Bug #4190
closedForget Password > check issues below.
1. Forget Password > Entered email id from which i have registered > didn't recieved any verification OTP on mail.
2. Forget Password > Entered Symbols in the Email text field and tap on Send > Gets navigated to the verification Screen.
3. Verification Screen > Re-send timer count-down is freezed.
4. Verification Screen > I just tapped the Send button leaving OTP Box blank > I get navigated to the Reset Password Screen.
5. Verification Screen > I have Entered symbol (.) in the OTP box > Get navigated to the Reset Password Screen.
6. Reset Password Screen > Eye button is not working.
7. Reset Password Button is not working.
Updated by Shubham J over 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202209121254-v2zdb.png clipboard-202209121254-v2zdb.png added
- File clipboard-202209121255-5qhsf.png clipboard-202209121255-5qhsf.png added
- File clipboard-202209121255-mjdci.png clipboard-202209121255-mjdci.png added
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Shubham J over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Reopened
1. Not Fixed.
3. Not Fixed.
4. New Issue:- A) Without Received any OTP on mail, I have entered OTP, I get navigated to the Reset Password
B) Change the Text of Send Button :- "sendbtn" to "Send".
Updated by Shubham J over 2 years ago
- File 1663743514609.JPEG 1663743514609.JPEG added
Shubham J wrote in #note-4:
1. Not Fixed.
3. Not Fixed.
4. New Issue:- A) Without Received any OTP on mail, I have entered OTP, I get navigated to the Reset Password
B) Change the Text of Send Button :- "sendbtn" to "Send".