Bug #4640
openReport ->Consolidated Report-->Credit Unions-->Go with Form "CU7-PEARLS RATING"-->Need to maintain the design and format of very first 3 heading rows (It should look like as lfsc in terms of design and format)
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Report Consolidated Report-->Credit Unions-->Go with Form "CU7-PEARLS RATING"-->Need to maintain the design and format of very first 3 heading rows (It should look like as lfsc in terms of design and format)
Updated by arti saraswat over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Report Consolidated Report-->Credit Unions-->Go with Form "CU7-PEARLS RATING"-->Need to maintain the design and format of very first 3 heading rows (It should look like as lfsc in terms of design and format) to Report ->Consolidated Report-->Credit Unions-->Go with Form "CU7-PEARLS RATING"-->Need to maintain the design and format of very first 3 heading rows (It should look like as lfsc in terms of design and format)