Bug #4888
openReport->Consolidate Report->Insurance->B7-Ins. Fund Requirements-->Text below the form--> Need to ask once with client, that Is she required this instruction text below the for or not? If YES then fine otherwise need to remove this instruction text.
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Report->Consolidate Report->Insurance->B6-DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS-->Text below the form--> Need to ask once with client, that Is she required this instruction text below the for or not? If YEA then fine otherwise need to remove this instruction text.
Updated by arti saraswat over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Report->Consolidate Report->Insurance->B7-Ins. Fund Requirements-->Text below the form--> Need to ask once with client, that Is she required this instruction text below the for or not? If YEA then fine otherwise need to remove this instruction text. to Report->Consolidate Report->Insurance->B7-Ins. Fund Requirements-->Text below the form--> Need to ask once with client, that Is she required this instruction text below the for or not? If YES then fine otherwise need to remove this instruction text.