Bug #12258
open1. Client Feedback --> How do you delete past, current, and future events from the Event List?
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Developer and Dharamveer sir comment:
Comment : No need to add these features and explain to you why and you have agreed.
As long as we can cancel the events, change dates, times, invitees, and items to bring (wish list).
Updated by Mohd Irfan about 2 months ago
- Tracker changed from Modification/ Enhancements to Bug
- Subject changed from 1. How do you delete past, current, and future events from the Event List? to 1. Client Feedback --> How do you delete past, current, and future events from the Event List?
Updated by Anisha Kumari about 1 month ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
As per discussion with Dharamveer sir, status field is added in edit event form. You can cancel event by setting status value->cancel.