Bug #8774
closedif user clicks on add product multiple times then the pop-up message comes again and again user (the user has problem when he clicks on cross and back buttons)
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if user clicks on add product multiple times then the pop-up message comes again and again user (the user has problem when he clicks on cross and back buttons)
See the attached screen record
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from if user clicks on add product multiple times then the pop-up message comes again and again user (the user has problem when he clicks on cross button) to if user clicks on add product multiple times then the pop-up message comes again and again user (the user has problem when he clicks on cross and back buttons)
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
see attached screenshot: