Bug #4300
openLFSC-->Return Upload-->validate form-->go with AFSC panel-->Approved-->Notification count at notification bell comes after refresh that Dashboard page, while count should update automatically as soon as action taken by admin.
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
LFSC-->Return Upload-->validate form-->go with AFSC panel-->Approved-->Notification count at notification bell comes after refresh that Dashboard page, while count should update automatically as soon as action taken by admin.
Updated by arti saraswat over 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202209161746-pwbnn.png clipboard-202209161746-pwbnn.png added
- Subject changed from s to LFSC-->Return Upload-->validate form-->go with AFSC panel-->Approved-->Notification count at notification bell comes after refresh that Dashboard page, while count should update automatically as soon as action taken by admin.
- Description updated (diff)
- Assignee set to rohit wadhwa