Bug #5665
closedInternal Ins--> AM Best Cair -->Income Statement --> Proper Need to show Total values as per the given formula ( means if "G" value is given and other cells have "G+f-o" please you need to put G value on other cell if another value appears or not )
Start date:
Due date:
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Step to Reproduce the bug:
Need to show Total values as per the given formula ( means if G value is given and other cells have "G+f-o" please you need to put G value on other cell if another value appears or not )
See attached screenshot:
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Internal Insurance --> AM Best Cair --> Need to show Total values as per the given formula ( means if "G" value is given and other cells have "G+f-o" please you need to put G value on other cell if another value appears or not ) to Internal Ins--> AM Best Cair -->Income Statement --> Proper Need to show Total values as per the given formula ( means if "G" value is given and other cells have "G+f-o" please you need to put G value on other cell if another value appears or not )
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202302011723-uq0ls.png clipboard-202302011723-uq0ls.png added
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Issue has been verified
see attached screenshot: