Bug #5687
closedInternal Insurance --> AM Best Cair --> Balance Sheet -PropertyCasualty & Balance Sheet - LifeHealth--> According to the given formula the coming value is different, need to do calcultion correctly
Start date:
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Step to reproduce the bug:
Balance Sheet Property Casualty -> According to the given formula the coming value is different, need to do calcultion correctly
See attached screenshot:
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Internal Insurance --> AM Best Cair --> Balance Sheet -PropertyCasualty --> According to the given formula the coming value is different, need to do calcultion correctly to Internal Insurance --> AM Best Cair --> Balance Sheet -PropertyCasualty & Balance Sheet - LifeHealth--> According to the given formula the coming value is different, need to do calcultion correctly
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202302011739-eo5f9.png clipboard-202302011739-eo5f9.png added
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
This issue has been verified
see attached screenshot: