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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13318 Sakoon - Admin Bug New High Payment list - Counsellor list - On Payment list page it shows 1 count for family type but when i view the booking details it shows all bookings with type "family". We have to differentiate here on the basis of client id not booking type Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 05:27 PM Actions
13304 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed High File management issues - check below Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 05:41 PM Actions
13298 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal Reschedule booking by client - contact method change phone to video call but not showing updated to client & counsellor both and client has added message while rescheduling but counsellor unable to see message Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 03:24 PM Actions
13295 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed Normal Appointments - latest appointment should shown at top Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 06:34 PM Actions
13294 Sakoon - Client Bug Closed Normal Counsellor marked availability on Leave - But in client panel appointment status still remain approved...and on dashboard meeting link still shows instead of note added by counsellor while marking leave Goverdhan verma 03/19/2025 04:47 PM Actions
13293 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal My Booking list - List view - counsellor not able to see booking type. Client has booked appointment for family type but counsellor unable to see Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 03:24 PM Actions
13292 Sakoon - Client Bug Closed Normal Payment list - Counselor Booking column - Counselor spelling mistake Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 04:44 PM Actions
13290 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal Sign up as a counsellor - I work with field --already asked on sign up form then why asking again same on My professional details page Goverdhan verma 03/20/2025 10:00 AM Actions
13269 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal Add Bank account- check this ..after getting this error all fields gets reset Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 03:25 PM Actions
13267 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed Normal Payments screen - latest one should shown at top Goverdhan verma 03/18/2025 02:45 PM Actions
13245 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed High Incorrect Counselor Payment Calculation in Coupon Case. Total Income column name should replace to Client Paid Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 04:41 PM Actions
13244 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal pay Now button should be hidden or grey out after successfully pay the amount by admin Goverdhan verma 03/17/2025 03:25 PM Actions
13243 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed Normal Appointment List - Fix design issue of horizontal scrollbar Goverdhan verma 03/18/2025 02:48 PM Actions
13242 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal Latest booking should arrive at the top Goverdhan verma 03/20/2025 10:08 AM Actions
13241 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed Low After Reschedule successfully from the admin side then Rescheduling button should hide from the old appointment, currently it is not happening Goverdhan verma 03/18/2025 03:49 PM Actions
13240 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Normal Admin --> if Clint pays the amount then then Pay Now button should not arrive on the Reschedule mail Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 12:41 PM Actions
13236 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed Normal Admin -->Appointment List --> If the admin changes the current status pending to cancel then does not happen anything, if there is an option for cancel then it should work, The changing status should be reflected on the client panel Goverdhan verma 03/18/2025 03:31 PM Actions
13235 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed Normal Appointment list - Appointment status should be Cancelled , Approved, Rescheduled after action done. Goverdhan verma 03/18/2025 03:13 PM Actions
13234 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal Book appointment for any client - 0 slot available but text appeared is "Available"...please show No availability here Goverdhan verma 03/20/2025 11:33 AM Actions
13233 Sakoon - Client Bug Closed High One booking is cancelled already & when client goes to reschedule another appointment ..cancelled booking slot is available but on click to book appointment it says appointment already booked. please check video Goverdhan verma 03/19/2025 03:55 PM Actions
13232 Sakoon - Admin Bug Closed Normal Please show text "No Availability" when counsellor list displaying. Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 07:39 PM Actions
13230 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Low Waiting List - Book any appointment - It is not asking for appointment type and by default takes Individual type for all bookings. Discuss with sir once Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 06:20 PM Actions
13229 Sakoon - Admin QUERY Feedback Normal if the admin creates client, then the mail does not go to the same mail Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 06:23 PM Actions
13227 Sakoon - Admin Bug Feedback Normal Admin → Client --> Add --> View --> Religion and Country code should also be visible on the client profile Goverdhan verma 03/07/2025 06:23 PM Actions
13226 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Closed Normal My Booking List -Appointment status is cancelled but in Add more column it shows booking slot is still active. And cancel status change to "Cancelled" Goverdhan verma 03/20/2025 02:18 PM Actions
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