Bug #2693
openMF--> (J.) Total Assets (Of Which Assets Denominated In EC Dollars) should be in single line as per lfsc panel ( Need to remove extra "Total Assets" field)
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Step to reproduce bug:
1. Login with Admin panel
2. Go with Report section
3. consolidated report
4. select sector (mf)
MF--> (J.) Total Assets (Of Which Assets Denominated In EC Dollars) should be in single line as per lfsc panel ( Need to remove extra "Total Assets" field)
see attached screenshot:
Updated by Mohd Irfan almost 3 years ago
- Subject changed from MF--> (J.) Total Assets (Of Which Assets Denominated In EC Dollars) should be in single line as per lfsc panel ( Need to remove extra Total Assets field) to MF--> (J.) Total Assets (Of Which Assets Denominated In EC Dollars) should be in single line as per lfsc panel ( Need to remove extra "Total Assets" field)
- Description updated (diff)