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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12998 Wasco Billing (Web) Bug Reopened Normal Consumption - Download csv/pdf file - check issues below Bharat Dhall 02/28/2025 12:12 PM Actions
12991 Wasco Billing (Web) Bug Reopened Normal Transactions page - If we check transaction list there are not showing transaction date column but after downliang CSV file it shows Transaction date column also. And show $ with Amount column Bharat Dhall 02/28/2025 12:12 PM Actions
12966 Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug Closed High Unable to send invite. Checked with valid email also. And make validation for proper invalid email. It is taking invalid email address also. Bharat Dhall 03/04/2025 05:58 PM Actions
12707 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal When an admin deactivates a user's account, and the user tries to log in, the system displays the incorrect error message: "Invalid email id or password. message should be "Account deactivated by admin. Please contact administrator" Bharat Dhall 02/12/2025 08:32 PM Actions
12699 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal Hebrew post assessment title missing on the main assessment detail page. Same issue on admin Bharat Dhall 02/13/2025 04:48 PM Actions
12694 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal Symptoms management - For some symptoms, created date shows January 1, 1970. Please correct them Bharat Dhall 02/07/2025 07:49 PM Actions
12570 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal User profile > Address field is missing. We can show address of User to admin. Bharat Dhall 02/07/2025 10:37 AM Actions
12569 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal At the time of registration i have filled address but on my profile page it shows blank. check screenshot attached Bharat Dhall 02/04/2025 05:38 PM Actions
12565 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal This issue occurs when we select a symptom that has another symptom as part of its question answers, but that second symptom has been deactivated from the backend. Bharat Dhall 02/04/2025 06:14 PM Actions
12564 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal Maintain consistency in the message "Symptom updated Successfully". Either capitalize the first letter of all words or keep 'Successfully' in lowercase like 'Symptom updated saved successfully.' Bharat Dhall 02/07/2025 11:48 AM Actions
12560 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal When editing hebrew post assessment it shows null text with the title. Update any post assessment in hebrew then check on again edit Bharat Dhall 02/07/2025 11:52 AM Actions
12559 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal Hebrew language > Post Assessment also in Hebrew > but success message of updating assessment appearing in English Bharat Dhall 02/07/2025 11:50 AM Actions
12558 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal Hebrew language > Post assessment created in Hebrew > title in English appearing Null text. Bharat Dhall 02/07/2025 12:47 PM Actions
12553 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal Assessment & post assessment both - Please maintain consistency in the message 'Assessment Updated Successfully.' Either capitalize the first letter of all words or keep 'updated' in lowercase like 'Assessment updated successfully.' Bharat Dhall 02/04/2025 04:42 PM Actions
12538 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal Scan this QR code & check difference in post assessment Results. On details page it shows text "Continue your medicines" in the Result & if we check after scanning the code it shows text "test" in the phone Bharat Dhall 02/04/2025 06:23 PM Actions
12530 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal After completing any post-assessment, I am unable to identify which symptom the post-assessment is related to if there are multiple assessments on My Symptoms page Bharat Dhall 02/07/2025 11:35 AM Actions
12529 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed High The post-assessment's post-assessment is not showing . check with symptom Shoulder > Shoulder Pain> Full Arm shoulder pain Bharat Dhall 02/01/2025 06:04 PM Actions
12527 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed High I started using application at around 2:20, and after completing 2 hours, I was logged out. This should not happen. It should expire only if I am not using the system for 2 hours. Bharat Dhall 02/13/2025 04:42 PM Actions
12511 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Feedback Normal My symptoms - The main symptom name is displayed incorrectly. The main symptom was "Hand Pain," but it is showing as "Arm" because the symptom name "Arm" was selected in the second question's result. Bharat Dhall 01/30/2025 02:11 PM Actions
12502 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal please check session timeout issue. It logged me out after 5 -10 minutes of inactivity in admin panel same . Issue raised by client also Bharat Dhall 01/31/2025 12:23 PM Actions
12496 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal Emails received to user should have current year copyright. check registration email Bharat Dhall 01/30/2025 02:24 PM Actions
12490 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal Access Code should be case sensitive. Right now, it works even if entered in lowercase. For example, if the QR access code is 'X8HS9', it still scans successfully with small letters. Bharat Dhall 01/30/2025 03:07 PM Actions
12334 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal Pending post-assessment is not visible to the user if the assessment was completed as a guest. After logging in, the user can see their result on the symptom page but cannot view the pending post-assessment for that symptom Bharat Dhall 01/28/2025 11:19 AM Actions
12316 Orthocare Client Portal Bug Closed Normal I have deleted Post Assessment but it still shows to user under Pending Post Assessments. Follow steps below Bharat Dhall 01/31/2025 02:58 PM Actions
12305 Orthocare Admin Bug Closed Normal Should have space between the words Assessment Updated. check all validation messages Bharat Dhall 01/31/2025 11:55 AM Actions
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