Bug #4631
openReport-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU5B-RECONCILE ALL AND EQUITY"--> PDF & EXCEL generate button should be at one time and on top too for single form, while here every section having different different pdf button.
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Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU5B-RECONCILE ALL AND EQUITY"--> PDF & EXCEL generate button should be at one time and on top too for single form, while here every section having different different pdf button.
Updated by arti saraswat over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from a to Report-->Consolidate report-->Credit Unions-->Go with form "CU5B-RECONCILE ALL AND EQUITY"--> PDF & EXCEL generate button should be at one time and on top too for single form, while here every section having different different pdf button.
- Description updated (diff)
- Assignee set to rohit wadhwa
- Priority changed from Normal to High