



Bug #12483


Add Election - Make validation for all fields & display error messages as per below instructions. Implement same on edit election

Added by priyanka Sharma about 2 months ago. Updated about 2 months ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Validation Rules:

Election Type:
Mandatory Field: The election type must be selected.
Validation: If not selected, display: Please select an election type.

Election Start Date:
Mandatory Field: Please select an election start date.
Future Date Only: The date must be today or in the future.
Validation: If a past date is selected, display: The election start date cannot be in the past.

Election Start Time:
Mandatory Field: Election start time must be entered.
Future Time: If the start date is today, the time must be the current time or in the future.
Validation: If a past time is selected, display: The election start time cannot be in the past.

Election Due Time:
Mandatory Field: Election due time must be entered.
After Start Time: The due time must be after the start time on the same day.
Validation: If not met, display: The election due time must be after the start time.

Election Result Date:
Mandatory Field: Election result date must be entered.
The result date must be on or after the election start date, can be the same day as the election ends, and may also be a future date.
Validation: If not met, display: The election result date must be on or after the election start date.

Election Nominee Start Date:
Mandatory Field: The nominee start date must be selected.
Before Election Start Date: It must occur before or on the election start date.
Validation: If not met, display: The election nominee start date must be on or before the election start date.

Election Nominee End Date:
Mandatory Field: Nominee end date must be selected.
Between Nominee Start Date and Election Start Date: It must occur after the nominee start date and on or before the election start date.
Validation: If not met, display: The election nominee end date must be between the nominee start date and the election start date.

Election Position:
Mandatory Field: Election position must be selected.
Validation: If not selected, display: Please select an election position.


clipboard-202501270315-r7qun.png (276 KB) clipboard-202501270315-r7qun.png priyanka Sharma, 01/27/2025 12:45 PM
Actions #1

Updated by priyanka Sharma about 2 months ago

  • Subject changed from Add Election - Make validation for all fields & display error messages as per below instructions to Add Election - Make validation for all fields & display error messages as per below instructions. Implement same on edit election
Actions #2

Updated by Mohit Rana about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

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