Bug #9175
Store --> Login --> Home Screen --> Menu --> if the store has no products and click on the Menu tab button then "No internet connection" toster message comes on the screen
Added by Mohd Irfan about 1 year ago.
Updated about 1 year ago.
Issue description:
if the store has no products and click on the Menu tab button then the "No internet connection" toster message comes on the screen
See attached screenshot:

Its an APi Issue
i have informed john about it
the issue is that when there is not product in list that then response we get from api is html with 200 status
this html response content is treated as an internet issue by dio networking package.
- Assignee changed from Rakhi Kadyan to Mohd Irfan
- Project changed from QuikrBox Store app Issues to Quikrbox - Api issues
- Assignee changed from Mohd Irfan to olatayo John
- Status changed from New to Resolved
if store has no product, it returns
"data": [],
"status": 200
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