Bug #5753
openAdmin --> click on profile dropdown -->Change password --> "New password" and "confirmed password" are different even then admin is able to change the password and the system throws 2nd time "your password updated successfully"
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Step to reproduce the bug:
"New password" and "confirmed password" are different even then admin is able to change the password and the system throws "your password updated successfully"
Both passwords should be the same then admin is able to change the password
See attached screenshot:
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Admin --> click on profile dropdown -->Change password --> "New password" and "confirmed password" are different even then admin is able to change the password and the system throws "your password updated successfully" to Admin --> click on profile dropdown -->Change password --> "New password" and "confirmed password" are different even then admin is able to change the password and the system throws 2nd time "your password updated successfully"
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202302071146-tonvu.png clipboard-202302071146-tonvu.png added
- File clipboard-202302071146-xt6td.png clipboard-202302071146-xt6td.png added
- Description updated (diff)