Bug #778
openHome-->Add Activity-->provide required details-->Click on SAVE-->User is neither able to SAVE the activity after clicking on Save button(Top right side) nor going back by clicking on back button
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Home-->Add Activity-->provide required details-->Click on SAVE-->UUser is neither able to SAVE the activity after clicking on Save button(Top right side) nor going back by clicking on back button
See attached screenshot
Updated by arti saraswat over 3 years ago
- File clipboard-202110221749-o3cd9.png clipboard-202110221749-o3cd9.png added
- Subject changed from Home-->Add Activity-->provide required details-->Click on SAVE-->User i not able to SAVE the activity after clicking on Save button(Top right side) to Home-->Add Activity-->provide required details-->Click on SAVE-->User is neither able to SAVE the activity after clicking on Save button(Top right side) nor going back by clicking on back button
- Description updated (diff)