Bug #12391
openThe pagination is not working correctly. It always shows the same range and total entries on every page. check issue throughout the app
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For example:
If there are 30 total entries and 10 entries per page, the current display shows:
Page 1: "1 to 10 of 10 entries"
Page 2: "1 to 10 of 10 entries"
Page 3: "1 to 10 of 10 entries"
The expected behavior should display the correct range and total entries for all pages:
Page 1: "1 to 10 of 30 entries"
Page 2: "11 to 20 of 30 entries"
Page 3: "21 to 30 of 30 entries"
Updated by priyanka Sharma 2 months ago
- Subject changed from The pagination is not working correctly. It always shows the same range and total entries on every page. to The pagination is not working correctly. It always shows the same range and total entries on every page. check issue throughout the app