




Apply Clear

# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4917 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> International Insurance --> Class 'B' Insurer's Association License -->Schedule 2 --> Qus18 -->Edit --> submit --> Edit --> in edit case "Date of annual account" should not reset instead of selected date Dharmanshu Gupta 10/17/2022 03:33 PM Actions
4915 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> International Insurance --> Class 'B' Insurer's Association License -->Schedule 2 --> Qus13 --> After saving provided value getting disappear on address field Dharmanshu Gupta 10/17/2022 03:05 PM Actions
4902 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New Normal Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus19 --> After saving date format getting changed Dharmanshu Gupta 10/17/2022 11:25 AM Actions
4901 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus.12 --> after saving the values on the table, Qus.3 name field is the same coming on Qus.12 table name field Dharmanshu Gupta 10/17/2022 11:17 AM Actions
4900 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New Normal Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus19 --> Name of applicant input field after saving only 45 character is appearing instead of max character. Dharmanshu Gupta 10/15/2022 01:22 PM Actions
4899 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New Normal Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus3--> Number of shares --> After saving why .00 is showing here no need to show .00 after number Dharmanshu Gupta 10/15/2022 01:17 PM Actions
4898 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus18 --> Applicant is unable to add row ( button is not clickable ). Dharmanshu Gupta 10/15/2022 12:46 PM Actions
4897 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local --->After saving form applicant is unable to view pdf file, for reference see below screenshot. Dharmanshu Gupta 10/15/2022 12:39 PM Actions
4896 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus18 --> This point is not implemented as per the client requirement. Dharmanshu Gupta 10/15/2022 12:19 PM Actions
4895 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus 12 --> After saving Selected value getting reset to Domestic. Dharmanshu Gupta 10/15/2022 12:04 PM Actions
4894 Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug New High Demo Server --> Insurance --> Domestic Insurance --> Local ---> Qus2 and 4 --> After saving provided value getting disappear Dharmanshu Gupta 10/15/2022 11:58 AM Actions
4759 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> For consistency, ensure that the same structure is used for questions which request addresses. That is, “Address1”; “Address2”; “City”; “State”; “Country” and “Zip Code”. Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4757 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule -->MLRO/CO --> Qus13--> Change “number of shares” to “Number of Shares” and Change “percentage of shareholdings” to “Percentage of Shareholdings” Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4754 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High insurance --> schedule 2 --> Qus18 --> Change “there after” to “thereafter” and add a “?” at the end of the question. Change answer option from an “Add Row” answer option to a text box field with a calendar. The text box field name should be “Date of fir Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4753 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> schedule 2 --> Qus7 --> Change “Resume” to “Upload CV” Change “Name of Company” to “Name” Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4752 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 2 --> Qus5 --> Response to this question should be multiple choice (i.e. the respondent can only choose one response) instead of multi-select (where the respondent chooses more than one response) Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4748 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 --> Qus18 --> Change “there after” to “thereafter” and add a “?” at the end of the question. Change answer option from an “Add Row” answer option to a text box field with a calendar. Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4747 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus17 --> As per the client feedback change "Under take" to "Undertake" Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4746 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus12--> As per the client feedback Change “Resume” to “Upload CV”Change response under the “Position/Role” column to a dropdown box. The response options should be “Director”, “Officer”, “Manager” and “Administrator” Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4745 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus7,8 and 9--> As per the client feedback "Replace text box answer option with a “File Upload” answer option" Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4744 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus6 --> As per the client feedback Response to this question should be multiple choice (i.e. the respondent can only choose one response) instead of multi-select (where the respondent chooses more than one response) Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4743 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus 5b --> As per the client feedback No text box needed here Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4742 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus5 --> As per the client feedback Change “externalinsurers” to “external insurers Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4741 Sector Name: INSURANCE Modification/ Enhancements New High Insurance --> Schedule 1 -->Qus3 --> As per the client feedback Change “Natural Person or Corporate Entity” column name to “Type of Person”. Responses under this column should be in a drop down box – where the two response options are “Natural Person” an Dharmanshu Gupta 10/12/2022 03:27 PM Actions
4329 Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug New High Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity--> First row content is missing as per client document and & lfsc return panel. Dharmanshu Gupta 09/19/2022 03:38 PM Actions
(101-125/157) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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