Bug #2186
closedInsurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b) --->Bug-->1 Need to extend character length all field. Bug-->2 The first row takes alphabet only and the second row takes alphanumeric along with special characters
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
1. Insurance Manager
2. Insurance Manager
3. Schedule 4
4. Qus.4(b)
Bug 1--> Need to extend character length all field.
Bug 2--> The first row takes alphabet only and the second row takes alphanumeric along with special characters
Bug 3--> Number of shareholders can't fall in the negative ( put validation message)
Bug 4--> shareholders field should be numeric
See attached screenshot:
Updated by Mohd Irfan almost 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b) --->Bug-->1 Need to extend character length. Bug-->2 The first row takes alphabet only and the second row takes alphanumeric along with special characters to Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b) --->Bug-->1 Need to extend character length all field. Bug-->2 The first row takes alphabet only and the second row takes alphanumeric along with special characters
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Mohd Irfan over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.