




Apply Clear

# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13356 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal "Compliance applicant" is not able to submit commodity form with old saved data, getting no commodity id selected toaster message Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 10:35 AM Actions
13351 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Forgot --> Set New Password -->Forgot password screen --> Set new password --> Getting a validation error, it should arrive with proper validation like "password should be alphanumeric with special characters" Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 08:54 AM Actions
13349 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Reopened Normal Login --> Assigned Tasks Screen --> Offline Data --> As discussed with @Dharamveer sir last time need to remove this offline data box and show another data box here Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 10:36 AM Actions
13342 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Login --> Assigned Task --> Right side Menu button --> if the applicant clicks on the back button then app is getting close instead of Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 09:18 AM Actions
13341 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Reopened Normal Login --> Assigned Task --> Start Task --> Basseterre zone --> Daily foods --> Milk --> the availability & date picker values getting Reset after multiple savings and the uploaded image is also not displaying Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 10:58 AM Actions
13340 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Login -->Monday survey --> Basseterre zone --> Daily foods --> Meat --> Check issues Below Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 10:59 AM Actions
13324 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Login --> Assigned Task --> Start Survey --> zone/market/category --> if the compliance officer fills values in some input fields and changes to another market with the same commodity the filled values appear in another market and also in the survey Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 11:07 AM Actions
13323 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Login --> Assigned Tasks --> Start Survey --> Kingston --> Daily foods --> Oil --> I am unable to update the commodity price after saving, once I have saved the commodity after that I am unable to change the saved commodity price & etc. fields. Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 03:47 PM Actions
13317 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal sign in --> Forgot screen --> back to sign in --> link --> Need to put the "back to sign in" screen on the forgot page Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 09:05 AM Actions
13316 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Login --> Start survey --> Bassererre zone --> Island food -->oil --> Check issue below Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 02:45 PM Actions
13314 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal TAB --> Login --> Right Side Menu option --> Check issues below Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 02:46 PM Actions
13313 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High TAB --> Login --> Welcome Screen --> Start Survey --> Market -->Category --> Price input field is disabled need to fix this issue for the tab Pragati pandey 03/21/2025 09:55 AM Actions
13312 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Login --> Welcome Screen --> Right side menu --> Surveys --> Check issue below Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 02:46 PM Actions
13311 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Admin --> login --> Submit Commodity Survey --> First, save --> back to home screen --> again open save form --> after submitting all filled values getting disappear Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 02:50 PM Actions
13310 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Login --> Welcome Screen --> Submit Commodity Survey --> After saving the Price gets 0, the availability displays "low" and the uploaded images are showing the invalid need to fix this issue asap Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 02:54 PM Actions
13307 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Home --> Login --> Forgot Button --> The error message "Validation error" is not specific. It should indicate what exactly is wrong with the input (e.g., "Invalid email format"). Pragati pandey 03/25/2025 11:08 AM Actions
13306 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Sign Screen --> Login --> Assigned Tasks Screen --> No need to show the time option on the Assigned Tasks screen Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 02:50 PM Actions
13278 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Logout --> Back 2 time -->again click Logout --> Getting code error when Applicant logout 2-3 times Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 10:26 AM Actions
13276 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Compliance applicant should be able to view her password but currently, applicant is unable to view the password Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 10:35 AM Actions
13273 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Submit --> After Submitting the form "compliance officer" is able to upload the image again, it is not correct needs to fix it Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 03:31 PM Actions
13272 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Login --> Welcome Screen --> Start Survey --> Submit --> if the "Compliance office" submitted any survey form, the selected zone, Market, and Category should also Arrive currently only the zone is arriving Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 04:09 PM Actions
13271 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed High Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> I submitted data for Survey 2, but the submitted data is also showing in another survey Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 03:32 PM Actions
13266 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Same survey with Different "Compliance office" if both are clicks in submit button then getting different toaster message Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 05:02 PM Actions
13265 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Login --> Welcome screen --> Need to put "pull to Refresh" Functionality here, because there is no option for refresh Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 10:39 AM Actions
13263 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Closed Normal Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey -->Start and To date should be visible and also "Compliance applicant" should not be able to start the survey when the date till not match today's date Pragati pandey 03/13/2025 03:34 PM Actions
(1-25/107) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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