Bug #6407
closedI have created new web user & new return upload of today's date but in history it is showing one more record of 2020 year . It should not shown
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Updated by priyanka Sharma almost 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202304211319-paqgi.png clipboard-202304211319-paqgi.png added
- Subject changed from I have created new web user & new return upload of today's date but in history it is showing one more record of 2020 year with TBR resubmit comments. to I have created new web user & new return upload of today's date but in history it is showing one more record of 2020 year . It should not shown
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Mohd Irfan almost 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Dharmanshu Gupta to sunil gupta
Updated by sunil gupta almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
data is coming from old records.