




Apply Clear

# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2252 Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug New High Admin--->Schedule 1-->For every document getting this "No Preview Available" sunil gupta 05/04/2022 01:31 PM Actions
1777 Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug Resolved High Admin panel-->License request-->Pre-license request-->Form "Previous Residence Details"-->Qus.no33--> Heading should be on top or right side of field. Himanshu Singh 03/30/2022 11:19 AM Actions
1776 Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug Resolved High Admin panel-->License Request-->Pre-license request-->Form "DECLARATION PARTICULAR"--->Qus.no24--->Complete information does not show in admin end Himanshu Singh 03/30/2022 11:29 AM Actions
1767 Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug Resolved High Admin panel-->License request-->Pre-license request -->Form "Details Of A/C Receivables"--> (1). Complete information should reflect at admin end Himanshu Singh 03/30/2022 11:27 AM Actions
1765 Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug Resolved High Admin panel-->Form "APPLICATION DETAILS"-->(1). Heading should be on top or right side of field. (2). Complete information should reflect at admin end. Himanshu Singh 03/30/2022 11:18 AM Actions
1753 Sector Name: ERSP Bug New High Login With Admin panel-->License Request-->Pre license request-->INFOMATION IN SUPPORT-->Qus.27-->Table value is not coming on sequence. sunil gupta 03/26/2022 05:02 PM Actions
1752 Sector Name: ERSP Bug New Normal Login With Admin panel-->License Request-->Pre license request-->INFOMATION IN SUPPORT--> Yes NO Button is not on right place sunil gupta 03/26/2022 04:40 PM Actions
1751 Sector Name: Mutual Fund-Client Feedback Bug New Normal Mutual Fund-->Schedule 1--> 12-->The yes/no options should only if the fund is private. Otherwise, this should be greyed out.-->Need to implement as per the client requirement. sunil gupta 03/26/2022 04:24 PM Actions
1750 Sector Name: Mutual Fund-Client Feedback Modification/ Enhancements New Normal Mutual Fund-->Schedule 1--> 11-->the yes/no options should only appear if the fund is public. Otherwise, this should be greyed out-->Need to implement as per the client requirement. sunil gupta 03/26/2022 04:09 PM Actions
1681 Sector Name: Mutual Fund-Client Feedback Modification/ Enhancements New Normal Mutual Fund-->Schedule 1-->Qus06-->The date should not be automatically generated and it should not be mandatory. Also, remove “Date of Birth-->Need to implement as per the client requirement. Himanshu Singh 03/17/2022 04:47 PM Actions
1680 Sector Name: Mutual Fund-Client Feedback Modification/ Enhancements New Normal Mutual fund-->Schedule 1-->Qus.04-->According to the form, the name inserted may or may not be an individual. Please remove middle name and last name. The only field available should be “Name”-->Need to implement as per the client requirement. Himanshu Singh 03/17/2022 04:38 PM Actions
1663 Sector Name: NRSP- Client Feedback Modification/ Enhancements Resolved Normal Schedule 2-->Qus.17(a) & 17(b)--> Add a Name Field for the Add Row option-->Need to implement as per the client requirement. Sunita Kannaujiya 07/08/2022 03:21 PM Actions
1521 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent ADMIN Panel --> Login with NRSP client applicant-->Go with form "INFORMATION IN SUPPORT -->Fill the form -->Submit-->Login with admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->Question no.13 not update as per the client requirement in admin panel sunil gupta 07/05/2022 01:04 PM Actions
1520 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent Login with NRSP client applicant-->Real state agent--> schedule 2 ---> fill the form and submit--->create new application-->NRSP--> Accountant/editor fill the form and submit-->go to previous application--> real state agent--> view/edit schedule 2 sunil gupta 03/09/2022 03:39 PM Actions
1519 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent ADMIN Panel --> Login with NRSP client applicant-->MLRO/MLCO'-->fill the form-->Submit-->go with admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->Question no.8,9,10,12,19(a) provided document does not show in admin panel. sunil gupta 07/05/2022 01:03 PM Actions
1516 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent Login with Nrsp client applicant-->Real state agent--> go with form schedule 2 ---> fill form and submit--->create new application-->NRSP--> Acountant/editor fill form and submit--go to previous application--> real state agent and view schedule 2 form qus sunil gupta 03/09/2022 12:58 PM Actions
1500 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent ADMIN panel --> Login with NRSP client applicant-->Go with form "INFORMATION IN SUPPORT-->Qus 27-->Submit-->Login with admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->Qus no. 27 does not reflect complete data in admin panel. sunil gupta 07/05/2022 01:02 PM Actions
1497 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Normal Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form schedule 2 ---> Qus 13 & 07-->Submit-->Applicant is able to edit email field after submission. sunil gupta 03/09/2022 04:56 PM Actions
1492 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New High Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form INFORMATION IN SUPPORT ---> Qus 27-->Submit-->Applicant is not able to preview the document. sunil gupta 03/09/2022 06:41 PM Actions
1490 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New High Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form INFORMATION IN SUPPORT --->Fill the form-->Submit-->Question number 10 percentage should not exceed to 100. sunil gupta 03/09/2022 06:40 PM Actions
1481 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent ADMIN Panel --> Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form INFORMATION IN SUPPORT ---> Qus 05-->Submit-->Login with admin panel-->License request-->pre-license request-->Question no 05 does not reflect on the admin panel. sunil gupta 07/05/2022 01:01 PM Actions
1478 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Normal Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form Schedule 2---> question 10,18,19,20-->After submission Applicant form user should not select checkbox button. sunil gupta 03/09/2022 04:59 PM Actions
1475 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent ADMIN Panel --> Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form Schedule 2---> Qus 20-->Submit-->Login with admin panel-->License request-->pre-license request-->Qus20-->Question should reflect same as lfsc to admin panel. sunil gupta 07/05/2022 01:00 PM Actions
1474 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New High ADMIN Panel --> Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form Schedule 2---> Qus 18-->Provided value does not reflect to the admin end. sunil gupta 07/05/2022 12:59 PM Actions
1473 Sector Name: NRSP Bug New Urgent ADMIN Panel --> Login with NRSP client applicant-->Click action button-->Go with form Schedule 2---> Qus 17-->submit-->Go with admin panel-->License request-->pre-license-->Qus.17 -->Provided value at lfsc does not reflect to the admin end.. sunil gupta 07/05/2022 12:59 PM Actions
(1026-1050/1051) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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