_iOS QUERY New Normal Login with credentials-->Go with Tools-->Click on Mindfulness-->According to reference there should be an option for all, Which one is correct please suggest. Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 04:03 PM Actions
769 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Login with credentials-->Update button should be a little bit on the upper side. Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 03:36 PM Actions
768 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Login with credentials-->First Name & Last Name fields allow unlimited characters. Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 03:30 PM Actions
767 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug New Normal Login with credentials-->Profile picture frame does not display over here. Ranjeet Singh 10/22/2021 03:45 PM Actions
766 POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug Resolved Normal Form MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point no-5, 6-->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Complete sentence does not reflect at admin end Himanshu Singh 12/09/2021 03:40 PM Actions
765 POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug Resolved Normal Form 2-->Point no-6, 7-->Even after done with the payment admin is still able to edit in these two field Himanshu Singh 12/09/2021 03:44 PM Actions
764 POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug Resolved Normal FORM 2-->Point 1, 2, 3,4, 8, 9, 10, 11 -->put long sentence-->submit-->payment-->License request-->Post Licensee request-->complete sentence is not displayed at the admin end. Himanshu Singh 12/09/2021 03:28 PM Actions
763 POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug Resolved Normal FORM 2-->Put date of birth-->validate and submit-->Date of birth is getting disappear after validate and submit or after payment Himanshu Singh 12/09/2021 10:08 AM Actions
762 POST LICENSE APPLICATION FORM Bug Resolved Normal Second Form-->Middle name-->Middle name should be mandatory-->Previous name-->Previous name should not mandatory Himanshu Singh 12/11/2021 06:34 PM Actions
759 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal Go with first form-->fill all detail-->submit-->done with payment-->Go for view the form-->Go with Point no-4 & 5-->Even after done with the payment, user is still able to edit in the point no-4 and 5 in case of view. sunil gupta 10/21/2021 05:08 PM Actions
758 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal Go with MLRO FORM-->Point no 7-->put wife name-->now click on single-->then click on married-->already provided value in wife name field should get reset, if user select single then married. sunil gupta 10/21/2021 04:00 PM Actions
757 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New High Login-->Go with Form " Schedule 5"-->edit button-->As user opens that "Schedule 5" form then inside that form "Schedule 2" displayed instead of "Schedule 5"-->Need to correct it (Rename the " Schedule 5" to the "Schedule 2" at home page) sunil gupta 10/21/2021 02:08 PM Actions
756 ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug New Normal Registration-->fill required detail-->don't click on check box of "Security Captcha"-->Click on register(which click on Security Captcha)-->even after not clicking on "Security Captcha" user is still able to complete registration process. sunil gupta 10/21/2021 02:02 PM Actions
755 Credit Unions-Report Section Bug New Normal License type-->Credit unions-->Go with Relationship tab-->add relationship-->Press TAB from keyboard-->user is unable to jump on another field after pressing on TAB button(TAB button is not working for this screen) Manessh p 10/18/2021 05:59 PM Actions
754 Muslim Moodfit_Web App Bug Resolved Normal Go with>Sing in screen-->At the very first-page name of the application "MUSLIM MOODFIT" is crossing the sign-in model window. nikhilesh chand 11/08/2021 10:27 AM Actions
747 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug Resolved Normal Select Low mood-->click on next-->Please put correct word in the red square marked area. Ranjeet Singh 10/26/2021 11:26 AM Actions
746 Muslim Moodfit_iOS Bug Resolved Normal Select bad mood-->marked area-->it should be “LOW” instead “LOOW” Ranjeet Singh 10/26/2021 11:26 AM Actions
(3451-3475/3670) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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