Bug #4682
openReport-->Consolidated report-->Credit unions-->go with "CU1-SUPP F- CONCENTRATION"-->The column "Performing per Agreement? Yes/No" is missing at report end while this column is the part of client provided excel sheet. Is it client requirement.?
Start date:
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% Done:
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Report-->Consolidated report-->Credit unions-->go with "CU1-SUPP F- CONCENTRATION"-->The column "Performing per Agreement? Yes/No" is missing at report end while this column is the part of client provided excel sheet. Is it client requirement.
report end:
excel sheet:
Updated by arti saraswat over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Report-->Consolidated report-->Credit unions-->go with "CU1-SUPP F- CONCENTRATION"-->The column "Performing per Agreement? Yes/No" is missing at report end while this column is the part of client provided excel sheet. Is it client requirement. to Report-->Consolidated report-->Credit unions-->go with "CU1-SUPP F- CONCENTRATION"-->The column "Performing per Agreement? Yes/No" is missing at report end while this column is the part of client provided excel sheet. Is it client requirement.?