Bug #8956
openClient Feedback
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Name of School? Grade/year? For children we want to keep track of What grade they are currently in and their history with the Foundation. So, if they started with grade 6 in 2023, we would want to store info on them going forward from that date for every interaction that the sponsor has with them and also for all the interaction that the admin staff has with them and their families. We need to keep some form of free form narrative history, notes about our interactions. We want to have a history of their grades (copies of transcripts), copies of letters they have written to sponsors, feedback from parents and so on. So, this will mean that we should be able to append files and notes to a specific child's file.
Updated by Shubham J about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Client Feedback > Name of School? Grade/year? For children we want to keep track of What grade they are currently in and their history with the Foundation. So, if they started with grade 6 in 2023, we would want to store info on them going forward from to Cliet Feedback
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Shubham J about 1 year ago
- Assignee changed from Dharamveer S to Abhimanyu jha
Updated by Shubham J about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Cliet Feedback to Client Feedback