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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12384 Milisto Bug Feedback Normal Crop image feature not available on Gift Registery page. Anisha Kumari 01/22/2025 06:40 PM Actions
12375 Milisto Bug Feedback High Members profile > Reserved & purchased items list not showing when any user see any member profile. follow steps below Anisha Kumari 01/24/2025 04:18 PM Actions
12357 Milisto Bug Feedback Normal Category Field Not Updating Correctly on Add & edit Event. It always shows "Other" Anisha Kumari 01/24/2025 12:25 PM Actions
12351 Milisto Bug Feedback Normal Edit Registry - Title not getting updated please check Anisha Kumari 01/22/2025 07:50 PM Actions
12300 Milisto Bug Feedback Normal Home --> profile --> Switch Account --> Add Account --> Anisha Kumari 01/28/2025 05:09 PM Actions
11747 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Settings > Delete Account > I am going to delete an account but loader loads since 10 minutes. Not able to delete . please check Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 05:03 PM Actions
11745 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Settings > Social Links > placeholder text "username" for all fields is wrong. should remove with proper text and what is this field "Vkontakte" ? And after updating where it will be reflected? Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 02:58 PM Actions
11744 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Registry page > Footer links not showing Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 02:46 PM Actions
11737 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Menu Bar > Activity section > remove three dots no need of these Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 02:56 PM Actions
11735 Milisto Bug Closed High Home page > Stories > check home page design if there are more than 4 stories. Not able to scroll right to see story of other users Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 04:45 PM Actions
11733 Milisto Bug Reopened Normal Boost page > Hide the 'Upgrade Plan' option for now. Please hide it from everywhere. This option should not be visible to the user. Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 02:55 PM Actions
11732 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Create new page > Create job for the page > add space between the words "Post a job for test to reach the right applicants onMilisto." Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 05:15 PM Actions
11731 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Blocked users showing under 'People you may know section'. Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 05:16 PM Actions
11730 Milisto Bug Reopened Normal View Group > Search field > search field not visible properly. Show proper border and all Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 03:18 PM Actions
11726 Milisto Bug Feedback Normal User not getting notification if group admin decline the request of joining the group Anisha Kumari 12/21/2024 01:32 PM Actions
11725 Milisto Bug Closed Normal General settings > left sidebar > hide selected sections. check ss Hide Manage Sessions also Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 02:57 PM Actions
11722 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Hide Blog & Memory page from frontend - no need of it Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 03:24 PM Actions
11721 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Home page > Add post > Sell product > we can hide this feature currently Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 03:28 PM Actions
11719 Milisto Bug Feedback Normal The footer link 'Help & Support' currently navigates to the Privacy Policy page. It should lead to a separate page for Help & Support Anisha Kumari 12/11/2024 10:10 AM Actions
11718 Milisto Bug Closed Normal Milisto logo at footer should be clickable Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 03:28 PM Actions
11715 Milisto Bug Closed Normal I am able to create multiple groups with the same name. It should show an error message if the group name already exists. Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 03:29 PM Actions
11713 Milisto Bug Feedback Normal Create a post. Do not enter a title, and select an audio or video file. Then click on 'Share.' It will take about 5 minutes to upload. After the upload is completed, it will say 'Your post can't be empty. Anisha Kumari 12/13/2024 07:27 PM Actions
11711 Milisto Bug Closed Normal On the homepage, when I add a post and select a location, Google is not automatically detecting the location, so I have to enter it manually. Also, if I don't enter a title, check how it appears on the homepage after sharing. Anisha Kumari 12/27/2024 04:58 PM Actions
11709 Milisto Bug Closed Normal The copyright year is missing in the footer of the website. Please discuss this with Dharamveer Sir and ensure it is added. Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 02:59 PM Actions
11708 Milisto Bug Reopened Normal Home page > Need to give proper border for attached screenshot. Anisha Kumari 12/26/2024 02:51 PM Actions
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